* facepalms* person, you already posted that same thing here, give it a rest please.
i love the idea behind this deck and am a fan of the stars myself. though i can't think of any reccomendations at this point, i wish you good luck and reccomend you check out my Bant on Sterroids deck if you wanna see how i use Jugan.
you know, noone really ever looks at many of my decks, your attempts in my decklists will most likely be in vain save for the miser's friend which you've already posted in. plus the 8-10 comments i had to check on really annoyed me.
no problem, only reason i know about the shaman is because it was among the first cards i got and as such i hold it near and dear to my heart, while i'm recycling my auras and showing my opponents why they should be careful against some creatures.
ahh good old owls, a guy i play against was running a bird deck that was rather owl heavy for a while. they are always fun to be running though hahaha.
* barely containing hysterical laughter at the comments so as to avoid funny looks* as for the deck itself, Angels and Demons working together? i hope that the threat that pulls these two groups together will never be me hahaha.
i don't get why this is unloved at this point, it seems well constructed and thought out, granted, i'd swap in or at least sideboard a few creatures with flying or reach to protect you from airborne threats.
so many curses, one boon to your opponents, witchbane orb ahahahahahahaha. anyways, looks like it is fun to play, perhaps a bit on the lightly defended side of things though, especially against decks that are very creature heavy like my elf deck, or a token generating deck. If this were running green in it, and if i knew for certain whether you were going for standard or not, i'd reccomend dowsing shamans, 5 drops that can recycle aura's ( this includes your curses). anyways, i'd better stop before this turns into a rant and gets people irritated at me hahaha.
definitely would use needle drop, i'm a bit iffy about the dragon mage's mana cost though
yeah, red draw is a pain hahaha, i was tempted to put some into my learn n' burn deck but decided not to due to the abundance of blue draw in it.
it's a thought, i'll give it a try after i playtest this
that it did
i'd think about adding a couple more basic lands and swap out anything that you may not find necessary.
finally! a blue/green deck from you.
cool, just make sure to keep an eye out for more life leeching spells. i'm sure this deck could go from "just okay" to " the stuff of nightmares" or something slightly less dramatic but still with some praise. if you're interested in looking at one of my favorite decks that i made check out learn 'n burn http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=380362
interesting deck, you'll have to post how well it does in a game.
wow O_O crazy deck
i don't know what to make of this deck hahahahaha.
thanks for your thoughts. It is fun as hell to play. i'm kinda hoping i can get my hands on the new version of niv mizzet when it comes out. i also enjoy the fact that with all the spells running around in it, this deck can hold its own even without the niv-mizzet i have.
very sneaky deck i have no advice to offer, but if any of you guys could take a look at my learn 'n burn deck and offer some advice, i'd be pretty thankful. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=380362 --pyrothos
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