
95 Decks, 309 Comments, 132 Reputation

4 basics in a 3 color Modern deck is pretty much the standard nowadays and 8 fetches are on the low end of the spectrum so I'm not sure that's where I'd start making changes. A surprise Blood Moon could be a problem but if one is expected then the fetch lands actually help you play around it. Also note that there are only 5 cards of the 75 that require more then one of any color, a good thing when facing a Blood Moon.

I appreciate the feedback though.

Posted 16 October 2016 at 07:10 in reply to #591415 on Flayer in Modern Junk


Have not tried Doom at all as it is hard to cast on curve but that might not matter as a 1 of. Might try it out though. K-command is usually - kill something + discard more then anything else. Stony is a pet card for me when I play white that has splash damage against other decks then Tron, 3 might be overkill with Magus in the board as well, should likely be a Thoughtseize.

Posted 24 September 2016 at 22:28 in reply to #589921 on Modern Mardu Humans (Sold)


Thanks, it's fun and it steals quite a few game 1's. After SB it suffers from some of the usual WW problems but Bob and Abott helps. After testing it some more it should probably have 2 Thoughtseize in the board and Lavamancer main is questionable, the rest has been rather solid. Mana still needs some fine tuning, (maybe 19 lands?).

Posted 21 September 2016 at 13:50 in reply to #589921 on Modern Mardu Humans (Sold)


Fate Transfer seems to cute by far. Having 1 in your hand and no Thing in play seems aweful, worse yet would be to play it on your Thing just to get 2 for 1 with removal in response. Something simple like Negate is likely way better.

Not crazy about Icefall Regent either, it's just too slow for what it does. Actually the whole deck seems slow, draw-go control is not where you want to be in a format as fast as Modern. You need some early pressure against combo decks, (Delver?), and Vapor Snag against Zoo type decks is next to useless as your prime removal spell, (splash Bolt?).

The only mono Blue deck in Modern worth it's salt is Merfolk because it packs uncounterable aggro with some light protection, disruption and the best synergy in the format. If you want to play mono Blue but refuse to play Fish you have to expect to be piloting a much worse deck that will loose quite a bit.

Mind you, I built a mono Blue "house deck" for my local shop around the Illusion tribe and would you believe that over the last year or so it has won the local Modern FNM twice with different pilots! Could be worth looking into as a budget option... (Listed as Grand Illusion in my deck list)

Posted 11 September 2016 at 13:23 as a comment on Antici....Pation.


I like EE alot, been running 1 main in my regular Jund list for the past couple of months and until the meta changes it'll stay there hosing all kinds of aggro game one. Not crazy about Bitterblossom as a playable card in Modern... How has it been working out for you?

Posted 01 September 2016 at 15:31 in reply to #588879 on Modern Flayer Jund


I dont know about Prototype either but instead of playing the horrible Bauble I was thinking that this has to be a better card? I guess testing will show. I like Reveler but I think it's better in a Grixis shell with Blue cantrips.

Posted 31 August 2016 at 13:31 in reply to #588879 on Modern Flayer Jund


If Green is splashed then it's no longer a 2 color deck now is it? Growth could certainly be played here but if we are piling up on the pump spells then Bogles and Infect is probably where you should be. A-Command shines with Prowess, pumping the whole crew twice and getting a 2nd effect for free, seems like what you want to be doing in a deck like this....!?!

Posted 31 August 2016 at 13:17 in reply to #589049 on Modern Prowess


1/2 a dozen burn spells can't both apply pressure and remove walkers, they can barely remove 1 drop critters in Modern. Batterskull is next to unplayable in a meta that runs artifact hate maindeck, (K-Command). Draw-go control is not where you want to be when the rest of the meta drops multiple threats every turn or combos off on you as soon as you don't have a counter in hand. Being proactive, (like Blood Moon, land destruction, discard, etc.), is vital in a fast meta like Modern.

Posted 31 August 2016 at 12:54 in reply to #589008 on UR Control


This will require a normal Modern landbase, (fetch and shock lands), but splashing Green gives access to Atarka's Command and Become Immense, 2 seriously broken cards in a Prowess build.

