My main concern would be that only 9 of your creatures are made for dealing damage. Other than that, it's a solid green deck for sure :). Only suggestion would be to remove a few of your buff spells for more creatures.
Thanks for all the comments! Glad you guys like it. Being able to put an infinite number of lands into play in 1 turn is pretty rigged now that landfall is out. The possibilities are endless! Check back after the release of the next set.
Nice one :) And thanks for the comment on my infinite everything deck. This is a really nice combo also Lol. +1
There is an infinite mill combo that abuses Hedron Crab, if you use blue / green. Check out my infinite everything deck if you want to see how.
Perhaps a Beastmaster Ascension? It's one of my new favorite cards, and in a deck with a crapload of token creatures like this, it can be pretty overpowered.
IMO you've got more control than you need and not enough of a win condition. As it stands now, it looks like it would take a long time to win a game with this deck.
Looks pretty good. I would try to fit a Beastmaster Ascension in your deck somewhere though. It's amazing for small-creature beatdown decks like this. Maybe to replace one of your instant / sorcery spells?
Beastmaster Ascension is totally cheating with a token deck. I would look into getting it.
It's a shame that this isn't standard legal, but I like the idea of using shapeshifters. Check out my green / white ally deck, it's quite nice.
It doesn't seem like you have enough control to pull this off. You need 3 mana to put out Archmage Ascension, and you need 6 turns after that for getting 6 counters on it. That means your strategy starts on turn 9 at the earliest. Unless you can get enough control to stall the game that long, someone will have you beat by the time you can even start your combo.
I agree with Velite. I would ditch 4 walls for 4 more offensive-type creatures. Gaining life and controlling the board doesn't mean much if you don't have enough creatures to kill your opponent with.
Green with landfall is a very solid concept, but this deck is going to have a problem with consistency. Try to cut it down a bit so you have more 3's and 4's of a card, rather than 1's and 2's.
This deck is already not standard legal, so why do you care when stuff rotates? You have three creatures from 10th edition that already aren't legal. I'm confused by this.
I only count 15 lands in this deck... That might cause you some problems. 60 card decks usually have 20-24 lands. I do see that you have 4 creatures that can add mana, but if you don't end up with a forest to pay for them, you're going to be mana screwed quite often with this deck.
I gotta say, this is probably the best Sanguine Bond deck that I've seen so far. Usually people are unable to balance the life gain, agro, control, and Sanguine Bond acceleration but this deck does it unusually well. You're a bit light on the life gain, but still. Props for making this deck concept look possible for competitive play :)
Glad that I can help :) The real potential of Ajani Goldmane can go far beyond 36/36. It's possible to get his token creature to reach numbers that become uncountably high. You would have to totally remake your deck into mono white to do that though Lol. But hey, I hope your control deck works out for you. Good luck.
That's true, but just be aware of how slow this deck will probably run. Storm Herd and Feudkiller's Verdict are kind of late-game cards, and Ajani takes a while to get your avatar thing out. I didn't notice Celestial Convergance though Lol. Interesting card. But hey, if it works then go for it :)
Well, you need around 10-12 creatures that you can do damage with still, and having some walls is always a good call. I would say that you could probably ditch 2 Serra Angels and the Lightwielder Paladins. Another idea is to trade some of your non-control creatures for control based creatures. I would probably swap the Soul Wardens for Meddling Mages (if you can afford them, they're expensive). Gorgon Flail, Honor of the Pure, and Righteousness are all a bit out of place in a control deck, so you may want to lose them to free up more space for control. Harms way is good. You can replace Divine Verdict with 3 Path to Exile. Planar Cleansing should probably be on your side-board. I'd replace Divination with 2 Ponder. That should still leave room for another Sleep, 3 Hindering Light, and 2 Silence. Lastly, you could also take out 2 Plains and 2 Islands to use 4 of a non-basic blue/white land.
This deck is going to have some pretty bad problems... Right now it's more agro than control. Also, when you have that many single cards your deck is going to be terribly inconsistent.
It looks a lot better :) You guessed the main reason for Silence though. Protecting large spells or attacking creatures can be a huge help. If you cast it before you attack, you can stop damage negating cards like Fog. Also it lets you delay really powerful card combos. Keeping Planar Cleansing in your side-board is probably a good idea. But Unsummon... I just can't see that as being useful. If you cast Unsummon on a creature that your opponent has just put down, he can simply recast it his next turn. If, however, you had more Path to Exile, rather than Unsummon, you could remove it forever for only 1 mana :)
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