i'd reccomend swapping out a whip of erebos or two alongside a couple diregraf ghouls for a stromgald crusader or two and a couple putrid imps, they'd help you out with discarding and give you at least a light defense against flying creatures, plus, they cost 1 and 2 so they won't be driving the mana curve way up like those zombies that have flying without payment.
there's a small list of banned and restricted cards for edh/commander, i don't got a link, but i know one that's on the restricted list last time i heard ( kokusho, the evening star) essentially, anything in the restricted list is a no go as commander but can be part of the rest of the deck, here are my two if you want to see a couple other edh decks without having to searchhttp://www.mtgvault.com/pyrothos/decks/jund-judgement/http://www.mtgvault.com/pyrothos/decks/momir-vig-notso-simic-edh/in my experience, edh is a interesting and somewhat challenging format to play and i highly reccomend at least trying it if you haven't played a game before ( just make sure to look up the rules to make sure you've got them).
ahh, right command zone, knew i was forgetting something, the commander is in a seperate zone of teh field until you cast it, the first casting is the normal price, then you add 2 generic to teh mana cost for each time it's died ( IE, marrow gnawer would cost 5 the first time, then it's cost 7 if it died) when a commander dies, if memory serves, you can put it back in teh command zone or to the graveyard, though i may be wrong on this point.
personally, i found the name to be clever, i got no ideas on stuff to add though, standard isn't a format i play very often if at all haha.
EDH stands for Elder dragon highlander ( A.K.A commander) it's a format where you build a 100 card deck containing no more than 1 copy of anything other than basic lands that is built around teh color identity of a legendary creature that is known as the commander of the deck. essentially, it's played the same as a normal game save for you start with 40 life, there's a different way of taking a mulligan, and if you take 21 or more points of damage from your opponent's commander, you lose. anyone got something else to add on the matter that i may have missed?
it looks as though it has the potential to easily bring down some of the bigger scarier, more overrated creatures in mid to late game, all the buff artifacts paired with the rats that get bigger with others will make for some truly formidable forces, other than some of the points pointed out in the other comments, i'd say this is a pretty good EDH deck save for the lack of stuff to block flying, though you may be able to hold off a flight heavy deck for a while by using kill spells and playing a little aggressively and forcing your opponent into bad blocks.
first time i've seen a tribal rat EDh deck haha, how well does it play out?
the great thing about those three is they're all cheap to buy/order.
woot! rocking the firemind! if you can get your hands on one i reccomend blue sun's zenith, i'd also reccomend checking out http://www.mtgvault.com/pyrothos/decks/learn-n-burn/ sure, it's not an edh, but i followed teh same idea when making it and you might find something interesting to look into.
seems like it
gotcha, how well does this play out in an edh game?
i'm presuming rhys the redeemed is your commander here. keep in mind, black isn't in your commander's color identity, so you won't be able to regen rhys the exiled with it's own ability, so you'd be relying on ezuri for that, fist of suns is pretty much useless here because you can't generate mana that isn't in your commander's color identity, it just turns to generic mana.sorry if this irritates you but someone'd point it out anyways.
counters, counters everywhere haha, looks good, if i think of anything i'll post.
Viridain joiner works very well with the joraga warcaller/ immaculate magistrate combo. maybe think about swapping in some stuff with reach, I know Ezuri's archers and thornweald archer are two elf examples.
i'd hate to play against it haha.
though i have no specific recommendations, check out this deck i built to take advantage of the firemind, maybe you can get a few good ideas from it.http://www.mtgvault.com/pyrothos/decks/learn-n-burn/
this deck looks like it'd hold it's own in a lot of circumstances, well done.here's my elf deck if you wanna take a look at it: http://www.mtgvault.com/pyrothos/decks/elves-elves-and-more-elves/
nice deck, The Izzet always were my favorite guild haha. I built a deck to take advantage of Niv-Mizzet, the firemind and it is my current favorite deck to run.http://www.mtgvault.com/pyrothos/decks/learn-n-burn/ the above mentioned deck if you wanna check it out.
you did away with doomgape too haha
interesting deck, i got no reccomendations because idk what's in standard.
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