also, remember that if me and my opponent are drawing extra cards, he's getting milled for more, and also i'm getting more counterspells. and when all of my counters cost 2 or maybe even 1 with a familiar in play, i've got the advantage if we're both drawing the same number of cards. playing against a control deck may get interesting, but he/she probably wouldn't have an answer to the constant milling, whereas i have an 'anti-decking' card to protect me, in the forbidden crypt.
l3dzppln: that enchantment is called memory erosion, and it's a bit too slow for this deck. there's always something better to play when it's in your hand, so it ends up never getting played. i own two copies but it's just not that good for this deck. with regards to land, the current (physical in real life) build of the deck has 17 or 18 lands. and it works just fine. never had even the slightest problem with land. where it does fall down slightly is the sort of turn 4 lull, where you've expended a couple of counters and you want to lay down a dreamborn muse.... this leaves you potentially open to a burn spell or a couple of creatures on your opponent's turn..... but boomerangs (for your opponent's lands) and cost-reducers (the familiar) get rid of this problem. ALJ: i was pretty worried about this to begin with, but after actually playing the deck, it hasn't caused a problem yet... in fact it gets rid of more lands from their deck, making the mind funeral more effective. thanks for both your comments =)
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