
16 Decks, 189 Comments, 14 Reputation

Personally, I'd say "Yes" since you already have Path and Doom Blade for creature removal.

Posted 06 May 2010 at 01:40 in reply to #64530 on sanguine bond charter to a win.


Personally, I might even call this deck a little land-heavy what with the Noble Hierarchs and all. Maybe -2 lands, +2 Burst Lightning or somesuch?

Posted 06 May 2010 at 01:38 as a comment on Vengevine - Naya


I'm actually really digging the theme and list that you've got in the deck, but I'm not so sure about the 4x Into the Roil. It's a great card on paper, but the cost of 4 mana for nonland bounce + draw a card feels like it would get less and less efficient as the game goes on. About the only cards that I can think of to replace it with would be Regress and the blue Zendikon.

Actually, the Zendikon seems like it would be great for the deck IMO, since it's something you can protect with both Aether Tradewinds and Hindering Light, while also giving you a Cascade-able "creature" to put on the field.

Definitely digging the deck, though. I can't see it quite keeping up with the unfortunate Jund and Bushwhacker decks, but if you can dig them into a hole, I certainly hope it'll work out! Good luck with future budget+ deck-building!

Posted 06 May 2010 at 01:32 as a comment on Bouncatron Standard


If the Archdruid and the Limited Resources are the main cards in the deck, why only 2 of each? Pretty much my only comment, because the deck looks pretty funny other than that.

Posted 04 May 2010 at 23:05 as a comment on elfland


2 Lightning Bolts and 4 Flame Slash instead of the other way around? What's the reasoning there?

Posted 04 May 2010 at 23:00 as a comment on Defender Red


I'm not so sure that Kargan has a place in fast aggro... Level-up just seems so counter-intuitive to the type of deck.

That's pretty much my only comment, since the rest of the deck seems pretty sound for Sligh.

Posted 04 May 2010 at 18:51 as a comment on Kargan RDW (help wanted)


Interesting... Just... Not sure why you have Howling Mine/Underworld Dreams in the deck. Seems like some control would work a little better; Wash Out, Capsize, Counterspell, and such.

Posted 29 March 2010 at 20:25 as a comment on A Dream within a Dream


I'm not sure that I'd go with running 6 EBT lands (I'd run more fetches instead XP ) and so few 1/2-drops, but the mid-game board position looks phenomenal.

Maybe Loam Lion, Elite Vanguard, Harm's Way, Naya Hushblade, Steppe Lynx, Dragonmaster Outcast, Pyroclasm, Bird of Paradise, Lotus Cobra, Mold Adder, Noble Hierarch, River Boa, or Wild Nacatl? And a Kor Firewalker in the side, of course...

Posted 29 March 2010 at 20:20 as a comment on NAYAlator


Personally, I'd dump the Blanchwood Armors for another pair of Timber Protector, Lignify, or maybe a Fog-variant. The Treefolk decks I've played against in the past have been most vulnerable turns 3 and 4, but Fog- and Avoid Fate-like effects can give you a better survival rate.

Posted 29 March 2010 at 20:01 as a comment on Angry Trees


I'm not so fond of how many singletons and high-cmc creatures you have in the deck, but I do like the use of Utopia Mycon (my favorite Thallid).

If I could make a suggestion, I'd say to cut down to a more specific theme. Saproling decks, for instance, work best with cards that give specific bonuses for using Saprolings; Plants tend to work well with plants (and Saprolings, too... Thallids and Life And Limb make the Avenger of Zendikar ridiculous)... Another piece of food for thought is that, while you do have a *decent* amount of 1/2 cmc creatures, you have a whopping 23 spells at 4 and up! With that many high-cost things to draw, I'd make the strong recommendation of playing Llanowar Elves, Arbor Elves, or Fyndhorn Elves, to speed things up in your favor.

Just IMHO, of course.

Posted 29 March 2010 at 19:58 as a comment on Token Devour insanity


I'd say four Fyndhorn Elves and four Land Grant would just about do it. Personally, I'd ditch the Overrun, Whispersilk Cloak, and Canopy Cover for a playset of each, and possible Biorhythm.

