ah. turns out you were looking at an incomplete version of the deck! something went wrong when i was editing it earlier and it only posted 36 out of 60 cards...... i've added the rest that were supposed to be there and you can see it's much stronger as a complete deck, lol.
"I don't know if I like Necropotence" lol it's pretty much the most powerful black spell ever printed. if you don't like it that's fair enough but it's been singly responsible for more tournament wins than any other black card. promise of power could feasibly be taken out with the inclusion of necropotence (it wasn't originally in the deck and i needed card draw), and then i would indeed add korlash (who was originally there in the first place). consume spirit is indeed better although i wasn't aware of the difference until i checked just now. lol.
yeah needs to be mox pearl, lol.
there's a whole bunch of stuff not quite right with this deck. 1) too inconsistent. drop a load of the 2 ofs and make the remaining stuff 4 ofs. 2) no lightning bolt? huwhaaaa? 3)flame burst and pardic firecat (especially the cat) are inefficient for a burn deck. 4 mana for a 2/3 creature is massively below the curve. for example ball lightning is 6/1 for 3 mana. much better. 4) no goblin guide? huhwhahhahaaaaaaa? 5) bloodcrazed goblin is pretty much the worst goblin ever made. if you run out of burn (which should happen fairly quickly) or have to burn your opponent's creatures (which should happen often), you can't even attack. weeeeak. 6) arc runner doesn't have trample. it can therefore be blocked by a 1/1. it also has the same mana cost as ball lightning.... so just swap it for ball lightning. 7) flamekin brawler should be dropped because it doesn't actually do anything on its own. you'd be better off with a creature which can at least attack without having mana pumped into it. hellspark elemental is much better. 8) kiln fiend is better than chandra's spitfire because you can pump it just by casting spells, rather than actually having to deal damage. this means you can kill their creatures while pumping kiln fiend. 9) goblin grappler doesn't have much point here, i'll be honest. 10) assault strobe goes well with kiln fiend. very well in fact. lightning bolt, assault strobe, attack. 17 damage. seriously it's a blowout. 11) raging goblins have been updated. say hello to skitter of lizards, the new improved raging goblin that can actually be good in the late game. 12) shock has been updated. say hello to Burst Lightning. 13) you're missing a few important spells. they are as follows: - lightning bolt - ball lightning - hellspark elemental - hell's thunder - assault strobe - rift bolt - Burst lightning and you need some card draw to keep the burn spells coming. - browbeat - wheel of fate and if you want an X-cost finisher - banefire sprinkle with seething song and Lotus Bloom to taste.
yeah the problem i was facing with the negators was that i wanted the first-turn consistency with dark ritual... but then of course there's the problem of drawing one late-game. hopefully if you sweep the board well enough, you'll be able to actually stick one out in the late game to help you out. also, you never want to have more than one creature on the board as long as negator is around. it's too risky otherwise. lands are vulnerable too so keep them in your hand. but it's all good. i find it's a fin card to play around because it has such nice stats for 3 mana.
actually i think kiln fiend is strictly better than spitfire because all you have to do is play spells and it gets bigger. you don't have to do them damage for it to work (which means you don't have to have a megrim in play) goblin guide is probably the best turn-1 play available to you though. it's super-sweet and i would argue better than the spitfire or the kiln fiend. 2 damage straight out the bat is amazing. and also i would definitely drop mind rot for Skullscorch. bloodchief ascension is amazing and could potentially even be included instead of megrim. breaking point is a sweet-sweet removal spell to help your board position (or damage your opponent WAY above the curve in terms of mana) so it's a huge win-win card. browbeat can be a great utility card in this deck. you can play it on yourself to either damage your opponent or draw cards, or in the late game when you've got enough mana, you can make your opponent draw cards before you hit them with a discard spell to finish them off. it's brilliant. wheel of fate is astoundingly good here. it makes your opponent discard their hand (about the same turn as tyrannize would hit) but it also refills their hand so they're wide open to discard. it also refills YOUR hand full of those tasty discard spells you probably need round about turn 6 when you're running out of steam. it should be an automatic 4-of in this deck. but yeah. i love discard decks. they are sweeeeeet.
