yeah i'm going to say i actually like this quite a bit. small suggestion: there is a neat card in Besieged which would help a)achieving metalcraft for your angel b)be an awesome target for tezz c) replace preordain in your deck. ichor wellspring. colourless draw and potentially a 5/5 dude for bolstering your board position. if they kill it, you get a sweet draw. incidentally, control tends to favour one or two late-game bombs to swing the board back in your favour after stalling for ages..... might i suggest phyrexian juggernaut? maybe even one copy would prove an excellent late-game play, if you are tezz-ing other stuff you have in play as well you could (in one turn) get two 5/5s on the board out of nowhere. pretty crazy.
haha i LOVE the idea of racing against jace purely with proliferate. that's all kinds of funny =). yeah contagion engine is a BOMB in a control deck. but unfortunately it's a bit too niche for this deck. i'll try to explain why (bear with me lol) let's say you could potentially throw an engine out by turn 6, given the fact you may or may not have (or want to use) everflowing chalice by then. that's pretty late, and i'm not sure tapping out for Engine in the late game would strictly be a better play than - say - drop a necropede, use ajani's -1 ability, tap 4 and proliferate off a contagion clasp. engine is an awesome card, but being as infect creatures are strictly over-costed anyway, i need all the efficiency i can get, and proliferate (while awesome) probably isn't as good as just laying another creature on the board and applying pressure on my opponent. sorry if that was a little long winded... the general idea is that proliferate is a good sort of 'boost' for creatures, tumble magnets and poison counters.... but realistically i can just alpha-strike with a few beaters and win quicker, while using proliferate as a secondary strategy for smoothing out my deck, rather than winning. yes; i will win the occasional standstill-game with a contagion clasp, but for the most part i foresee just ramping through with a bunch of dudes. saying all this, i may put a single copy in the sideboard, just in case. haha
hey thar! thanks for the feedback. (i replied once but with my mate's computer and it showed up on the wrong account lol) yeah, i like the whole 'corrupting the good guys' theme. it's evident in the scars block, so it fits with making Ajani the next darth vader. it's funny.... he was pretty much the first card that came to my head when i first saw infect, but nobody else seems to have come to that conclusion....
also. priest of norn is a SWEET card. i'll work it into a deck for sure. unfortunately, ajani doesn't help him much (already has vigilance) and the tempered steel misses completely. next time, next time =).
haha hey m8. fancy seeing you here! uh. i'm gonna stick with 2 day of judgement. given that infect creatures pretty much just cost 2 or 4, having removal on the 4 spot as well is kind of junky. i'd like to be able to play removal for 1 (in their turn) after having cast a creature, and then untap for a second creature. the 2x day of J in there are purely as a failsafe against horde decks.
just a note on Silence, as a sideboard card. silence is perfect for decks that have a "big turn"... such as time seive decks. this deck is probably not so suited, because it aims to bash consistently, turn by turn, with a few removal exchanges, trades and tricks such as mimic vat. the problem with silence is it can't be used as a pseudo counterspell. if you play it in response to a spell, your opponent won't be able to play any *more* spells, sure, but the one they already played will resolve just fine.
yeah i'm currently working on a proper tournament sideboard. it's a little tricky because of only wanting infect creatures (so stuff like leonin relic warder is no good). i'm thinking phyrexian negator is probably good enough to play 3-of in sideboard, against control.
arid mesa is there purely to thin your deck. if you're taking 2 lands out of your deck by playing a mesa and cracking it, you'll be less likely to draw lands in later turns. it's a small effect but play enough games and it'll save you sooner or later.
lose. it's spelt lose.
thanks bud. means a lot to get a genuinely nice comment on one of my decks =).
come on guys. has nobody got any constructive criticism or card suggestions for this deck? it's ripe for stuff from the new set. go on, suggest something!
i've edited the deck description to follow your comment =). thanks!
doing nasty things with corpse cur and mimic vat is seriously fun. also, shuko is one of the best "goes-with-infect" cards i've seen so far. 0 to equip for a de-facto +2/+0 bonus is hard to turn down. slap it on a putrefax every turn and you're away.
ah-hah... yeah i forgot baneslayer had first strike as well. haha oh well. it's still insane =)
batman69, you're a douchebag. the decks on the front page should get there by MERIT and not cheating. if i made a good deck, i'd be happy to see it get popular because of the effort and strategy i'd put into building it. then you build some half-assed deck and cheat it to the top just so you can pretend to be good at deckbuilding. you, sir, are a lying, cheating, fraud, with no life. if you honestly have half an hour to spend writing hundreds of comments and then deleting them just to cheat on a casual strategy-sharing site then i really, really pity you, you worthless piece of sputum.
yeah it's pretty heavy on removal. i made it that way so that i wouldn't have to switch decks when playing multiplayer. it unsettles people when you may have 2 or more creature-kill cards in your hand at any given time. plus, koth is just an allstar. absolute winner of a card.
yeah the bouncing thing happened sort of by accident... i had a white weenie deck and suddenly realised how incredible the skyfisher would be in a load of other decks, so i turned my eye to any other cards with "comes into play" effects and infect reared its ugly head. it's an amazing card though. love it to bits.
you are exactly right about not having enough of certain cards, but if you'd read the description, you'd see that i made the deck from a bunch of cards i had lying around. i'm working on making a "proper" optimized version in the next week or so. then we'll see how it works. i prefer vines of vastwood to giant growth, because it also functions as a "counterspell" effect to protect your creatures, and also can be played on opponent's creatures to prevent them from pumping their own stuff. otherwise yeah. i can't wait to get this thing rolling. it's going to be a beast of a deck. tumble magnet is pretty incredible in a build like this (and panic spellbomb as well)
i've got 2x exsanguinate in there (which is usually enough if you're drawing your entire deck). i think that counts.
i would drop last kiss for plain ol' doomblade. you're not gaining much by life-leeching creatures by such a small amount. you'd be better off just killing them. and... only three nighthawks? ... and... no getekeeper of malakir? *gasp*!
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