Posted 31 August 2016 at 12:43 as a comment on Modern Prowess


Seems weak to Walkers, (Lili, Nahiri), you probably need to address that. Also low on win cons, you could probably end up controlling the board for a while but without pressure you'll just loose to a combo the second you run out of counters in hand. Maybe taking it more in the direction of a Blue Moon deck?

Posted 30 August 2016 at 13:59 as a comment on UR Control


How about all out aggro removing counters for Seal of Fire and add a full set of Lupine Prototype and go helllbent as soon as possible using Desolate Lighthouse for fuel?

Posted 30 August 2016 at 13:51 as a comment on Modern Izzet budget


I'm trying to keep the cost as low as posible because of Bob so anything that increases the overall casting cost better be worth it. In addition, the -3 effect of Strangler is secondary to it's ability of letting me abuse Sculler.

Example from 2 weeks ago: T4 = Play Sculler and in response to it's ETB Vial in Wisp to flicker Sculler stripping the 2 useful cards out of my opponent's hand, followed by T5 Strangler processing the 2nd Sculler card targeting his topdecked 4/5 'goyf, (that just stalled most of my board,) allowing Thalia, Arbiter, Sculler and Wisp to swing in for damage. Now he is in topdeck mode and I have a clock that has to be dealt with immediately, basically everything a tempo deck wants!

That said, a 4-3 split of Thalias and 2 more Blade Splicers might just be flat out better then any of that kind of trickeration...?

Posted 22 August 2016 at 08:42 in reply to #588364 on Bob's Eldrazi Taxes (Sold)


It's fine with Sculler, pretty reliable recursion going on there. Don't think one is any good without the other tho...

Posted 21 August 2016 at 15:01 in reply to #588137 on Bob's Eldrazi Taxes (Sold)


You want to be competitive? That is not gonna happen without fetch lands. While you are durdling around trying to get the right combination of mana online you will be dominated in a format as fast as Modern. Fetch lands will also show you the real power of Become Immense, not playing such a broken card in this deck is a huge miscalculation.

You also need to get rid of the chaff: Stuff like Assault Strobe is hot garbage that looks impressive when goldfishing but sucks in real life because you are advertising your actions pre combat vs Temur Battle Rage that when timed correctly just flat out wins.

In addition you need to better identify what cards are excellent and what cards are less then optimal. Ex: Running 4 Rangers Guile over 2 Vines of Vastwood is just another misread that makes this deck durdle rather then kill.

I'm not saying this to be a dick, it's just how Modern works. This deck, as it sits, is realisticly trying to win with 1 creature by turn 4+. By then a deck like, say Jund, has seen 10+ of it's cards. What do you think your chances are...?

Posted 21 August 2016 at 14:44 as a comment on Cool Story, Bro. (Turn 2/3 ML)


Always fun! I had a near table flip once when after T1 = Bolt the bird, T2 = Boom, T3 = Rain I dropped Narset showing Boom//Bust on her +1. He was not at all happy with a hand full of 3 drops...

Posted 20 August 2016 at 19:59 in reply to #588201 on Jeskai LD project (Sold)


Definetively a toss-up. If I was ramping with Green then Stone Rain for sure but in here the 2 damage is really important as in Modern you don't have much time to finish them off before they stabilize and rebuild.

Posted 20 August 2016 at 11:15 in reply to #588201 on Jeskai LD project (Sold)


4x Doran, the Siege Tower. ;)

Posted 13 August 2016 at 12:15 as a comment on Assault Trees


Fetches and shock lands will make the land base more stable, (I'm sure you already know that). Zealous Persecution looks like a perfect fit and an upgrade to the defensive Duress. 2-3 Shambling Vents would help in a stall out or flood situation. 1-2 Go for the Throat for a Doom Blade/Victim is likely correct as well. Path to Exile should also be in here somewhere.

Posted 13 August 2016 at 11:06 as a comment on Modern Black White Aggro


Damnation was probably the weakest SB card and swapping it for a 2nd Persecution is a great idea! I also like your Blood Crypt swap. Will test the other land suggestions as well. Thanks!

Posted 13 August 2016 at 10:41 in reply to #587418 on Modern Mardu Humans (Sold)


Now that seems like a blast. Great tip!

Posted 05 August 2016 at 19:41 in reply to #587050 on Modern Bant Humans (Sold)


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