Posted 01 March 2010 at 19:40 as a comment on The Jolly Green Omnath


Mountain Goat?

Posted 01 March 2010 at 19:35 as a comment on Dragon Deck, Flying Death


I'd call Dash Hopes strictly worse than many blue counter-unless equivalents, but that's just me... Maybe in Death Wish's place, Duress. A good one-cost card, extremely useful at a game's start, and still useful as it goes on.

As always, just IMHO.

Posted 28 February 2010 at 17:33 as a comment on Dralnu Deck


More removal, lands, one-drops are definitely required if you're serious about tournaments. After more one-drops are added, Ranger of Eos would be another good addition... As would a singleton of Elspeth, Knight-Errant, but at that price, you might as well flesh out everything else first before deciding.

What *might* be a better Legacy deck for this kind of play could be White Weenies with no soldier subtheme. Lots of things that can be added in to replace your 3/+ drops, and it works FAST.

Posted 28 February 2010 at 17:27 as a comment on Legacy Soldiers Deck


My suggestions would be to include Wirewood Symbiote, Fyndhorn Elves, and Wirewood Channeler in the mana production line...

Also, though, it seems a little vulnerable. It'll take more than three turns to pump Helix up to 100 counters, so why only three fogs? Static Orb could help you a surprising amount (choose to untap your big mana producers), Tangle's great, Tanglewire, Tanglesap... Even Thorn of Amethyst would be decent protection.

Posted 28 February 2010 at 16:59 as a comment on elvish auto-win (suggestions appreciated)


Why Death Wish? I mean, I understand that it's ANY card, but it's at the cost of half your life. Personally, I'd run a few Spell Pierce, Daze, or Force Spike in that slot... More early counterspells are never a bad thing, after all.

Posted 28 February 2010 at 16:44 as a comment on Dralnu Deck


Where are the other ten cards?

Posted 28 February 2010 at 16:42 as a comment on Jund Deck Wins


Lands? Only 4 1-cost and 2 2-cost spells? What do you do if they Fog, or Counter your key spells?

My suggestion would be to focus more on the early game; green DOES have a lot of fatties, but if you want to win in just one big sweep, you'll probably want to pump out a lot of creatures so that there's less you need to protect...

Avoid Fate's great for protecting your key cards (predatory urge), and Bant Charm can take care of counters and fogs at the cost of a small splash for blue mana. Gutteral Response works similarly, but ONLY against blue.

As always, just IMHO. Feel free to ignore me.

Posted 28 February 2010 at 16:40 as a comment on Can't touch this


Since it's not a tourny deck, I'm not sure whether or not I should suggest Deathlace over the Mire Blights... Really depends on your play-group. If not, then just about any real Instant-speed creature kill would probably go better in that slot.

I'd probably ditch the Misers and the Samurai in favor of more creature removal spells, or some spells that you can play from the grave thanks to the Rotting Rats. I'd also lose the Index, Raven's Crime, and Scarscale Ritual for the same purpose, or in favor of the great number of draw/fetch spells available through Blue, like Accumulated Knowledge...

I also notice you're only running 20 lands in a 62 card deck, and considering you've got spells all the way up to cmc-6, you should probably cut spells for lands (etb tapped duals, fetches, true duals all work great for the remaining spots).

All IMHO, of course; feel free to ignore me.

Posted 28 February 2010 at 16:32 as a comment on Annoying Rats


Personally, I'd run Duress over Mire's Toll, since you're already running a decent amount of creature removal in case something comes out, and it could get rid of some threats against your enchantments.

Additionally, I might drop the Terminates or Bituminuous Blasts in favor of Pyroclasm or Infest, since you're pretty creature-light and it would more than likely be better than a 2-for-1 with the current Standard.

Just IMHO, though; looks pretty good on its own.

Posted 28 February 2010 at 16:21 as a comment on Modified Rakdos Control/Discard


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