yeah i'll have a look at your other deck. just one more comment: your deck's looking much more focused now. i think it'll do well. however, since you dropped the elspeth count to 1, you may as well get rid of your "gives flying" enchantments in favour of perhaps a second elspeth and for certain a couple more creatures. as it stands, you've got a big load of flying creatures and a very small number of non-flying creatures, which sort of makes your "gives flying" enchantments dead cards most of the time, when you could really be pushing your opponent back with extra threats and really making it hard work for them. if you wanted to give some extra stat bonuses to your creatures i recommend glorious anthem. it's a nice addition to honor of the pure (although i'd only run 2x) if you wanted to gain some life while keeping the pressure on, have a go with Soul Warden. it's a fairly cute card until you start sticking creatures down by the dozen. if your opponent is playing lots of creatures as well, it makes this card very worthwhile.
also, just in case you were interested, i ran through my deck of this type and found some more spells i put in there to make it run smoother: 2x traumatize (4x is perhaps too much, but it's a really awesome spell. maybe 3x would work well) 4x memory lapse (in this deck it's basically a hard counter, maybe cut a couple of mana leaks to stick this in there) the main thing is to make sure you're drawing lots of cards. but you also need to be able to protect yourself against board threats. final card: plumeveil. i think this one is pretty good. would fit in there well, i reckon. if you fancied splashing black or white into your deck, try to track down the following: mind funeral archive trap (this one is tricky to cast. you need to force your opponent to search their library.... and the best way to do this is with Path to Exile) path to exile (for the archive trap) jace beleren circu, dimir lobotomist. perplex (can transmute into other spells in your deck which is nice) those are all excellent cards.
lol. that's right, you fling those ornithopters. haha
oh and don't forget to stick either: feldon's cane or elixir of immortality in your deck. get all your cards back for the win. (or just put emrakul in your deck, same effect)
first off, if jace's erasure is your main card in the deck, put 4x in there and not 3. then, go for stuff like brainstorm (mill your opponent for 3) the trick is to get out multiple jace's erasure to multiply the milling effect. i've got a similar deck and it works great. cards to stick in there as well. 4x howling mine 4x rhystic study 4x tome scour and then honestly i'd just stick in a shit load of draw cards like ponder, opt, sleight of hand and a crapload of counterspells because lets face it you'll get owned by aggro decks. so put in 4x boomerang 4x mana leak 4x counterpell 4x snap (this one is essential) that should do it, i guess. for creatures, i'd stick 4x fog bank in there.
also, drop the coat of arms... given the decision to play the coat of arms, or just another angel... i would always pick the creature. keep your opponent on the back foot. and also, your deck will be slow. you need to make up for that by dominating the mid-game by constantly sticking down threats. cards like Silence can help, by effectively denying your opponent a turn (or pushing your threats on to the battlefield, if your opponent is playing control)
honestly i'd drop the luminarch ascension and opal archangel, as well as enlightened tutors (as tutors they are a very roundabout way of getting cheaper spells, let's be honest). that's 8 slots freed up to either make your deck more consistent (i.e. make your belbe's portal or urza's incubator 4x) or add wrath of god in there as well for theme-tastic goodness.
there's enough. oblivion ring functions as individual removal for tricky stuff and or everything else there's board wipe.
dude for the love of god (pun intended) stick wrath of god in this deck. themestastic! also day of judgment is another themic card.
quest for the gemblades gets sacrificed when it gets used. it's actually not that great =(. stick 4x obstinate baloth in there (amazing tempo card) also 4x garruck wildspeaker is great for a deck like this. also mitotic slime is a kickass addition. 4x for sure.
although in reality, razormane masticore is also pretty good and probably worth sticking in there. one thing to be wary of though. don't ever play more than one masticore at once. discarding two cards a turn is too much.
lol when i wrote Masticore i meant Masticore. it's a real bomb in artifact decks, especially with metalworker.
