
16 Decks, 189 Comments, 14 Reputation

What I truly don't understand is Kazandu Blademaster here. I think I'd nix a Palace guard to add another Captain of the Watch, and swap the equipment and the Ascension for more lands, Pitfall Trap (or ala-block removal; still isn't too late), pro-black/pro-red, or hell, even Honor of the Pure... Zen-block soldiers worth noting might be Kor Hookmaster and Kor Aeronaut, and Zen-block removal really only goes so far as Day of Judgement and Pitfall Trap right now...

Seems fine for casual play as it is (a little too light on lands and too heavy on higher-mana cards), but if you're looking for a tourny-worthy Standard deck, it needs more work.

Posted 28 February 2010 at 03:25 as a comment on zendarkar/2010 soldiers


Too many cards and too many 1-of. If you want the deck to play better, get rid of some of the 1-of cards to shrink down the deck's size.

Heartwood Treefolk, Battlewand Oak, Cloudcrown Oak, Canker Abomination, Weed-Pruner Poplar aren't needed for the deck at all...

You might also want to consider evening out the mana requirements and possibly changing it to mono-green for speed, and replacing whatever you can with mana feeding cards like Fertile Ground.

Posted 26 October 2009 at 12:28 as a comment on treefolk


Where'd you hear that, theoritition? I've NEVER played anybody with 40-card decks, except for people that JUST started with a recent theme deck, or limited formats..

Posted 23 October 2009 at 18:05 as a comment on Turn 1 Iona?!


Can't help but ask: 40 cards is the minimum for what format?

Posted 20 October 2009 at 22:29 as a comment on end of days


How about counterspells, Wash Out, and such? Just sayin', 'cause you're playing blue after all...

Posted 20 October 2009 at 20:14 as a comment on Merfolk: 2 card win combo?


Personally, I wouldn't really call it a recursion deck with Unearth only...

Dance of the Dead, Animate Dead, and Reanimate are all good one-shots, and Oversold Cemetery is great continual (until it's gone) recursion.

Posted 20 October 2009 at 19:35 as a comment on recurring zombies


Grindstone without Painter's Servant?! GASP!

Posted 19 October 2009 at 22:44 as a comment on Grindstone/Millstone Control Deck


Very nice. Only thing I can imagine is how to make sure you get a Fluctuator by turn two, but even then, not bad...

Wouldn't have thought of this deck on my own; nice idea!

Posted 13 July 2009 at 17:29 as a comment on Cycle


Enlightened Tutor is fun for this type of deck; it searches for either Stuffy Doll OR Guilty Conscience.

Posted 08 July 2009 at 19:39 as a comment on stuffy doll unl dmg


Glad I was helpful. :)

Posted 07 July 2009 at 13:19 as a comment on Modular Madness


Personally, I'd scrap the Hybrids for Triskelion, Mycosynth Golem, Arcbound Ravager, or Arcbound Crusher. If you opt for the Mycosynth Golem, I'd also suggest swapping four forests for their Art. Land counterparts.

Also, I don't know about your opponents, but it feels like Mill has become a favorite strategy in my circle... Sensei's Divining Top, or any artifact that has a "draw a card" effect could be useful to pull up anything your Reclaimer takes from your graveyard.

Posted 07 July 2009 at 12:37 as a comment on Modular Madness


Great advice, thanks for your input!

Posted 03 July 2009 at 23:27 as a comment on Salvage Bash


Considering the deck, I think that Serra's Blessing could prove very useful... Maybe pull out either the Glacial Walls or Walls of Ice for some?

Posted 26 June 2009 at 01:07 as a comment on Teh Wallz


Personally, I wouldn't run Banefires with the cascade mechanic, but that's just me. Might trade it out for Jund Hackblade, Violent Outburst, Goblin Deathraiders, Jund Charm, Ooze Garden, or pretty much anything else that can fill a position as a t1/2/3 drop, or fodder for Cascade.

Another thing I noticed... Volcanic Fallout would kill every creature you have in your deck. Boartusk/Ashenmoor Liege could fix that, or Gluttonous Slime could Flash in and eat them to power itself above 2/2.

Posted 26 June 2009 at 00:27 as a comment on 360 degrees of total destruction


Very interesting. The Elvish Promenades had me stumped until I re-read Mistform Wakecaster... Still, personally, I'd still cut the Promenades for a sacrifice outlet or a couple more Minion Reflectors.

Posted 25 June 2009 at 02:12 as a comment on Zubera Swarm


Might consider splashing white for Summon the School. Replacing four islands with dual-lands might even be enough to get the true infinite-turn-combo going.

Other than that, you might want to consider cutting the Ghastlords and placing in two more Bannerets; it speeds things up a decent bit. Similarly, you might want to cut the Merfolk Looters for Tideshaper Mystic; you've got a 1/8.5 chance to draw something that will fulfill islandwalk's necessary island, and adding a couple more chances to draw one never hurts.

Posted 25 June 2009 at 02:06 as a comment on Merfolk that will SLAUGHTER YOU!!


My only question is: Why Pendelhaven Elders?
If you have Thelonite Hermit or Spidersilk Armor down, its ability isn't going to be pumping them. I'd actually think that another Spidersilk Armor and another Thelonite Hermit, or just two more Spidersilk Armors could do more for your deck than the two Elders.

Posted 25 June 2009 at 01:56 as a comment on An @ss load of tokens!


IMO, it seems like mono black, or B/R might suit your deck better. IE, pull the green, toss in four Blood Pet, four Dark Ritual, maybe Entomb... For more discard, Cunning Lethemancer lets you discard cards (and by "let", I mean "force"), as does Necrogen Mists.

Another thought is that, as fun as the Mesmeric Fiends are, other creatures might help you a little more, such as Netherborn Phalanx, Highway Robbers, Soul Scourge, Nekrataal, or Shriekmaw.

Posted 24 June 2009 at 21:21 as a comment on Forgotten Nightmares


EDH; 100 cards minimum, and only one copy of any card.

Honestly, though, it looks good, but why White Knight? xD
Sutured Spirit, Kami of the Honored Dead, Moonlit Strider, Oyobi, Who Split The Heavens, Twilight Drover, and Torii Watchward all fit the spot alright.

Unless you have a specific reason for having the White Knight in the deck (favorite card or what-not). :p

Posted 08 June 2009 at 02:35 as a comment on Celestial Kirin - Elder Dragon Highlander


Also love it. I've been pondering kobolds since I saw them for the first time, and anything that features them gets a big thumbs up.

Posted 08 June 2009 at 00:52 as a comment on Kobolds


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