Congrats to Aaron McGolthin of West Virginia, who piloted his version of mono blue to first place at Fall states. His version inspired me to play monoblue again.
I'd drop the purify to the sideboard and one of the far and aways. Replace with syncopates to keep control in game one. Think about annuals for extra counter protection against the new wave of god enchantments. I totally dig this deck and will be stealing from it very soon;) Goodluck!!
That's a solid copy AZ88. If this deck ran some counters instead of soo much creature control, its power could go OVER 9000!!!!
....yeah, i own a mox jet;)
I like your "One Man Army" deck! However, it could use some main deck protection. I'd bump two of those boros charms for your creatures. The biggest problem for this deck (and zoo in general) is that it can be bombed by mass wipe and then controlled. Also without any artifact or enchantment control, in game one, you are at the mercy to decks like scepter chant or counter balance. But then again, I can tell this is just a fun theme deck, so... Goodluck;)
Looks like a fun deck! I would drop the Akron Horses though... they require you to keep a 0/4 blocker in play. Why help your opponent? The Akroan Crusader, is a better choice if your going to devote 10+ spells to targeting creatures. Run four of them. I would also expect this deck to have problems with tempo and control because there are no real control spells or spells with scrye. Oblivion Ring is a good start for control. I'd drop the planeswalkers and go with some control spells. Goodluck and please feel free to comment on my Boros is BOSS deck.
Great deck! I'm thinking of running it without the molten births. I'm more of a Ash Zealot kind of guy. Boros Reconner would also be kinda cool, because he's three red symbols. What about the sideboard? Red has problems with enchantments. I'm beginning to think this deck could be done with a touch of white. Good luck and thanks for the great post!
I like this challenge and especially like your time themed deck. I'm thinking some of your card choices could be better but... you were pressed for time. Hope to take some ideas from it;)
That's the truth brother! However, I freaking love the choices for the sideboard... My advice: run three signs. Goodluck and congrats on the success of your design!
I think all the neg comments come from haters who are jealous about the 88 likes... That's more likes then all my decks combined, lol. This deck is fun and for all you haters who think that reformatting a deck archetype is stealing... Suck my Cyclopes!
Fun deck... But the tempo is off because your card drawing is merger. Have you considered the following... 1) inaction injunction, 2)wild guess, 3)lay of the land, and 4) prophetic prism? There are others but I think these cards would get your mana base steady and allow you to draw into your combo by turn four all that much quicker. Also they are non rates:) Goodluck!
You'll need four more lands if you hope to make the guild Mage useful on turn five. Otherwise I love the sorcery choices and planes walkers. It's my opinion the creature and enchantment selection should reflect more control. Basically if the deck doesn't have enough answers to Agro , midrange, and bant it won't make top eight without a match shifting sideboard. Goodluck!
One spell rupture? Just go agro and add another Spectral Flight. The spectral flight would also help your Master Biomancer. If your committing to four of those bad asses then you need a way to get him big. With all these small undying creatures I'm surprised not to see a single bioshift or biomass mutation. Lastly, this deck needs more card drawing otherwise you'll suffer the fate of drawing late game small evolution creatures or lands. Personally, my best simic decks ran eight card drawers. SIMIC RULES!! Goodluck;)
I just wished there was a "sliver" planeswalker... I noticed Crystaline sliver is missing "the hex proof one"... its a great addition to the sideboard if anything else. Goodluck and thanks for the liked comment. oh one last thing... i bet you'd enjoy reading about infinite mana/creature combos. Just type it into google... good reading:)
Elvish piper is the bomb! Go with four!
Ever thought about mana echoes? It's an easy infinite sliver combo when you have the queen in play! Nice land choices but I'd run a fetch or two so you can control your mana flow. Good luck
It's a great build for budget! I hope they reprint some better mass wipe cards for white in the future. However, I'd drop growing ranks for mana excell like arbor elves (good for chump blocking too) or verdant haven. Goodluck
If this is modern, then I'd run traumatize over mind grind because mind grind isn't effective unless you pay three and then it's unpredictable. Trauma always takes half...just like an exwife);) also you need more board control if your going to survive to turn five in modern. I'd think about mass creature wipe spells. Good luck!
Well... You have 21 lands so drop seven non land cards. I would drop the spark troopers, one tajic, two true fire paladins, one medic, and blind obedience. Further, I'd replace three cards for three madcap skills. You have limited board control so your creatures need to have evasion in order to avoid being chump blocked. Goodluck., And think about a sideboard.
Wow! That's a cheap deck with some character. I just posted my new mill and its over ten times the cost,lol. Good luck!
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