Haha, yeah it's a weirdly fun tester deck. I think it's a good tribal style deck but honestly... I love playing my tier one pauper decks against it.
It's still a better deck than my Thing in the Ice control deck... Ugh I got hosed on buying cards for a U/R deck a while back.
Yeah, I think it would be cool to use "lightning art" for the decks theme. Good call
The theme is lightning. Thanks for the comment though!
Hmm, I'm not sure about dropping a copy of detention spear and a copy of revelation for the Blood Barons. They are too easily dealt with in early game and too difficult to cast without repercussions in late game. What motivated you to run them? Personally, I'm playing this same deck, but I'm at 26 lands and use the extra three spaces (no barons for me) for an extra copy of detention spear, thoughtsieze, and revelation. I do like your sideboard though. However, I'm really into "revoke existence" due to the large number of enchantment god/creatures out there. It's a great way to deal with Thasa and Phoserphous (or whatever) and somewhat unexpected. Goodluck!
They will be done great and gassy Yawgmoth
I'm surprised not to see Shrine to Nix in here. It would allow you to cast some really game changing spells. Fun build... I've made a similar deck for a tourney a few years back. It was a theme tourney. My advice: go to 16 islands, run four cavern of souls (no brainer), two Nix Shrine to Nyxthos (or whatever it's called), and two lands that destroy other lands. ex. Wasteland, Strip mine, Ghost quarter... Goodluck! cool deck
You're totally insane... but that's a good thing. