No Geist of St. Traft? Seems very strong.
CoCo is likely an upgrade on Townsfolk, (I have not tested it), but don't dismiss Townsfolk outright as a just a budget solution as it is deceptively powerful and the Fateful Hour can flip a game. I'm actually inclined to try Vial in that slot as Vial on 2 seems like a nightmare to play around...? Reflector I have tested and he was very mehh, I'd rather plug Geist in that slot. New Thalia seems wicked tho....
Got it. The 3 drop slot is pretty crowded but might be worth testing a 1 of....
Not sure I understand, you are saying I should swap a 2 card combo for a 4 card combo?
Land baser er en av mine styrker som deck bygger saa det funker jo rimelig bra. Ofte naar jeg bygger en deck, (teoretisk), saa har jeg en ide som utgangs punkt, (ett par kort som bestemmer farge, etc), og foer jeg gaar videre saa sjekker jeg om det finnes en land base som funker. Hvis jeg ikke finner noe brukbart saa gidder jeg ikke bruke noe mere tid paa den tanken...
It looks a lot smoother now, good work on the tweeking!I've got one final thought that I think you need to test out:Pull the Kithkin and Elf for 4 Thalia's Lieutenant. Should smooth out your curve even more and it looks like she would be nuts in this deck. I run her in my Bant Humans and she is an allstar!
New Tamyo could work, new Thalia will definitely work! :)
Faar vel bruke litt tid og mekke denne decken til ett nivaa hvor den vinner mere enn den taper. Tror det viktikste her er aa finne en land base som er solid og saa bygge videre paa Ally temaet. Vi faar gruble naar dere kommer over...
Etter litt proeve trekkiing sa tror jeg hu trenger 22 land. Mulig en Needle Spire til?Med Encampment og Ziggurat saa er det mulighet for aa splashe en fjerde farge hvis du har en Super Ally hu droemmer om aa inkludere, (Zulaport Cutthroath?)Return to the Ranks hadde jo ogsaa vaert morro naar du faar Ally trigger oppaa Ally trigger oppaa........
Oh, Grim and to a lesser degree Staticaster is weenie/token hate with Grim adding a little reach, hence his place in the main. Linear aggro decks is something that has to be respected.
I played 2 Fulminators and 2 Nahiri main in my original build and found that I could often get a commanding start but that the deck couldn't finish fast enough so I decided to plug in Geist for a faster clock. Early testing suggests I probably neeed to get the Fulminators back in to the main and possibly reduce the Geist count. A 1 of Crucible sems like a must have as well, (can't beleive I forgot about that card), thanks! Nahiri main was good but not great without Emrakul so I think I might stick with her SB for now. That plan might change down the line as the more I play around with this deck the more avenues of play I discover.
I like the way you think. My only concerns are that he is so fragile in a Modern stacked with removal and that you have to pay for the card cast, (like Snappy), so no Boom//Bust trickeration from him. Definetively worth testing with though, thanks!
4x Mind Funeral for sure.Some # of Bitter Ordeal without clogging up you 3 drop slot. I also like a 1 of Haunting Echoes if you think you can support it,
Interesting twist on the theme, kudos for being creative!I do have a couple of things I wonder about:Thalia and counter spells does not play nice together. In your deck you basically end up with counters that cost as much to cast as it costs your opponent to pay to cancel them, that seems a terrible trade. Mizzum Skin kind of falls in the same category as you need an additional U+x up to protect what you just played from instant speed removal, Wouldn't it be better to just play a more resilient threat?Playing fetches because you may draw them before Arbiter comes online seems very suspect, especially because your chance of drawing one is exactly the same as drawing Arbiter. Just sounds like a very high chance of drawing a dead land after turn 3. Some number of Tec Edge will likely serve you better.On that note: 19 lands seems extremely optimistic with 9 three drops and a 4 drop, how often do you miss your 3rd land drop?Intrepid Hero seems incredibly slow and extremely fragile, how often does it kill something on turn 4?
Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it. I face a lot of Tron and Infect so the inclusion of the Crumble and Palm is based on that as Crumble fits the general theme and replacing a possible 4th Charm with Palm is a small price to pay for free game 1 wins against those decks. In a unknown meta the Crumble would likely be a 4th Molten rain and the Palm would be in the SB. I've tested a little with Brimaz as an additional critter and so far he has been very impressive in this deck so he might deserve a spot in the main as a 1 of. Not sure about the Git Probe idea but I am willing to test with Gut Shot as I think that it is a card that fits really well into the current meta, thanks for the idea though! I've tried a couple of Nahiri main and although she is good she is not great without the instawin Emrakul on board. i much prefer to totally blindside my opponent for games 2-3 by boarding in the entire package.
My point was that if you have the budget for another Spell Snare, (as you mentioned in you description), then any portion of that budget is WAY better spent towards mana. And no, your current base is not fine, it's painfully slow and needs attention to get the best out of your spells.
There are none. You need to focus every trade and purchase for this deck towards the mana base. No more Spell Snare or anything else until you get your mana issues fixed. Hell, you could add 4 Snapcasters right now and it will do next to nothing to improve your win % because your mana base is so incredibly sluggish. The rest looks fine for a budget build. Maybe add a Staticaster to the SB and move Dispel to the main.
+1 Grim Lavamancer is a good investment for a budget build. +1 Marauder, just an excellent budget critter. +1 Smash to Smithereens in the SB, got to wreck those hateful artifacts.4 Shard Volley is likely to tough to pull off with 18 lands, try running 2, 3 at the absolute max.
Secluded Steppe er ikke lovlig i Modern, (reprints fra Commander serien). I og med at du mangler Path to Exile, (passer decken perfect men koster jo $), saa kansje 2 eller 3 Fiend Hunter eller Banishing Priest for aa bli kvitt problematiske critters paa andre sida. 1 eller 2 Leonin Relic-Warder i SB er ogsaa en tanke...Ellers saa digger jeg decken, full budget charge!
All of that is cute and landfallish enough for a casual build but useless in anything competitive, it will get crushed against anything fast like Atarka Red or countered out against anything controlling with Blue in it. I don't even think the build draft above has an above 50% chance against any tier deck but it is a start that should at least win some packs at say FNM level.
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