and that would be perfect haha
and if axebane dies?
Doran also requires some white mana to cast ( yeah yeah, i know, stating the obvious...). if you want to see my defender deck ( not really so much defender as boasting a lot of creatures with high toughness) then check it out:
green may or may not be a good idea here, it really just depends on how you play the deck, i personally love running karrthus ( my commander in my edh deck) though i also like running a plain red deck for the more expensive dragons in my collection.
hooray! dragons everywhere! maybe a dragonspeaker shaman or two, i have no clue what you'd switch them in place of though.
looks well done, perhaps protective bubble or whispersilk cloak could help the deck out, but i'm not sure haha, it'd depend on how well the deck plays out in a game.
i think you refer to mycosynth golem, which also gives affinity for artifacts to artifact creatures.
whispersilk cloak would go good with an unblockable theme.
oh my, the Praetors have crashed the party hahaha
wow, i need to update this big time, i'm not even running angel of mercy in this deck anymore.
closest thing i have to a knight deck is my bant of sterroids deck, but it also runs a lot of counter-related cards, like clockspinning.
no, Dragonwolf, just very annoyed and tired haha, plus that guy had put the same comment on all but 1 of my decklists and many others, so while laughing it was mainly at the absurdity of the situation.
thanks for the compliment though haha.
haha, this is one of my current project decks ( one i'm working on bettering). i just haven't updated it in a while so it's got a few things that i haven't gotten added in, like a cast through time for more drawing capabilities and more burnage.
legend, i dunno bout that, perhaps, a cursed player who can't ever seem to build himself a decent deck, but can seem to build great decks for others, but not a legend hahaha
well, i run a goblin deck that runs a pair of voracious dragons but that'd kill the whole thought behind this particular deck. hmm... i know i rely on dragon whelp more than really any other dragon i run in any of my decks ( sad as it is to say, this is true, i've gotten more kills with dragon whelp than Karrthus or any of my other dragons haha). granted dragon whelp is a 4 drop for a 2/3 that dies if you pump it up more than twice, so it may not be your style. a very dragonlike enchantment i run in my burn deck is Form of the Dragon, but it's a 7 drop that essentially turns you into a 5/5 flying dragon that can't be blocked and can't be touched by creatures without flying, but once again, this may not be your style ( as you may have noticed if you looked at my decklists, i like to run dragons where i can, even having one in my mettallic screams deck). oh! maybe a crucible of fire ( a card that gave me the impression of being unloved when i read an article on it)to make your already huge dragons even bigger. though i don't own one, i highly reccomend Dragonmaster outcast if you don't mind the cost of buying one, it's a 1 drop that gives you a 5/5 flying dragon each turn if you have 6 or more lands on your side of the field, which would just add to the token madness of this deck and further enrage your opponents. other than this, just go onto a site that offers information on various cards and do a search for the dragon creature type, you'd be amazed at what you can find.
nothing i can think of without drastically changing the deck haha.
you provided all the info i wanted haha, if you want to see my take on an izzet deck containing cards from many different sets, take a look at my deck "Learn n' burn".
wow, a red mana ramp deck full of those loveable fire-breathers, kudos on the deck, does it play out well in a game?
hooray! knights with flanking and cavalry masters! i'd reccomend getting a few artifacts or enchantments to give your creatures flying.
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