^^^Agreed, you can't use Gravecrawler effectively if they are the only Zombies. Falkenrath Noble just seems like a worse Blood Artist and there are better cards, Geralf's Messenger for example.
Prison Term would fit well with the theme of this deck
Hypocrite, look at your decklist from April and rethink that statement. Next time you write something at least make it constructive. That being said, I would consider adding more counter spells that allow to draw like confound, disrupt, hinterlight, etc.
Why do you have Quest for the Holy Relic if you're only running 8 creatures? Realistically you wouldn't play 5 creatures in a game. I feel like Rampant Growth and Harrow are a little unnecessary and other cards could be more useful.
I don't think so... In my experience it ends up being a 1/1 for 3 and by the time i've played a couple of creatures it's turn 5, 6, or 7 and they have some sort of titan or praetor out and are stomping all the puny humans. I used to run them but decided they weren't worth the mana.
According to Wizards of the Coast it is still banned so I'm going to stick to that until it is updated. It was unbanned in the french style of commander which starts with 30 life but Grindstone was recently banned on that list...
True but it's also banned in EDH
I like it. Everything seems to work very well together with a good mana curve and on top of that it's cheap.
Gerralf's Messenger needs to be in this deck. Also, ditch the blue and put in Blood Artist. (Almost no one wants to waste a kill spell on a 0/1 which will lead to their undoing.) Killing Waves and Bone Splinters would work well too if you put in Blood Artist.
The point of mentor of the meek is that there are no creatures in this deck that enter the battlefield with more than 2 power (except mikaeus). And the main proplem I have is running out for cards in an agroo deck, so drawing works well. I'm going to have to rethink this deck with the release of the new set.
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