
16 Decks, 189 Comments, 14 Reputation

And you could reduce that issue by running fewer not-so-useful lands, such as Blasted Landscape, Horizon Canopy, Mikokoro, and Dread Sanctuary...

The Fetchlands could just as easily be Yavimaya Coast or Flooded Grove to the same overall effect, without the susceptibility to the commonly-used Stifle.

Posted 14 April 2011 at 07:49 as a comment on leg land slap


Hah, yeaaah... Personally, I'd go -2 Staggetshock, +2 Contested War Zone. Land that gives a potential +1 damage per creature vs. sorcery that causes 4 damage for 3 mana... Yeah.

Posted 14 April 2011 at 07:40 as a comment on Why I Hate Red


Not sure why you have fetchlands in a land combo deck...

I'd replace one land at random with a Tabernacle, and put more utility lands in, such as Rishadan Port and the other (Zen/WWK) manlands.

Posted 14 April 2011 at 07:27 as a comment on leg land slap


-4 Dimir Aqueducts, +4 Contested Warzone
-3 Shield Sphere, + 1 Frogmite, +2 Cranial Plating
-4 Darkslick Shores, +4 Watery Grave / Underground Sea
-2 Into the Roil, +2 Signal Pest
-3 Master Transmuter, -1 Thopter Assembly, +4 Master of Etherium.
Would also cut the Angels and last Assembly, but can't think of what else to add other than Arcbound Ravager...

Posted 13 April 2011 at 22:54 as a comment on Affinity for Pain


I'd suggest Temple Bell over Howling Mine; same cost and effect, except that YOU choose when/if to draw cards.

Nuisance Engine is nifty, but overcosted for the results... Myr Propagator suffers from some similar problems, BUT, the tokens gain its ability to produce more tokens. With the mana from Grand Architect's ability, the mana requirement quickly becomes a non-issue; tap two thirds of your propagators (the ones with summoning sickness) to activate the remaining third.

I also second the advice to cut Puppet Conjurer; he's costly, and his ability has limited uses (Propagator/Nuisance cover the same ability, but almost always better...). I'd suggest replacing him with (most likely) another Grand Architect and Etherium Sculptor.

All just IMO, though.

Posted 13 April 2011 at 22:38 as a comment on Mass Production


I'd probably cut the Blistergrubs, one of the Elixers, and an Exsanguinate to make room for them...

I'd never really used it in multiplayer before, but Blood Tithe and Sanguine Bond sound like a pretty hilarious pair. Each player loses 2 life, you gain that much, then target opponent loses that much...

Posted 13 April 2011 at 21:08 in reply to #152797 on lifegain b/w


I'd say at minimum, get your hands on a fourth Llanowar Elf. Arbor Elf too, probably...
Green Sun's Xenith is also a good bet.

I'd call Leatherback Baloth, Copperhorn Scout, and maybe Wolfbriar Elemental kind of out of place... You need to drop the Scout early to make use of his ability when you'd want to, and that mana could be better spent on a Llanowar/Arbor/Treespeaker. The Baloth is a great creature, don't get me wrong, but in Elves you don't need a vanilla beater. Wolfbriar I'm not so sure on; you'll have lots of mana to pump into him, but if you do, you're liable to get smashed by a well-timed Day of Judgment.

Just IMO, of course.

Posted 13 April 2011 at 06:27 as a comment on Elf deck - help


No Sanguine Bond?
I'd also suggest a copy or two of Emeria, the land, to bring back the Sovereign if/when he bites the dust.
Probably suggest a fourth Survival Cache as well, since it's easy card advantage...

Just IMO, though.

Posted 13 April 2011 at 06:21 as a comment on lifegain b/w


Caltrops? :P
Not really awesome, but funny enough to mention as far as I'm concerned.

Posted 13 April 2011 at 06:05 as a comment on Hydra Spawn


I might just be biased against Perplex because it's a) 3-cost, and b) I play a lot of graveyard interaction decks and the "discard hand" bit doesn't always sound bad...
With the obvious penalty that you can't cast it until turn three since you're lacking mana acceleration, and then only if you play a "draw go", the bigger threats I can imagine would already be on the field (Goyf, KotR, Iona, Lackey, etc...) with their hands either already nearly empty or irrelevant.

The toolbox, I understand, but even then the cost for it is pretty high. Even Diabolic Vision looks better to me than Perplex...

Posted 13 April 2011 at 04:14 in reply to #152222 on I'd rather have a bottle in front of me...


Probably Whispersilk Cloak, the Peace/Pierce Striders, Training Drone, Rusted Slasher, Ichorclaw Myr, and depending on the final decklist, maybe/probably Myr Turbine, Trusty Machete, and Viridian Claw.

I'm not exactly set on Platinum Angel either, though I know it's a pretty big bomb in casual games...

