But M13 and Innistrad aren't gone yet? Not til September.Edit: Yeah that decks pretty good. I could see it surprising an unsuspecting FNM for the win haha
What about Black Cat and Ravenous Rats? I know you're probably avoiding them because they're rotating out but not until the end of September so there's plenty of time to play this deck. They would work great with Altar's Reap too. AND Ravenous Rats would make Pack Rat a little better. It looks about as good as it can be made in my opinion, if you don't want to step back into M13 or Innistrad Block.Edit: Oh yeah, and Artificer's Hex is kinda useless right now. There're no good equipments anyway.
lol we don't see infect because it rotated out...But that's alright *patting gingerly on your head* I'm sure you'll find some way to ward off the big bad infect deck.The day they ban Glistener Elf is the day they admit they goofed.
Yeah that's understandable. And I made a casual infect deck that's slower with contagion clasp and the like to play with friends because they don't like shuffling their decks every 2 or 3 turns :P.Sorry for calling you out like that haha I didn't mean for it to come across that way.
It doesn't limit the number of attackers you can use, just gives you a bonus for attacking with one. You can still attack with 2 or 20 creatures they just don't get +1/+1.but you don't have to play it anyway. It comes into play tapped which makes it slow
But why not play better cards???
No the point is you can do both; cast two Giant Growths and as many Mutagenic Growths as you have one turn 2 for the win! You never cast Mutagenic Growth with mana.
Cathedral of War is a $1 card.... hardly can be considered a bank buster.
You need 4 Glistener Elves and 4 Blighted Agents. That is not unarguable.4 Giant Growth, 4 Mutagenic Growth, 4 Groundswell, 4 Vines of Vastwood, 4 Rancors, and 3 Ranger's Guile are as close to a necessity as boost comes.Primal Rage, Ichorclaw Myr, and Artful Dodge are good but I would drop the rest.^That deck^ could easily be a tier 1 deck.For an infect deck you don't care about your life total because you'll have won the game by turn 3 or turn 4 at the latest. That is how infect wins.
Time out! Mutagenic Growth is ALWAYS worth two life in an infect deck because you're dealing damage in poison counters! You pay two life and effectively deal four damage (if it gets through).
The reason Falkenrath Aristocrat is better than Lord of Riots is because you can make it indestructible for just sacrificing a creature. Which is strictly better than regenerate because it doesn't tap down the Aristorcrat.That said, this deck looks very solid. The only thing I don't really like is the mainboard Mark of Mutiny but that's a small complaint. Maybe think about Appetite for Brains or Skullcrack to deal with Thragtusk and Reaminator/Lifegain.
You're welcome and thanks!This is my pride and joy right now for getting Unexpected Results to be a competitive deck and I'm going to run it til the duel lands go with Theros. I'm probably going to turn it into a janky ramp deck with Worldspine Wurm, Progenitor Mimic, the New Garruk, an any other fun green cards that come out in M14 and Theros.
VintageFTW, I know you're trying to help but that's all there really is for tutor and you can't play extended in standard. :P JomarDizon, if you want to take that advice be my guest and if so ignore from here down.You'll need to hold up to decks like Gruul Aggro and Bant Hexproof (merely examples) so you'll need to have more low cmc spells. Things that should be a 4 of in this deck that aren't are as follows: D Sphere, O ring, Devour Flesh, Supreme Verdict, Terminus, Diabolic Revelation, Putrefy, Temporal Mastery, Unburial Rites, Mulch, Obzedat's Aid, Garruk Relentless, Jace Architect of Thought, Sorin Lord of Innistrad, and Transguild Promenade. That's 42 Cards we need to make room for.For starters, cards that jump out at me as unnecessary, underpowered, or overcost are: Auger of Bolas (you're spell to total ratio is 1:4 so the odds of hitting a spell are below average), Duskmantle Seer (in a deck that's not specifically designed around it it could kill you), Teysa (or high of a CMC), Nephelia Drownyard (you shouldn't run this period), Acidic Slime (unnecessary and unlikely to be useful), Drogskul Reaver (as a 1 of you might as well not run it and it's CMC is too high), Amass the Components (Draw is important but on turn 4 you need better things than draw at sorcery speed), and Deathrite Shaman (It's an amazing card but almost useless in your deck). I honestly recommend Arbor Elf and Avacyn's Pilgrim should go too because there's a very small chance of having one in your opening hand and after that they're next to useless. Also, Transguild Promenade is a lands so pull 4 basics for it (doesn't matter which). If you follow those to the letter that's still only 33 cards.Where the other 9 will come from I can't say. I don't want to spend that much time analyzing this deck to be honest. Hope this was at least somewhat useful.
Yeah from looking at it again I feel like you should put in another Sphinx's rev for 1 Supreme Verdict. Other than that I think you should take out 1 Dispel and 1 syncopate for 2 Jace architect of Thought.
I think Rakdos, Lord of Riots would be good in this headlong-assault kind of deck. Is there anything in particular you're looking for advice on or just general thoughts?
That really just means that you can't have a device that shuffle your deck for you. You can pick it up in multiple stacks and shuffle those into each other, for example. But yeah I thought the same thing when I first saw battle of wits haha
That all looks good but would Pit Fight be better than Mutants Prey? You could use it to fight with a Smiter or use the High Priest to kill a mana dork and Angel of Serenity or any other big creature at instant speed.
That's true. To be honest I hadn't even seen your force of wills and though you were only manipulating the top of your deck.
Hmm atypical indeed but it has it's merits. I'm curious why you have Balustrade Spies, how do they benefit you? Killing Glare seems iffy for me too, just because there are things like Thragtusk in standard still with high powers. Corpse jack Menace seems slightly out of place here. Sure he's a 4/4 for 4 mana but that all he's likely to be; the only creature that gets counters is Desecration Demon. I think that moving the Cryptgasts to the main board for the Balustrade Spies would be very beneficial. Maybe think about adding Varolz for the Menaces?
T1: Swamp, Dark Ritual, Entomb, Reanimate/Exhume/Animate Dead....any creature you want. I honestly wouldn't even play blue.
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