ok bear with me this may take a while. lots to improve here, but you have a decent deck in the making! O-rings are better because they take care of artifacts/enchantments/planeswalkers as well as creatures. you have too many 2x of things and not enough 4x and this will make your deck inconsistent. i'd run 4x sacred mesa (if that's your win condition). drop extraplanar lens (you're playing mono white! lol!) drop armored ascension. it's slow and you'd rather spend the mana playing a threat or making pegasus tokens. drop serra's blessing. most of your creatures have 1 toughness so it's fairly pointless. drop nimbus wings. most of your creatures have flying already. drop asha's favor for the same reason. (seriously why all the enchantments?) drop celestial mantle. it's nice but it won't win you games. it's more of a "win more" card than a "win" card. drop windborn charge (costs 4 and your creatures already have flying mostly... spend the mana on more creatures and you'll win the game faster) drop landbind ritual (if you need to play this to stay alive, you're not doing it right, lol. play more creatures!) replace all of those (now empty) slots with creatures! also try to fit an extra ajani goldmane in there. some suggestions for excellent threats to play: 4x honor of the pure 4x spectral procession more ajani goldmane (seriously he's a HOUSE in this deck) 4x kitchen finks (awesome card. gets you life and comes back when killed) 4x white knight (golden oldy but immune to doom blade and terror. that's a bonus) i would up your knight of the white orchid and transcendant master to 4x if you can. and 4x baneslayer angel in this deck is completely broken. do it. dooo iiiiit. also if you feel nasty and like denying your opponent whole turns (or just pushing your own spells through when someone's playing control) play 4x silence. that card is awesome. and FINALLY..... lol.. best card of all. Balance. if you can track a playset down, it should be in every white deck you ever make. it functions as wrath of god, armageddon and hymn to tourach all in one card for 2 mana. if you're losing board control sling down a balance and BOOM you're suddenly completely in control. best. card. ever.
you're missing one key element if your main thing is to trigger landfall abilities. Ruin Ghost. this guy flickers lands and triggers landfall. also great to trigger those "comes into play and X happens" lands as well. cool card. also i'd run 4x emeria angel. it's seriously too cool a card to have less than a full playset. and the other guy's right. more removal = good. 4x oblivion ring should sort you right out.
throw metalworker in there. and tinker. and 2 each of Masticore and Platinum Angel (to tinker for) and a single Darksteel colossus (to tinker for) and open the vaults. and i think you're set.
i'd add in 4x liliana's caress. it's basically megrim for one less mana. also actually sticking liliana in your deck is an amazing way to keep tempo rolling with discard. means you don't have to rely on having spells in hand to be doing damage. drop bloodchief ascension. you're most likely to be doing enough damage with your win conditions. instead stick some board sweeping spells in there. 4x damnation is pretty much an auto-include in this deck. you have almost no board control here, you need to work on that! in this deck, you NEED to have 4x sign in blood. the fact that it combos perfectly with underworld dreams/mind rot/megrim/liliana's caress is too good to miss. drop two of the howling mines for this. also if you've decided not to play standard, get rid of the mind rot and throw in hymn to tourach.
also, muddle the mixture can get metalworker straight up. which is useful.
oh and take out howling mine. it's useless in this deck. also, take out etherium sculptor if you're running with metalworker/grim monolith/mana vault/voltaic key. get rid of fabricate if you're running tinker, and get rid of ponder to instead run 4x of muddle the mixture. that way you can transmute to fabricate. easy. also run 4x seat of the synod for metalwoker to see in your hand. trust me it'll make it smoother. holy shit this deck looks awesome.
honestly i've got a few suggestions here that would make this deck nigh unbeatable. 1 - tinker (obvious really. it's a BOMB) 2 - metalworker (massive amounts of mana? yes please) 3 - lightning greaves (costs 4 less to equip than whispersilk cloak. yes please) 4 - phyrexian processor (if you can't lose the game, you need a way to win the game. this is one of the best) 5 - grim monolith (combine with voltaic key for the win) 6 - mana vault (also combine with voltaic key for the win) 7 - voltaic key (obvious really) then stick ethersworn canonist in there, and darksteel colossus and you're set. actually sounds like a kickass deck. might build it myself.
i second that. also, coat of arms etc. are completely pointless here, as the rats already give themselves the +1/+1 bonus. adding to this is just redundant and basically a "win more" card and won't help you win games you couldn't win already. take them out and replace them with acceleration/utility and you'll thank me for a deck that's actually competitive. 3x thrumming stone (4 is not necessary) 3x unearth (frankly disgustingly powerful card in this deck. pump your creatures and get a creature for one mana. yes please) 2x doom blade (you need some way of getting their flying creatures or fatties) 2x cruel edict (just in case they're playing black) 2x Damnation (to reset the board if you encounter something nasty) 2x sign in blood (speeds you up to account for the cards in your deck that aren't rats... can also be used as a finisher to get those last 2 points of damage) 2x demonic tutor (basically functions as all cards at once. win-win) 24x relentless rats (i think on balance, 24 is a good number) 20x lands of your choice. that should be a pretty powerful deck. more than half your non-land cards are relentless rats which means you'll get full value from your thrumming stones. should cascade through them nicely. but you also have some sizable and threatening board control with black's cheap removal spells, good draw and unrivaled tutoring power. obviously the numbers of cards can be tweaked around but i think there's a strong skeleton there for tweaking. you certainly don't need any of that coat of arms rubbish. 5 mana for something the rats already do? lol useless.
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