May want some creatures in sideboard for Telemin Performance.
Sideboard some creatures for Telemin Performance.
This is a 60 card deck with a 15 card sideboard. That's where the 75 comes from. Oh and this deck needs Swerve.
You are keeping this deck standard legal I take it? Looks that way with the current cards in there. There's an infinite landfall combo but it's only legal in legacy or something. Forgot exactly.
You are a sick individual dknight27. +1
It's more fun to say "I put 5,000,000 creatures into play and gain 5,000,000 life" that's all. It's for the giggle factor.
I would have to agree with Chilly282. Good deck, but with Ant Queen as your only token generation, it will seriously hurt your mana base. I would swap the monuments for 3 more banefires and the ant queens for another creature or a damage pump or something. Or sideboard the ant queen for your fogs :).
I would sideboard some creatures. Creatureless burn decks are fine, but if you go against blue I would swap in creatures because of Telemin Performance. Most blue decks will have that main deck or sideboard.
It needs more Swerve.
Look into Swerve. It's fun.
Here's another potential problem. Right now your deck is creatureless. I would definitely have some creatures (the Wall of Denial would fix this) at least in sideboard, just in case you go against a blue deck. Every competitive blue deck is going to have Telemin Performance on sideboard or mainboard just for creatureless decks. You don't want to run into that.
Good concept (I have a naya color allies deck also) but it looks like it will be amazingly inconsistent. Might need to work on cutting back some cards to bring your other stuff to 3's and 4's rather than 1's and 2's.
Deft Duelist does not really belong in a mill deck. You aren't looking to win by damage after all, just to make your opponent draw out his library. As for using it to block; you have 4 Wall of Denial in there, so you'll probably end up with one every game. I would swap the Deft Duelists for the mill half the deck card. Forgot what it's called actually Lol.
Electropotence is not a very good card. I would swap it for something else, but that's just me.
I see 3 copies of 3 legendary creatures... be careful with that or the legendary rule is going to get you in trouble.
Nice deck idea. +1
Lol yours is probably better than mine. I like it at least :). Good idea with the Plague Spitter.
Interesting, but the fact that every single one of your lands comes into play tapped pushes you back by a full turn for the entire game. I would re-evaluate your mana decisions.
I would try to find room for Banefire and possibly Pyromancer Ascension.
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