i like this idea a lot. i'll see if i can work it in. it works really well with my temporary creatures and lack of board presence.
with all that draw you could capitalize on playing Balance in this deck as well. it's a neat way to deny your opponent card or board advantage.
ok... drop the grinding/blasting stations completely. they are slow for what they do and you can do much better for less time/mana. here's some stuff you probably need in this deck to make it awesome: - metalworker - tinker - scourglass - masticore (team this with metalworker and it's a beast) - howling mine (stops your masticore from eating your hand) - open the vaults (play this and you've won) - inkwell leviathan (tinker target) - platinum angel (tinker target) - darksteel colossus (tinker target) - elsewhere jar (tinker fodder, metalworker fodder, card draw and extra card draw when you open the vaults) you only really need to have one of each tinker target per deck. you don't want to find them in your hand really (if you do, drop them to the masticore and then get them back via open the vaults) basically the idea there is to drop a metalworker and some card draw, then either tinker into a win condition or lay a masticore. the metalworker pumps out obscene amounts of colourless mana which you can use to destroy the board with masticore. then just swing for victory. turn three darksteel colossus is just mean. lol. follow that up with tinker for scourglass and it's pretty much just game even in multiplayer.
actually the other guy raises a valid point. emrakul is a hard guy to get around. mostly you'll be wanting to remove their graveyard from the game while milling them. an interesting card to stick in this deck would be forced fruition. and with all that draw tech i'm surprised you aren't running ebony owl netsuke as an alternate win condition. and if you're running archive trap, you NEED path to exile, otherwise you'll be waiting forever for them to search.
a good card to try out here is forced fruition. sometimes it works better than haunting echoes (echoes isn't a great finisher because of ignoring lands etc.. so forced fruition can really finish the game sometimes). other great cards for cycling through people's libraries (and triggering jace's ingenuity): brainstorm wheel and deal windfall if you wanted to splash red, there are some awesome mill cards: burning inquiry wheel of fortune and lastly, if you're playing casual: memory jar.
i'd swap Copy Enchantment for something a bit more devastating. if you draw it in your opening hand it's a bit of a dead card. you don't want to have to rely on drawing cards in a certain order. maybe 2 copies of windfall. chain of smog is.... wait.... if they copy it back at you, do you get to copy it back at them again? THAT'S AMAZING. hahahahahaha *evil laugh* also urza's guilt is a solid card because you're making them draw before dumping cards. dark ritual is solid i guess (first turn megrim?) but it's not my pick. i'd put a functional card in there and build it up turn by turn. i just get fed up of drawing a turn 5 dark ritual and it is of no help to me whatsoever.
hey nice deck. couple of things to add to this for ya =D. 1) wheel of fortune. potential 14 damage. doubles to 28 if you've got more than one megrim/caress in play. even more crazy is if you fortune into another fortune. game over. simply just game over. 2) get rid of sarkhan and sorin. neither of them do anything for this deck. you'd be better off with three liliana. potential 3) memory jar. that card is a pretty much guaranteed 14 damage. looks good though.
thanks for the contribution. i think this may play out alright, although early game you're really open to threats from aggro. remember, the aperture can play any spell, not just artifacts.
heyhey. purple here (i set the challenge). couple of things: thanks for being the first to have a go at this! and rather than Restore Balance, wouldn't you just rather run Balance? that way it's playable even if you draw it in your hand. other than that, i like the general idea, although i think we can push it further =). keep thinking. i'm trying to brew up a deck where every card you play as a (draw a card) effect built into it. creatures, spells, whatever. rip something off your library with the Aperture when it has a "draw a card" effect will net you massive amounts of card advantage. i'm also thinking of sticking 4x memory jar in there too. we'll see.
against lifegain, my advantage is i'm also screwing with their hand. it's difficult for them to play their main threats and lifegain spells when i'm emptying their hand and they have to topdeck.
instead of call to mind, just go for more burn spells. stick it to their face! if you're spending 3 mana and not actually hurting your opponent in any way, in a burn deck, *you're doing it wrong*. burn burn burn burn burn. i recommend a burn-style creature such as mogg fanatic.
*gasp* no megrim? stick that bad boy in there! also, memory jar is a HOUSE in decks like this. and hymn to tourach. =D
i've not got recall in my deck =P. i've got recoil, though. haha tome scour is handy in a mill deck but it would drastically reduce the amount of damage i could do from discard. also by putting it in i'd have to take something else out. probably something that has a core purpose in the deck rather than just being a neat thing to play for one mana. either recall/call to mind seemed like a reasonable idea when i was making the deck, but it occurred to me that when you draw one of those spells from your library, you would much rather be actually drawing a win card or something which puts pressure on your opponent. so i dropped the idea of having a recall effect in the deck in favour of consistently drawing cards which screw up my opponent. every mana spent has to count towards fucking with my opponent's hand and life total somehow. spending 3 (or more) mana just to get a spell back when i can just draw new ones from the library seems like a bad deal. that's three mana i could be using to empty his/her hand and deal maybe 10 damage or more.
haha, interesting.... interesting... you're only allowed 4x sunpetal grove. the only cards you're allowed more of are basic lands and relentless rats. that's it. and also, i would advise cutting this down to 60 cards to keep it more consistent. maybe consider making some of the cards 4x instead of 1x or 2x. avatar of woe doesn't seem to fit in here somehow. hmm. like i said. interesting.
i dropped my card drawing tech in favour of recoil. we'll see how that goes. if it doesn't work out, i'll put the drawing tech back in. dream salvage is too situational. most of my discard spells will have me tapping out for the turn.
excellent suggestions. i'll tinker with what i've got and come up with something, because both of those cards seem like they fit.
haha i like this deck idea. fun times. only thing i would change would be to add some counter magic in there to keep things steady, bearing in mind you're not going to be able to play much in the way of creatures early in the game. swap out kraken hatchling for something better like fog bank (you'll never use Ula's temple to play the hatchling anyway) and i think maybe you could manage.
there's a couple of problems with your suggestions: 1) while the howling mine serves to fill my opponent's hand (something my other spells can already do), it also gives them more opportunities to kill me than i would like, and it takes valuable space out of my deck for cards that actually kill my opponent. in other words it's a dead card that gives my opponent more advantage than me. in another deck, sure. but this one runs wheel and deal/memory jar. 2) having 4 copies of black "fog" won't make my deck a turbofog deck. the likelihood is i'll probably draw one..... and if i'm going to draw one copy of something, i'd rather it be something that permanently deals with the creatures on the board. i.e. a board wipe spell (which i already have here)..... darkness just puts off the inevitable, so it's a bad choice for this deck, i'm sorry. in another deck your suggestions would probably be great, but i'm not running the standard discard suite.
although, i would add..... circle of protection black and rune of protection black DON'T work with pestilence very well. you have to activate the circle/rune of protection for EACH activation of pestilence, i.e. each single point of damage. you're much better off just having a spell which prevents the damage i.e. safe passage.
to the people saying protection from black doesn't work: white knight and pestilence have been a combo since the cards were printed. protection means that the card cannot suffer damage from a source of the colour it's protected from. regardless of the fact it's not targeted, it will recieve no damage. -1/-1 counters work, but hey, that's not damage.
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