lol! Surprisingly not as ridiculous as I first thought. Just keep mulling until you get what you need. I actually like it!
You should add something like Idyllic Tutor to grab the enchantments you need
Sorry I lied, Genesis Wave is banned too
I think the weakest card, and I use that term lightly, is Rampaging Beloths. It's a good card but in a deck with monsters it's a kitten. Note: Emrakul is banned in Modern, if you drop him this'll be Modern playable.
Yeah I'd play the crap out of that! Maybe think about adding Blightsteel or Darksteel Colossus or any other huge artifact creatures I'm not thinking of.
I agree that you should try to choose between Ash Zealot and Strangleroot Geist but I don't think you should put in Skylasher mainboard. Not many decks are actually running Blue creatures and the ones that are wouldn't be attacking against an aggro deck. I think sideboard against Geist of Saint Traft is a good idea though.Other than that this is a pretty standard gruul deck. Nothing complicated about it and decks like this win at tournaments daily. Have Fun!
I would tentatively suggest to remove the Corpsejack Menaces. This is a very aggro deck that does a lot of it's damage early on and the +1/+1 counter bonus wouldn't really be that relevant in my opinion (except in rare circumstances). Especially when, at the same mana cost and in you color scheme you could be running Falkenrath Aristocrat which is better. If you do end up getting rid of Corpsejack then you should probably get rid of Slitherhead too for something like Experiment One. I don't think you need 4 Rakdos, Lord of Riots just because if you have two you can't cast the second so I'd lower the number to 3, especially considering you aren't trying to cast bigger things with his ability but just as a huge beatstick. My final thought is that you might want more red sources in your land base to make sure Boros Reckoner doesn't get stuck in your hand. I would cut two Forests and put in two Rootbound Crags. I wouldn't recommend cutting him from the deck though because you can throw him at defenders and redirect the damage to get out Rakdos. So yeah I would think about these, not taking them at face value but play around with it a little. Hope this helps!
I would much rather run Chromatic Lantern over Verdant Haven (especially with acidic slime being played in Reanimator) but with standard being so dominated by aggro decks every addition bit of life is vital. Detailed description above.
I was thinking about making a deck kind of like this but making it Black/White "Angels and Demons" kind of thing with Heartless Summoning and/or Unburial Rights so you can get those bigger cards out sooner (even if they're a little weaker). In terms of this deck, it's not bad but like Richman said, you're pretty vulnerable to aggro decks. I would suggest taking out Codex Shredder, the Moonsilver Spears, and the Debtor's Pulpit and put in something like Blind Obedience because it'll slow down most r/? decks because haste will be irrelevent and when you do start casting things a couple turns later you'll be able to extort and gain back some of the life you'll early on. If Blind Obedience isn't your thing then maybe Angelic Wall (to keep the angel theme going).
I'm not super fond of the Primordials besides Sylvan Primordial.I would suggest taking out 2 Diluvian Primordials for something big and scary like Stormtide Leviathan (surprisingly effective aggro lockdown), 1 or 2 Omniscience because I find I end up drawing into more than, wishing it was a different card, in the midgame and replace it with Army of the Damned or Boundless Realms if you want to keep the basic lands in your deck. I'm iffy on Molten Primordial because there are many aggro decks that don't necessarily have big things that you can attack the for much with (maybe a Thragtusk or Thundermaw) and I think of Sepulchal Primordial as strickly worse than Lord of the Void which can give you a wider range of options depending on the the deck and if you're flipping it early with Unexpected Results.Other than that it's pretty solid I think. Archaeomancer is an interesting addition, I'm curious to see how effective it is in practice. The only other thing is to add Thragtusk for obvious reasons.Hope this helps!
