looks like a bit of fun to run, how does it work out in a game?
it's not even his deck... unless he has two accounts.
yeah, i just gotta check with the guys at the local hobby shop, someone'll have one i can trade for or buy.
mmhmm, just gotta get a swans of Bryn Argoll
plus, swans fits into my deck fine due to the hybrid mana costs
mmhmm, and niv mizzet, the firemind ( definitely in my top 3 favorite dragons, he dishes out a point of damage to any target when his controller draws a card) which means that with a lab maniac i can get a win simply by making myself draw the whole deck
learn n' burn, or the card i want?
O_O just found a card i want for my learn n' burn deck, i could trigger infinite draws!
ok, first off, KNIGHTS! second off, in a 60 card deck such as this, i usually run 20 lands, but considering the relatively low mana costs of this deck, 18 lands may work out fine. I would also put in a few knights with flying, but considering your selection of removal and control cards in this deck, they may not be necessary. anyways, i'm gonna stop ranting now haha.
seems well made, how well does it play out in a game?
Conspiracy definitely would help out a lot hahaha
here it is, Jund Judgemnt EDH versionhttp://www.mtgvault.com/pyrothos/decks/jund-judgement-edh/
hahahaha, i run an edh deck that runs either kresh or karrthus, depending on which one i want to run that game, still haven't gotten it posted though, maybe that'll be an undertaking for later today...
way to go, An edh deck running Doran should prove rather chaotic in a game of edh. dunno what to reccomend right now though.
glad someone besides me is laughing, not sure it's for the same reasons of course haha.
* facepalms* yep, gonna start trying to ignore this guy...
i already did, please for the love of all that is sane QUIT BUGGING ME! sorry, lost control for a second, but seriously, please stop.
defender kills woot! i made a deck that works with high toughness creatures and turning their toughnesses into damage output. ( the best defense: http://www.mtgvault.com/pyrothos/decks/the-best-defense/)
it would be a good idea to take this guys advice and add in more options.
hooray! more artifacts!
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