several things: too few lands. with a deck like this you want to be running around 22-24. sadistic sacrament is too mana-intensive to work here.... drop it in favour of some lands. sword of body and mind is nigh on useless in this deck with 6 creatures in the whole deck. you'd perhaps get to play one a game on average and it would either get destroyed or have to be used as a chump-blocker. drop the sword in favour of 4x thrummingbird to help the grindclock. hedron crab is useless unless you beef up your land some more. so drop the screeching silcaw in favour of more land. painful quandary doesn't fit here... it goes in a different kind of deck. having a five-drop that doesn't help to mill your opponent or help your board position is a waste of space. drop it in favour of something else, such as wurmcoil engine. whispersilk cloak would be handy if there were more creatures in your deck, but as it is you're probably going to be chump-blocking with your utility creatures because your opponent is overwhelming your board... drop the cloaks for a 4th wurmcoil engine and 4th spells of mana leak, cancel and hedron crab. stoic rebuttal won't ever hit metalcraft so you may as well use something like spell pierce. it's still in standard and works great. drop memoricide for jace. trust me you need the draw. ultimately you want to make this decklist more lean with more 4x of cards rather than 3x. this makes it more consistent. try to only include cards which either help your board position or help with milling. remember, having a flashy card is pointless unless you can survive long enough to use it.
hey this is pretty good! couple of things i'd change to make this deck less vulnerable: drop banefire to 2 copies and stick in 2 copies of firespout (to deal with flyers or tokens) drop char for garruk wildspeaker (he can accelerate or bolster your board position) drop colossal might in favour of Vines of Vastwood (gives some utility as well as damage) probably ought to drop elves for birds of paradise (both colours of mana) swap karplusian forest for 4x grove of the burnwillows (for punishing fire) swap magus of the vineyard for 4x punishing fire (for uber board sweeping) the idea with punishing fire/grove of the burnwillows is that you don't care if your opponent gains a little life because if you can sweep the board clear of creatures, your opponent will lose much more life than they've gained (and they won't be able to retaliate). it's simple but effective. magus of the vineyard is great but there are so many spells with 2 colourless in their costs that you'd be helping your opponent too much. with the new artifacts rolling around they'd be two turns up on mana (and they'd get the extra mana a whole turn before you!). seems great though. nice deck!
i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you don't have anywhere near the amount of lifegain needed to trigger felidar sovereign. this deck just doesn't work. 1) you really need 8x soul warden effect type cards. there are three (soul's attendant, soul warden, essence warden) so pick two of them. 2) kitchen finks works here. put it in instead of survival cache (you get the same effect for the same cost plus two creatures. it's waaaay better) 3) obstinate baloth is good if you're playing green. it hoses red decks and jund. you need it. 4) garruk wildspeaker is also brilliant if you're playing green. he can accelerate you and also trigger off your wardens to gain lots of life. 5) if you go mono-white, drop felidar sovereign and put 4x Divinity of Pride in there. trust me it's better. costs one less mana and completely owns games unless it's dealt with quickly. 6) felidar sovereign costs a lot of mana.... for 6 mana i'd advise running Wurmcoil Engine instead. it's got more triggers for warden effects. 7) Armadillo Cloak (or the newer Behemoth Sledge) and spells like Spirit Loop are your friend. the enchantments can be played on opponents creatures to nullify them (great in multiplayer) or on your own to boost your life total. hope i've been some help.
heyhey. just a quick note. coiling oracle won't trigger the lorescale coatl. you really need brainstorm here. it's nuts.
i'd say your overall casting costs are too high to abuse the golem foundry. if you really want it to work, you need to start including more 1 and 2 cost artifacts that either accelerate you into more cards (such as Elsewhere Flask) or give you an opportunity to 2-for-1 your opponent (such as Perilous Myr).
there's a few problems with this deck: 1) bloodcrazed goblin. it's too circumstantial to work consistently. and in your early turns (when a 2/2 creature could possibly get in for some early damage) this card will do nothing. play goblin guide instead. it's a 2/2 with haste! for 1 red mana. it's insane and every goblin deck needs it. it may let your opponent draw lands sometimes but they can still only play 1 a turn so it doesn't actually hurt you that much. 2) no warren instigator. it's a bomb. get it in there. 3) bull rush. get rid of it. it's a waste of deck-space. you can do so much more with those two slots in your deck. like Koth of the Hammer, or even something like devastating summons as a finisher. 4) in a goblin deck, you want every card to translate into damage. your individual threats are so small that you want to be able to throw them out so fast your opponent can't keep up. dragon's claw takes this strategy and kicks it in the balls..... you will pretty much ALWAYS want to play something else before the claw, until it's maybe the last card in your hand. keep pumping out threats and remove this card. it just slows you down. your aim is speed. you need to get in for the kill as quick as possible, and so what if they get an extra card in their hand every now and then. dealing 20 damage is your focus. goblin runeblasters (ruinblasters?) are great for stalling your opponent. better than, say, quest for the goblin lord. by the time the quest finally sees an activation, i'm willing to bet your opponent has a couple of fairly large threats on the board or at least some sweeping tech like infest. quest does nothing to help you here and won't win games quickly. instead it draws games out to the point where red decks begin to fall apart while other slower decks build up steam and take the game into their own hands. other enablers that this deck would need if you stuck in some devastating summons is goblin bushwhackers. haste and an attack bonus. good times. so yeah. on reflection: needs some key cards changed for sure before it'll work well.