I've found Verdant Haven very useful for two reasons: 1) When I first made this deck I only ran Farseeks for early mana accelerators (thinking I would hit a land or two with Results) and so there were many game when I would have to wait til turn 4 before casting most things. With Verdant Haven I effectively have 8 early ramp spells even if 4 don't thin out my deck. Now you might say that that doesn't allow you to play things before turn 4 still which is true and brings up the second point. 2) The "gain 2 life" ability is extremely useful (especially with so many aggro decks running around in standard) and can help me survive the extra turn to get a Thragtusk out or a board clear or something. There is the obvious downside of revealing one with Unexpected Results which happens and is unfortunate, however, they help a great deal keep me alive in the early game when this deck is the weakest.When I first started play testing this deck I tried running 3 Omniscience and found that I would end of having two in my hand and wishing the other one was any other card. So I dropped it down to 2 and find I still hit it pretty frequently, especially hardcasting it.I've thought about adding a utility Snapcaster Mage to get Results back or board clear again if I need to or anything else because there are many sorceries in this deck. Even just flashing him in to block an unsuspecting Geist of St. Traft goes a long way toward getting me to the late game. But I'm still undecided.Thanks for the comment! I look at yours a little later and let you know about the corrections you suggested.
I would suggest to stay away from Enter the Infinite, just because a deck can support a 12-drop doesn't mean you should run it.But on to your actual deck, I like it, it seems very powerful even if you don't Unexpected Results out a Primal Surge. My worry though is that you may not last long enough to stay in the game against an aggro deck like Naya Humans or Rakdos Deck Wins or something. And you don't have much in the way of mana acceleration (except for an arguable Chromatic Lantern) early so you can't ramp your way into a good hand very well.Take a look at my deck for any ideas and feel free to leave any advice!
Hmmm. I feel like you aren't using Unexpected Results to its full potential. Where's Omniscience!? Granted, you my be on a budget so don't want to spend too much which is understandable.For me there are too many things I wouldn't want to flip with Results (like Ghost Flicker and Rapid Hybridization). Not to say they're bad cards, but you don't really want to be flipping anything with cmc 3 or less if you can avoid it. Take a look at my deck for ideas and feel free to leave any advice too,
Well not to poke holes in this comment but this is a standard deck so I would be a fool to run Milari's Wake and I am running Farseeks, Verdant Havens, and Urban Evolution which are all mana accelerators. The two of each color isn't the issue, in fact it's quite easy to accomplish (especially when I usually have 14+ mana at my disposal by turn 10. And I also don't need to rely on casting unexpected results to get my big stuff out, it just comes out sooner that way. Thanks for the comment though!
I don't know if you need 24 lands, maybe 23 or even 22. Think about adding Ghor-Clan Rampager for the bloodrush and because it causes Domri's first ability to work more.
This is largely true. The main reason I picked Caravan vigil over Farseek is because I want to be doing something turn 1 and if I draw into one turn 3 or later the morbid mechanic is more applicable and more likely to hit. But you're right they will likely be the first thing I cut if/when something better comes along
Pretty much my only advise is to get more dual lands, which I'm sure you're aware. The only other thing is to try to get the deck down to 60 cards for maximum consistancy. Jace the Memory Adept seems a littel out of place because you don't have other mill abilities, but I think the other three walkers look pretty decent. Overall a good deck with answers to prettymuch everything I can think of
Kauhuhu: I don't have the mana or the ramp for that. You are talking about a completely different deck pretty much. But I do agree with the planeswalkers mainboard and the fog effects stated above. Thanks for the advise
The mill hasn't been a problem. The only issue is when I play against a deck with Kozilek or Ulamog because the shuffle the whole graveyard back into the library. The only hope for milling them in that case is to mill with Oona until a exile the eldrazi. The majority of the Ravnica cards are for their Transmute ability.
Filth, Demon of Death's Gate, and Urabrask seem kind of unnecessary. There are other more powerful creatures especially when you really don't have to worry about mana cost. Sheoldred and Reya Dawnbringer would be good to consider becuase you don't have to use multiple reanimate spells to have multiple big creatures out early. I'm a little confused as to why you want 3 Jin-Gritaxias, I would personally rather have 3 It That Betrays or other game winner. I also don't like Elixir of Immortality becuause you end up shuffling the creatures you want to reaminate back into your library.
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