Also I just looked over the deck again, why do you have so many clone effects?
And the Basiclands should really be duels considering you only have 4 of each. You should put in the spyglass from Gatecrash that can make all your creatures hexproof and unblockable too
Several very competitive players I know have been grabbing as many Mazes as they can claiming it'll be a competitive deck post rotation. I'm not sure if I see it but this deck does give some hints. Once some of the stronger aggro and midrange cards leave it'll be stronger I think. I suggest keep playing with it and refining it. Especially consider area that will still be playable after October and you may be ahead of the game.
This looks like a very solid deck. What would you side Thunderous Wrath in against? Seems like a filler card and Traitorous Blood would be good against reanimator/ and GWx midrange deck to grab their thragtusks and angels or Serenity and throw them back in their face.
Oh yes I missed the Maze's End hiding in there. That's the biggest problem with guild gates; that they have to enter the battlefield tapped so your Tumbler comes out turn 4 and the Verdict turn 5. Chandra's pretty fun like that, I was thinking of adding one to my Results deck for silly things like double Sphinx's Rev or when flashing back Increasinf Ambition to look for 4 cards. Could be useful.Maybe add Terminus so you have a chance of miracling it against aggro decks.
Looks pretty strong. I think you should move the Slaughter Games to the sideboard and add 2 Rakdos's Returns to make them ditch their hands and possible to straight kill them if you we're able to be aggressive enough on the first few turns. Bonfires would work too but they're rotating soon so I would spend the money on them
That's true I wasn't thinking of tokens. Do you find that 20 lands are enough to get the cards you need out? I would suggest adding 3 or 4 more just to make sure you don't get stuck with 2 or 3 with a bunch of big cards in your hand.
Watery Graves are both Islands and Swamps.
Well it is strictly better. Same card but gains you a life. Drowned Catacomb is better than either though because it may not enter the battlefield tapped.
You should throw in a couple Exsanginates or similar effects to utilize infinite mana with the Ashnod's Altar.
Thanks! My main complaint right now is that I want more green spells to take advantage of the ZurTaa Druid, right now he's really just there to deal 1 damage to get Rakdos out. And once he is out, in theory, I don't have to pay colorless mana to cast creature spells so the green just ends up emptying from my mana pool. Maybe Acidic Slime, Ruric Thar or Gruul mythic with Doublestrike?
Yeah I can understand that. My other thought was that if you took out the swords and the Darkslick Shores this wouldn't be a bad standard deck either; more importantly most decks wouldn't see it coming and may not be able to handle the strange mill.
It's a solid Naya deck. There's nothing I can really say to improve it; all you can do is play test it at FNMs or casually to see what works and what doesn't. I don't think you need the Glaring Spotlights though, you have enough creatures that you can block any hexproofers without much will effects.
I'm not sure but I don't think you need 100 Reliquary Towers..............Maybe try spicing it and I'll consider being serious about commenting :P
I hate seeing a deck without comments here so here's my thoughts: Cut 1 Trepanation Blade, 3 Latch Seekers, Grimgrin, 4 Wight of Precinct Sixes, and possible some or all of the Dream Twists.Add 1 more Sword (really any of the swords because they give protection from certain color combination you might be weaker against) for the Trep Blade because it's strictly better for the same cost. Grimgrin needs to have things sacked for him to be anywhere near effective and you can't really rely on being able to do that. I would add either another Jace Memory Adept or Liliana Vess so you can take full advantage of the miracle cards (and maybe add Temporal Mastery too). You should check out other, more powerful mill cards to replace the Dream Twists will. Memory Sluice would be a good start; particularly if you have a couple zombies sitting around. You should put in 3 Lich Lord of Unx for the Latch Seekers because they are too easy to kill by targeting them with lightning bolt or lightning helix etc. The Lich Lord will die to that too but if you have mana open you can make a zombie in response or use the other ability. Finally, I don't think the Wights fit in with this deck; ideally you will he exiling all their creatures to make more zombies so there may not be many in the graveyard. I think 4 Gravecrawlers would be a good fit here. He can come out turn 1 and can continue to be annoying for your opponent throughout the game. Not to mention your Cavern of Souls will be more effective with more zombie cards. The final-final suggestion is to get another Watery Grave and to see if you can fit a Nephelium Drownyard in there in case you need/want to mill more with extra mana you have sitting around.Hope this helps :)
Yeah I like Slip a lot more than Auger, more mana efficient and can be used soon against Naya Blitz or Gruul Aggro. My only other suggestion is I try to cut one card to make it 60 but that's a minor oneLooks very solid!
Yeah this is still very much a work in progress. I might switch them for Pillar of Flames. The idea was to be able to deal damage with one mana in case I needed a way to get Rakdos out with creatures on the board to attack. Thanks for the comment!
Some advice from someone who runs an Unexpected Result deck whenever possible: If you find yourself siding a card in against almost everything you should main board it and side it out when it's unnecessary rather than not having it game 1. I ended up making that decision in my UnResults deck with Sphinx's Rev and Terminus. I also noticed that for a planeswalker deck you're missing 2 of the strongest walkers in standard right now: Tamiyo an Garruk Primal Hunter. They work beautiful in the meta and need to be dealt with immediately which will take the pressure off of you, even if you're essential sacrificing them for a few extra turns to stabilize. I would consider trying a different card than Gaze of Granite. Don't get me wrong, it's a decent card with potential but if you're running D Sphere you don't want to have to destroy it too and give them back whatever was important enough to take away in the first place. Just some thoughts, hope they help :)If you have a sec could you check out my deck and give some feedback?
This is a very interesting deck. I see quite a lot of potential and can't see why this would place well at an FNM.My only suggestions are to run different cards than Auger Spree. I know it's being run as a kill spell and MAYBE rarely to boost and thundermaw. Try to switch it with a card you can cast turn 2 if you have to against something like naya blitz because there are other things you'll want to be playing turn three and onward. Maybe a Vault of the Angel too. Hope this is helpful!
Woah this is a very interesting deck and I don't really know what to make of it. It's good, don't get me wrong but how does it hold up in Legacy? I just don't know but I could see this coming out of left field and really messing with many deck type's strategy. I guess all I can suggest is to consider adding a Cavern of Souls (for the creature type in your hand you NEED to cast like Ob Nixilis), a Boseiju, Who Shelters All for uncounterable counterspells, and possible Starlit Sanctum to throw a huge Ob Nixilis at your opponent.Hope this helps!
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