Personally I'd go GU for the Blighted Agent and Gitaxian Probes but I completely understand the Black as Stinger and Unearth are powerful draws.You can actually play this in BUG with the dual and Cycle lands available...
Ops, missed that one!Then go Vines and Mutagenic, (in that order).
Off the top of my head:With 16 ETB tapped lands you have no early game and are literally giving away tempo to your opponent. Consider some pain lands to help speed things up.Dump Titan's Strength for the new Red Berserk: Temur Battle RageKick Tymaret out and fill the spot with something triggering Temur Battle Rage Ferocious ability.Drop a Downfall for the more flexible Utter End.Hope that helps...
Nevinyrral's Disk
Before you add any of those pumpers you need to dump your Giant Growth for 4 Invigorate.
Running White without Knights of the Reliquary is just pointless.
Sometimes you have to trade bulk to get what you want. I just traded aprox 15 cards to get 1 more Sorin for one of my standard decks and 1 Dark Confidant for one of my modern decks. It was a trade that worked for both of us as he got 1/2 a deck he wanted to build and I got the missing pieces I needed for my decks...
Brawler could be ok but it is WAY to early to speculate on FR cards yet with only a handful spoiled.Brimaz is expensive because he is good. Trade for 1 or 2 if you can, you wont regret it.Another warrior that is not expensive and might work for you is Tormented Hero.
Tokens and Stoke the Flames with Grand Masters buyback looks painful in standard and modern.UR burn splashing W seems like it would benefit the most by recycling draw spells to fuel the burn or even set up a soft lock with hard counters while say a Delver or Young Pyromancer does the dirty work...?
Agreed. I use TCGPlayer as my pricepoint because there are multiple vendors competing for my $ and I can in fact click a button and actually buy the card for that price right there and then. Real world pricing in real time.
It's also a $2 card. A playset of those eats up half his budget. That is a pricey Giant Growth...
Sorin has to be in the main. His +1 is fantastic in a critter heavy deck and his -2 can help you rebuild after a board wipe.Your removal seems very costly and more suited for a control type deck, not a horde style that wants to drop threats every turn. With all the token decks running around I would mainboard Bile Blight.You also need to smooth out your mana. Urborg is an auto include and you might even consider running 2 in here.I know he is not a warrior, (neither is the terrible Ripper), but where is Brimaz? The ultimate "weenie" badass is missing from a weenie deck!
More Wild Defiance, Rangers Guile for protection, Unnatural Predation to bust through chump blockers, Invigorate for a more effective pump. More critters like Ichorclaw Myr, (a must have), and Rot Wolf, (curve topper)....and there is always Swiftfoot Boots...
Just played this in a local Modern tournament and it did surprisingly well!Match 1 was against a UR Aggro where I had tempo advantage the whole time and he could not stick Delver or YP. 2-0. Allstar: SwiftspearMatch 2 I ran into Tron and between Ghost Quarter and a couple of well timed Assaults it was never a match. 2-0. Allstar: 50/50 split between GQ and Assault.Match 3 was a blowout against a Jund list with 3 Ooze main deck and Relic of Progenitus in the SB. 0-2. Allstar: His Scavenging Ooze.Match 4 turned out strange against a rougeish UW control build that I could not quite figure out and whiffed on my sideboarding for game 2 and likely gave that one away but recovered in game 3 by simply going all out aggro with Stoke the Flames as a curve topper. Allstar: Young Pyromancer.Finished preliminary rounds in 3rd position and were set for playoff against the deck ranked 2nd.Playoff semi-finals I got to face off against what I normally play in this format, Death and Taxes! However this D&T build had Wingmate Rocs in it? After the game he stated that the idea of flickering a Wingmate was just too sexy a prospect for him not to try. That said, the rest of the deck was hating in all the wrong places when paired up against mine, (no Dryad Militant), so it ended up being a relatively simple affair as soon as Assault came online. 2-0. Allstar: Assault.Finals against the same Jund list that wiped the floor with me in the preliminary rounds and I managed to steal game 1 by outracing his removal before he Reliced up and it was all over. 1-2. Allstar: His sideboard.As long as this deck does not get hated out like the Jund list did to it I would say that it has some merit and is set to surprise quite a few decks that are running light on the graveyard hate. It was surprisingly stable game 1 and in most all games I never really felt I was out of it until the yard hate hit. Not bad for a budget build with next to no playtesting behind it!
Try 2 Ghost Quarter instead, I can pretty much guarantee you'll love what they will do for you!
Any tri-color Modern deck is going to need a lot of tinkering with the mana base so don't feel bad about that!I like Ravine a lot and play it in several decks I have but I am not 100% sure it fits in here because of the high activation cost in a deck that otherwise runs on 3 lands in play. My question is, at what point will you have Ravine and 4 other lands in play to activate it? Maybe if you were playing Birds, (a totally different build), or going flat out aggro with Assault as a tail end combo but maybe not in a control build like this...I was thinking about running a solitaire Inkmoth Nexus in one of my builds but that would require me to take out a Ghost Quarter or Tec Edge and I'm not sure I even want to do that because of the way either one of them destroys Tron and can cripple control and other tri-color decks like Jund, (all are types you will run into).That said, I have not played Ravine in any Assault Loam decks so my observations are not based on experience.I do have to say though that not playing 4 Looting is a mistake. It is such a crucial card to feed your engines, (especially as you don't have the full set of Bobs), that I would not dream about running this without all 4.Just my 2 cents...Other then that I think it looks really good and you should take most any meta by surprise and rack up a nice win record before everyone starts hating on you!
In an ideal world you Crime their hand away, Jab and Assault their critters and swarm with all those Elementals, (in that order)...
Not sure about cutting the Raven's Crime as it is so powerful as recurring disruption and can destroy an opposing deck by itself but I totally agree about the recycling Ghost Quarter, just make sure not to add too many non color producing lands as they will hurt your tempo as early draws.
Liliana of the Veil is an auto include if you have her and a full set of Bob's is also optimum, (I get it if you dont have 'em, I've only got 3 myself).One thing that concerns me a little is the self-inflicted damage potential of this deck. With all that fetch, shock, seize and Bob damage lurking it looks a little like you are setting yourself up with a -5 life disadvantage in every game, (scary in a format as quick as Modern).Considering you should never drop a land sideways in this deck maybe replace a few Shock lands with Check or Tap lands, (Dragonskull Summit, Copperline Gorge)?Maybe Inquisition over Thoughtseize, (in Modern it is practically as good early and equally bad late without the life loss involved)?For some more budget minded options available:Monastery Swiftspear has played incredibly strong in a budget build, (and in pretty much every other Modern legal deck), I run. With Loam running and all the Retrace you have I can see it being really strong in here.I have also played Darkblast before and it kind of sucks. You are far better off with the 4th Faithless Looting to feed Loam and Retrace.Your SB options also seem a little weird but I assume they are keyed towards your local meta...
Zed.Ex: Bile Blight in hand with no critters in play = dead card. (with big critter in play it is only marginally less dead), Play Guttersnipe = Bile Blight now live card.With only 6 critters in the deck any removal across the table that is not multi-purpose will often be dead in their hand and adding more easily removable critters will turn those cards live.Ex2: Standard mid-range Mardu with 12+ removal cards v/s UB Control with 1 Pearl Lake Ancient gives the Mardu player a lot of sideboarding to do for game 2...Furthermore your advice about removing the 4 basic lands for Guttersnipes shows you truly dont get how this deck ticks. Jack is running a bare minimum of 24 lands as it is and removing any will tank the deck. If anything it might run smoother if the land count got increased. The regular Jund version of this runs 28 lands.
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