good advice. i hadn't seen that land before and it makes a lot more sense than the one i had there.
divinity of pride is better than felidar sovereign, by a long way. the only reason some people have included it in their decks is because the divinity isn't in the current standard. big loss, because it's a bomb!
interesting deck, this. it's completely unlke the black control that i'm familiar with. most notably the omission of Innocent Blood. i'd like to see this actually play. for some reason i'm having trouble predicting how this performs against other archetypal decks. some interesting choices though, i may use some inspiration from this for my own mono black deck.
nice stuff =). i'm going to throw some constructive criticism your way, just for your consideration. 1) 4x armored ascension can sometimes lead to dead draws. maybe lower the count to 3... you want to draw at least one, but lessen the chance of drawing multiples. 2) there are three playsets in this deck that could be replaced with something a bit more optimal and aggressive. i'll go through them one by one with my suggestions. drop the following: - 4x goldenglow moth - 4x mistmeadow skulk and *possibly* 4x serra ascendant... not sure about this one and i'll explain why at the end. now. to the stuff you do potentially want: - kitchen finks. you want this card. no question about it. - you may want to try out Isamaru, Hound of Konda. may work for you. - also may want to try Student of Warfare - Soul Warden/Soul's Attendant are both amazing lifegain engines. both together are good. - Kor Skyfisher is a very efficient card and can let you re-play stuff if it has a comes-into-play mechanic. such as with the Soul dudes i just mentioned. - Wall of omens. gets you into some more cards which you tend to need with a weenie deck. mix this with kor skyfishers to create a very nice draw engine. - Wilt leaf Caveliers. nice card for 3 mana. quite aggresively costed i must say. vigilance is very relevant. anyway, there's a final card i'd suggest which is "Divinity of Pride". this is strictly better than serra ascendant but costs more to play. so to include this in your deck you'd need to have more early-game drops like the ones i suggested. but stick this guy in there and he'd be a powerhouse. anyway i hope i've been of some help. i love weenie decks.
it's an aggro deck with some lifegain on the side to allow for some unblocked creatures hitting. notable cards include: birds of paradise obstinate baloth boggart ram gang kitchen finks watchwolf armadillo cloak phytohydra ajani goldmane (only one copy) garruk (only one copy) there's more (such as a couple of mana producing creatures), and i frequently stick in a warden package (I.e. soul warden, essence warden and ajani's pidemate) and there's other stuff as well such as captured sunlight and 2x enlisted wurm at the top of the mana curve. it's a really strong deck. the aggressive creatures really help put your opponent on the back foot. i had a hard choice between boggart ram gang and leatherback baloth but as it turns out, wither and especially haste are more relevant than a vanilla large creature. so yeah. that particular deck could slam this one in very few turns. three if i was to play overrun and had the god hand.
heyhey. nice stuff =). i would suggest dropping the 2 memoricide for a 4th gatekeeper for creature removal (he's a bomb that guy). and also one more guul draz specter. 3 is fine, because you definitely want to draw one. haunting echoes comes into play too late into the game to be of any use to you. more often than not it will sit in your hand and deny you a more useful card which can be played early. in its place i would stick in some plain old board threats. either liliana's specter or vampire nighthawk. and seeing as this deck isn't standard (blightning rotated out with scars), why not stick Megrim, Skullscorch and Hymn to Tourach in there? wheel of fate is a really nice card for both dealing damage and filling their hand for you to make them discard some more. just throwing it out there. wheel of fortune is the best but it costs loads of money, lol.
yeah looking good. armadillo cloak is amazing because you can also play it on your opponent's creatures, effectively rendering them useless or even gaining you life if they are forced to block. in multiplayer it's a bomb as well. stick it on someone else's creature and then watch with a smile as the other players destroy themselves and you gain loads of life. =P.
thanks for the suggestion. llanowar elves are a decent idea (especially for blockers) but i really love having that massive 3-mana boost from the bloom. it can really swing things around and also gives your opponent something to be worried about, which is actually a positive thing. saying that, the addition of doom blades wouldn't go amiss, for sure. i've been trying to fit them in there since i came up with the idea but it's very difficult to cut anything. perhaps the bloom (perilous myr is a bomb in this deck and it definitely has a place) but then it slows down the deck considerably. perhaps there's a best of both worlds..... how about gatekeeper of malakir? that thing would be a re-usable bomb in this deck and would reduce the need for doom blade. excellent =D. and what about vampire nighthawk? hmmm i think that may have a place in this deck as well! it's certainly an excellent 3-drop. maybe the best ever.
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