That or I've noticed that if you refresh the page it will add whatever you just added again. That's be my guess.
I assume you don't want to run 8 rancor, 8armed and dangerous, or 6 muzzling mortorsYou should think about flinthoof Boar, Lightning mauler, and Hellrider. The Boar and Hellrider would work well with Armed
Why Ornithoptor? I think it would be better to have something Boros Charm to make your creatures indestructible against enemy Wrath spells or your own Blasphemous Act. And in the worst case scenario it deals 4 damage to your opponent.
Hell, why don't you throw in all the Guild Champions and all the Shocklands too. Then put in Battle of Wits because you can! LOL
You should run Bonfire of the Damned instead of Blasphemous Act so you don't hit your own creatures. I think you should add more Godless Shrines and Sacred Foundrys so you can consistently cast Doomed Traveler turn 1. So far you only have 6 lands that can tap for white turn 1. Maybe take out 2 or 3 Swamps for them.Disciple of Bolas and Desecration Demon seem like you're weakest cards, the demon because he's not likely to attack or block, even if they have to sac a creature. Disciple because most of the cards you would want to sac would be tiny and worth more on the board were they can attack than if you draw 2 or so cards. I think you should also add at least 1 Skirsdag High Priest, and 1 Cartel Aristocrat. An interesting card to consider would be Ajani: He's for 3 mana so he'd come out quick, his +1 makes your creatures bigger so they can both block and live but also if you keep the Disciples you would draw more cards, and his -2 can giving Falkenrath Aristocrat or the demons from Skirsdag doublestrike would be devastating. I think it would fit well if you could get the mana base right. If you do I wouldn't have more than 2 though.Hope this gives you some fun ideas!
Yes it is very disappointing but it's a price I'm will to pay if it means I can stand up to most decks in standard consistently. I actually just changed it up a little to be more effect against aggro
WARNING: If YOU deal damage to your Obliterators you will have to sac permanents in case you didn't notice (referring to Pyrohemia). Other than that this deck seems very solid.
I like the 'go big or scoop' concept you've got going on, maybe think about adding Trostoni's Summoner to throw up a field of blockers with a single card. Here's my Results list, not the same gameplan you have but I might give you some ideas. I was actually considering phasing out a couple of unexpected results for Ral Zarek. Tell me what you think:
So you should at least describe you're commander's ability/creature type/mana cost/etc.........................................................................
Really?! that is interesting then... I might have to think more about the implications.
Hmmm. I don't like Varolz with Boneyard Wurm, Splingerfright, and Primordial Hydra. They can't benefit you in the graveyard except to boost others on the battlefield. Maybe consider Triumph of Ferocity to help you draw more because you'll usually have the biggest creatures. There are also better cards for 4 mana than Jarad's Orders.I like it though, good start.
Idyllic Tutor is a sorcery-- search your library for an enchantment and put it in your hand.
Endless ranks of the Dead costs 4 mana, mean you could have discarded them and made 2 zombies 2 turns ago. That's 8 more damage assuming they're unblocked. This deck has no late game. It's either win quick with a horde or watch them die and have no hand.
What about adding Infernal Tutor? I think it would be good because you play out your hand by turn 2 or 3. It would kinda break your budget though haha
Hmm. I guess I lied again. Genesis wave isn't banned in modern but I could have sworn it said it was only legal in legacy. Oh well, Platinum Angel would be fun to add
There ya go. That's all I need, well done.
Sorry Spectral Flight. I can see that but you can't assume it'll work perfectly, sometimes it will but other you'll be holding 2 Hold the Gates in your hand and hating the world.
Just when you thought Turbo Fog could get more annoy-------> HYPERFOG FOR THE WIN!!!!But seriously, looks powerful but what's your gameplan for combo decks? or Mill? or NOT creatures?
You don't run any gates... so why Hold the Gates? For Vigilance? Celestial Flight would be much better and would give your Geist evasion, Holy Mantle would be good mainboard too.
Very intimidating and cheap too! I think this could easily work and I love Demonlord of Ashmouth and am happy to see him as a 4 of.
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