this actually looks like a strong deck, besides the inconsistency from having lots of one ofs. i'd suggest getting your card count down to 60, just so the single cards don't get REALLY lost in amongst the deck. otherwise, i like what this deck does. if i could change it, i would: drop knight of sursi drop mindstorm crown (your deck has too much of a varied mana curve to utilize this card properly) drop riftmarked knight drop deathbringer liege and i'd increase the number of copies of the following: divinity of pride (it's a bomb) darien, king of kjeldor stuffy doll and i'd add: white knight (for pestilence) there's my two cents.
thanks! =D
haha glad to hear someone else love this card as well. loving it! just thought i'd clear up the whole mill thing though. i often found that even if i was controlling a player's hand, it wasn't quite enough. but with perplex you get the opportunity to branch out into other cards. the transmute ability lets me search for other 3 cost spells.... and the first 3 cost that popped into my head was Mind Funeral. another unbelievable card. so with this deck i have the opportunity to transmute a perplex out to search for a mind funeral if i don't feel like making them discard is advantageous enough at that point in the game. it's also an excellent strategy against combo decks and the like, which rely on certain key cards to function. and with forced fruition, it's also a finisher. i've played multiplayer games with a deck similar to this and it's awesome. early game you're all about blasting their hands and denying them plays.... and then mid-game you can start racking up the damage with cards like wheel and deal and forced fruition. especially against multiple players..... but where the mill comes in is in the long games. if you get off a fairly early mill spell or two against a slow control deck, they are crippled for the rest of the game. a few turns down the line, mill them again and it's game over. the one card i'm missing here though is 4x memory jar. oh my god that thing would EAT other decks for breakfast. in fact i'm going to make a new version with memory jar included. it's just too good to miss.
yeah this deck is a bit of a mess. ajani's pridemate has no real place in this deck unless just about every card is giving you life. same with felidar sovereign. you've almost got a decent weenie deck. just need to make some of the creatures 4x and add in a little removal like oblivion ring. oh, and 16 lands is WAY too little. you need at least 20.
dude this deck is awesome. tell you what, stick winter orb and a playset of Gush in this deck and it would own everything.
well it would be annoying to play against, that's for sure.... but you've really go no solid way of winning. and also, if they manage to resolve something nasty, you're screwed. i'd suggest 4x boomerang and 4x eye of nowhere to get rid of stuff on the board (usually their lands!) and if you're going the denial route (which you seem to be) you should drop the mill cards in favour of some consistent damage, such as in the recent (very successful) tournament deck, Owling Mine. the deck had these cards: Ebony Owl netsuke Howling mine and also you could add Black Vise as well, for awesome damage. and then if you wanted to be the most annoying you could possibly be, add Winter Orb. this thing shuts down decks like no other card ever printed. but you'll be fine of course because most counterspells only cost 2. some spells are free! frantic search snap both are essentially free to cast. gush also free to cast and it lets you keep dropping fresh lands when you've got a winter orb in play, as well as filling your hand. it's amazing. well anyway that's my two cents.
awful lot of high-cost creatures here and if i'm honest, not much reason to be splashing for red. you'd be better off dropping red, upping your land count for forests and plains, and adding in Ruin Ghost to flicker your lands to trigger landfall. also, you're missing out on Emeria Angel in white, which has awesome landfall stuff. (plus it's cheap to cast) and of course terramorphic expanse. which is a landfall bomb. you're welcome =D.
looks pretty solid, although you're going to have a REALLY vulnerable early game. fast aggro will own this deck without too much trouble. late game you'll dominate. you just need to make some changes to make your deck more survivable. perhaps a playset of boomerang would do the trick. you can boomerang their lands and delay them until the mid-game when you've got the clear advantage.
i agree. ranger of eos is awesome. i don't own any myself but i really want a playset.
also, howling mine is an artifact. that's a big deal when you're considering metalworker's ability. honestly there isn't a better card to fill the role of howling mine in this deck (apart from font of mythos, maybe) and finally, remember that the more stuff your opponent plays, the more they have to lose when a Balance resolves. letting them draw cards is just fine. you'll just sit there sweeping the board with your masticore and waiting to play a board/land/hand sweeper.
thanks for your reply. i'll address your points in order: - i don't own lodestone golem. *shrug*. there are better cards than that but i don't own them. - i also don't own scourglass, although i tend to agree with you on that one. it's a great card. - myr servitor is handy because they come back from the graveyard every turn. they create re-usable tinker targets. myr retriever is also handy and i own some so i'll try both and see what happens. the low mana cost was another factor in choosing the servitor. - howling mine isn't in the deck to gain any kind of card-drawing advantage. it's there purely to fuel the metalworker and masticore, and do it every single turn reliably. in that regard, it works perfectly and you'd be a fool to take it out. - silence (i have found from experience) is one of the more useful cards in the deck. it can deny your opponent an entire turn of spellcasting (basically functioning as a time walk in the early game or after a balance) or it can be used to push through your own spells (such as tinker). it's not out of place here, because this deck doesn't have any counter magic of its own. denial is the tactic. - oblivion ring is a catch-all removal card. it gets rid of planeswalkers, enchantments, artifacts and the occasional wayward creature. it basically protects the entire deck, so i'm not sure how you could say it's out of place. it even counteracts other oblivion rings. it's a superb card that fits in here just fine.
drop the ajani's mantra for 4 more creatures. you'll get more triggers from the soul sisters that way, and also gain far more board presence. if i were to suggest 4 replacement cards, i would suggest something along the lines of 4x emeria angel. that way you get loads of soul triggers and your pridemate gets huge. another good card to shove in there somewhere is honor of the pure.... that way your warden and attendant actually get to DO something in the game rather than sit there and gain life. Ajani goldmane can fulfill a similar purpose.
good advice i agree, but in reality i doubt people will be bothered much by them in casual magic. at least, not from experience! lol. i could be wrong. my friends and I just play with our collections. we have no interest in restricted or banned lists, because most of the time we don't have the combo pieces that made such cards broken. tinker is a powerful card, true, but unless you have a darksteel colossus in your deck i doubt anyone will complain much.
yeah. grave titans are sorely needed.
path and archive trap is a good combination. up the howling mine and font of mythos count to 4 each. at least 3x jace beleren is needed here, i feel. maybe 4 ajani goldmane is sort of floundering in this deck a bit. he belongs more in a white weeny setup. forced fruition is a good card here. and really, with all those howling mine effects, why aren't you playing: Black Vise Ebony Owl Netsuke they should be auto includes. especially with howling mine, forced fruition and memory erosion on the table.
what the other guy said. consistency is key. what you want is 4x roar of the wurm. that card is a bomb.
is it just me or are slivers just massively overpowered? i remember 10 years ago, some dude i knew made a Sliver Queen deck, which was disgustingly good. like faeries only 10x worse =). mind you, if you've got the money, power to ya. you'll win games at least.
mine too. it's a complete bomb if it doesn't get doom bladed or whatever. lightining greaves is a cheap way to protect it, i reckon.
haha this deck is crazy. only two crazy card missing: Death's Shadow sign in blood =D
oh and if you wanted acceleration for white, you're better off using something that doesn't make you waste a land. path to exile (functions as removal but you can also target one of your own creatures and get a land. very good card to own) lotus petal lotus bloom flagstones of trokair remote farm (excellent first-turn play) fountain of cho (this one is a good mid-game booster) there's plenty out there. even something like Worn Powerstone can be useful, really. but i'd advise against saccing a land unless you have ways of getting lands back in your hand, such as Tithe Land Tax
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