Agree on Firemantle Mage, testing shows he needs the white Retreat. The other landfall cards in here are the good ones in the set plus the green Retreat that has synergies with Hangarback and trample.
Looks like unadulterated brewing fun! Bet you had a blast putting this together. Kudos.Not sure I would have the balls to play it anywhere outside the kitchen table as I tend to shy away from decks that get killed by a Vapor Snag. :)
MTGTigerLegacy burn a "whole new deck" You are kidding, right? Here is a little history lesson for you from a 2004 article posted on the mothership: posted the deck as Unloved so I assume that he/she is either fishing for constructive criticism, (see my previous post), or someone to stroke his/her ego, (I'll let someone else take care of that).If you want to contribute to the MTGVault community maybe you can in your next post on the site adopt either one of those positions instead of innately trolling...
Goblin Guide and Grim Lavamancer over the Devil any day, (turn 1 Guide nets 2-4 damage 80ish% of the time, turn 2 Grim allows you to fill your yard in time for his summon sickness to pass and gives you reach after your burn has been countered. > Devil dies before his first combat step close to 75% of the time, oh and Nobody ever pays the 4 if they have removal in their deck). Another critter with a serious payoff is Eidolon of the Great Revel, on the play it dominates and hands out piles of damage.By loosing the Devil, Wraths and the awful Chasm you've cleared room for a 4-4-2 split that will seriously upgrade your deck.9-12 fetch lands yanks a land out of your deck pretty much every other turn and in your build it is desperately needed as you will be pulling blanks, (read lands), long after the game should be over...
Zealous needs to main. Always run 4 Bolts, it's the reason to run red. Crackling Doom is to slow to run as a 3 of, this is not standard. Virtue is to narrow, modern is a format where the 2 drop slot is reserved for power cards. Kolagan's Command is a house in the format and must be included if you are in the colors. The Pike is pure garbage, run Swords if you absolutely need equipment. Diversify your black removal or end up with dead cards, (like Throat against Affinity). Your SB looks like a pile of cards left over after you trimmed down to 60 main and does next to nothing against the most played decks and quite a few trash your own deck...Oh, and your land base is a disaster, get some shock lands and get rid of the horrible tap lands!
Jund prowess/landfall aggro er noe jeg driver aa koker i hop. Stabler av de beste 1 og 2 drop crittera tilgjengelig hvor halvparten blir bedre nar du kaster ett non-creature spell og den andre halvparten blir bedre naar du spiller land. Sexy!
Tror du maa splashe en ny farge etter at vi mister mye burn. Groenn hoers kjekk ut med Atarka's og Dromoka's Command. Kort om gjoer 2 ting er alltid sterke.
Ekstra plus for Sabertooth i main, liker den vinkelen!
SB vinner turneringer. Hvis du har det rette hat kortet klart saa er det ikke vanskelig aa vinne 2 i rad etter aa ha tapt game 1. Monk eks: Outpost Siege + Abbot mot UB/Esper control og du trekker flere kort enn de kan hanskes med. Mot Mono-Red burn vil Soulfire GM/Seeker + Roast/Firecraft skaffe deg mere liv enn de kan ta. Mot decks som har haugvis av smaa tullinger som kan blokke monka dine naar allt du trenger er ett angrep for aa vinne er Magmatic Chasm fantastisk, etc.
Myth funker jo som ett critter som vokser gratis og gjoer motstanderen mer og mee nervoes jo lengere kampen gaar. Game 2 mot Hvit og/eller Groenn saa bare bytter du den ut med Firecraft og de har sida inn enchantment hat og du har lada opp med mer ammo!
Vi har Dromka's Command i hver eneste deck over her saa enchantments funker daarlig for tida ellers saa hadde jeg spillt den hele tida!
I get that Skyhunter is a knight but that is no reason to play a sub par critter over a premium one, especially when there is next to no benefit of it being a knight in the first place, (3 critters and 3 lands does not make a difference as there will be plenty of games you draw neither). Chord in your deck is also litterally unplayable with it's tripple G cost and only 1/2 a dozen G sources, (just a heads up as you will quickly find that out yourself). There is nothing wrong with Honor in itself and it may well be the best option for you but a 2nd walker backing up your horde does seem really powerful...
Serra Avenger and Vial are best buddy's so drop the terrible Skyhunter for it. Gideon from either Origins or Zendikar would be significant upgrade to Honor. Go with CoCo over Chord and I think you might have a decent deck on your hands! Good work.
Myth Realized er en mulighet i en deck med mange non-creature spells og et meta uten Dromoka's Command i hver eneste deck
I got a janky Loam deck that plays, among other things, Dark Deal into Extraction. Loads of fun.
The pro multi-color dude? He is mostly a Savannah Lion being relevant only against an Abzan aggro deck without removal, (and they don't exist). Plus he is White which puts alot of strain on the turn 1 mana. I'm pretty sure any Zurgo replacement has to be red...?I guess I could just go "screw it" and run the 2 Magma Spray in the main for as long as it is legal.
Zurgo is a bit of a reach I agree but I'm having a hell of a time finding another decent 1 drop threat as WOTC won't let me play with 6 Swiftspears! Anger has actually moved from the SB to the main lately just by being a damned good call in the current meta.
Modern staples that fit your budget theme: Taylor Swiftspear, Anger of the Gods, Destructive Revelry, Treetop Village.
Modern staples that fit your budget theme: Taylor Swiftspear, Anger of the Gods, Destructive Revelry, Treetop Villagr.
True, it is also a 3 drop that would require more lands then 20 if I were to add it to the main. Might test with 3 instead of Field Marshal and Elspeth. Thanks.
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