Don't forget Reya Dawnbringer, Sheoldred, and the Eldrazi, I know the creatures you do have have strategic purpose but it can be hard to beat a 10/10 with annihilator 3. Oh yeah and add Dark Rituals. Otherwise very nice.
Yeah actually that makes since. I hadn't thought of it that way. Looking at it again I see what I'd missed. A very well made deck.
Yes I guess I would be wondering that...
True that could work, a late game face stomp.
Well Eldrazi Conscription is much more expensive to cast and I don't think this mana base can support it.
Sorry you are correct. I just read Mox Ruby in my head which is banned anyway
We are talking about Legacy here. Ball Lightning is next to useless. Koth's -2 ability may allow you get a big dragon out quickly but it could easily be Force or Will-ed or Dazed. I also don't think mono red can handle competitive Legacy play. Maybe think about splicing blue or white in. Note: the Moxes are restricted in Legacy meaning you can only have 1 in a deck.
Clearly there were weird things happening on the battlefield if you had a 60/60 creature to make the Prime Speaker and 61/61... I doubt anything like that will happen under tournament conditions. I just don't think the Elixir is unnecessary when you're trying to make a deck that size as playable as possible.
No offense but this deck seems unfocused. You have Hell's Caretaker and Anger but few creatures that are powerful and want to come out swinging with the exception of sewer nemesis. You have a interesting Draw/discard theme going with enchantments an artifacts but few other spells that benefit. I think as it stands now you should take out the Liliana's Carress (or move it to the sideboard for decks that try to play out their whole hand). Haunting Echoes is an interesting card but it makes you Sewer Nemesis weaker yet he's your main beater. I think adding Phyrexian Arenas for the Carresses would be a good start. That would also increase Sangromancers value to you. Fall (from Rise/Fall) would be a good card to consider adding too, particularly for later in the game. I also noticed you have some pretty costly spells for only 17 lands. I assume your planning on getting the ones you need via the extra draw?Hope this is helpful!
Umm... Where is Sublime Archangel? Add 4. Exalted stacks!!!!!! Also you need 4 Noble Hierarchs. Anything less is silly in a Bant exalted deck.
Stupid thing posted 5 times...
I was thinking that the Psychic Spiral was a win condition with the Mirror Mad Phantom because they'll only have 60 cards at most and you could easily mill that many off the top with the Phantom. The only thing the Elixer has going for you is that it gains you 5 life, since many decks in standard are aggro/beat down. Reshuffling your graveyard into your library will be largely irrelevant just because there are so many cards. If someone mills you I death, they deserve the win....
J Rod, random personal question but do the letters TKE mean anything to you?
Needs 4 Supreme Verdicts and 4 Terminus and maybe even Divine Reckoning too. Laboratory Maniac is Unnecessary, haha who's going to mill you to death? Obviously you have Mirror Mad Phantom but the odds of drawing either or both are slim. And if you want to mill yourself you NEED to have Unburial Rites and other Flashback cards.Do you really need 140+ lands? When I draw sample hands I quickly get mana flooded.
Haha yeah she's feisty!
There is no such thing as a "porn stare". And this list is pretty bad. Complicate and Sylvain Paridise are B- at beast. Maybe it's different when you have the actual card...
Be honest bro, Liliana's a babe. Note: you spelled "Stars" wrong....
This looks like a well thought out deck. I like the "keep your stuff off my battlefield" feel haha. I feel like the only deck that might give it trouble is Jund but you would give it a lot of trouble too. Update me on how it plays if you go to an FNM or Tournament!
Fling would work much better in regard to removal and Fog effects. This issue is that if it's not in hand they will see it when your reveal it off te top and kill him before/ in response to your casting it.
A note about Charmbreaker and Fling: if you sacrifice him to fling he won't get the +4/+0 because he is gone before the spell resolves. I don't think that adding 5 more lands is helpful, edit the deck content before just throwing in more lands. That being said this looks like a (Standard) Devil Tribal deck so I'll treat it as such. If it's not, I'll go back and give a different response. Vexing Devil is better than Forge Devil in my opinion. Pitch burn Devils should be HellRiders. Rakdos cackler would be good to add too. Torch Fiend should go in the sideboard for artifact heavy decks.
41-60 of 151 items