Posted 13 April 2011 at 04:09 in reply to #152436 on THE UNBEATABLE!!


Needs more Magus of the Future. B)

Seriously, though, the deck's pretty dang scattered... I'd probably suggest adding a couple more Blebs at the least so that you can find what you want to play.

Posted 12 April 2011 at 20:07 as a comment on Morph is FUN!


Agreed with above, and to confirm:
You should probably have 4 Chieftains and 4 Warren Instigators.
There is no need for 20 lands in a 43 card deck, especially if it is Goblins...

Posted 12 April 2011 at 20:04 as a comment on epic goblin


Uh-huh... If you're playing Jargrim, run four Memory Jars. :P
No need to run many creatures if you aren't running Culling the Weak.
Dark Ritual, Lotus Petal, Cabal Ritual, Sol Ring, Mana Vault, etc.
Since you're running Wheel of Fortune, might as well run the red-ritual cycle as well; Rite of Flame, Pyretic Ritual, Seething Song, Simian Spirit Guide, etc.

Think about it this way: If you can speed out a turn-1 Memory Jar with at least one black/red mana to spare, you can probably win.

Posted 12 April 2011 at 19:57 as a comment on megrim again


4x Tinker? And only a one-of Academy Ruins?
I'd suggest adding one more Ruins, probably Sensei's Divining Top, and some mana acceleration; Mox derps, lotus petal, mox diamond and chrome mox. If those are a bit much for your blood, Etherium Sculptor helps smooth the curve a bit.

Posted 12 April 2011 at 19:10 as a comment on Mindslaver [HELP]


Pretty sure you meant 'Boros', the red/white guild from Ravnica block.

I'd suggest upping the Goblin Guides to 4-of, probably Buchwhacker as well, and add Signal Pest instead of the Wardrive/Bonehoard.
Boros decks are supposed to be FAST, and Bonehoard is not.
I'd also suggest replacing Burst Lightning with more Condemns. Removing a potential blocker is usually worth more than just an extra 2 damage.

And finally, Scalding Tarn and other fetchlands make Steppe Lynx and Plated Geopede work. Replacing 2x mountain, 1x plains with 3 more Scalding Tarn would help out a bunch.

If you end up running the Stoneforge Mystic/Swords package, I'd strongly suggest using 4-of Squadron Hawk, and maybe adding a 1-of Argentum Armor to boot.

Just my two bits, though.

Posted 12 April 2011 at 18:00 as a comment on Help!!!!


Always thought it was kind of sad that the deck came with Boldwyr Heavyweights. Considering the set as a whole, I can't think of a single card that I would want my opponent to get out... Much less a Shriekmaw to just kill it for free.
Better than "Shamanism" at least, haha...

Obsidian Battle-Axe is a surprisingly useful equipment for the last ability, especially with the Bannerets that decrease Warriors' costs (including, I'll mention, the Axe itself). A good idea to take advantage of the Banneret ability is to include more creatures that include only a single colored mana required, and the rest as colorless (reduce-able). That would decrease the chances of being short the color of mana that you need, and also decrease the amount of mana you need for the deck to run smoothly.

A creature I'd suggest from Lorwyn would be Nova Chaser; it's funny, a Warrior, and not expensive to buy as a single. I'd also suggest picking up some cards that can produce extra mana or help you draw cards, like Mind Stone.

Not sure if you were looking for suggestions or just posting the deck, but... Yarp.

Posted 12 April 2011 at 07:57 as a comment on Ready made deck - Warrior's code


I'd suggest trying to pick up more copies of Duress, Smother, and Shriekmaw to start things off; they are awesome, almost-always-usable black cards.

If you want suggestions for other cards to pick up (that are relatively inexpensive), I'd suggest Hymn to Tourach, Dark Ritual, Smallpox, Diabolic Edict, Funeral Charm, and Unearth. I could really go on, but most other cards I could mention are out of the "less than $1.00" range.

Posted 12 April 2011 at 06:35 as a comment on Basic Black 1


Just realized something else that might (MIGHT) help; Piston Sledge. Hadn't even seen it before I got reamed by an Infect deck running a set of them. The equip cost could even be pretty funny with Myr Sire and Perilous Myr in your deck.

Posted 12 April 2011 at 06:28 as a comment on RU Draft deck, need help.


I'd recommend against Chandra Ablaze... And probably try to cut down on a bunch of the 1-ofs. Similarly, try to get another 3 Goblin Gaveleers.

BIG recommendation for Piston Sledge and Accorder's Shield for equipment. Flayer Husk, Grafted Exoskeleton, Infiltration Lens, and Strider Harness are all Standard-legal equips that could turn the Gaveleer (or almost anything...) into a beatstick/trickstick.

Just IMO, of course.

Posted 12 April 2011 at 06:23 as a comment on THE UNBEATABLE!!


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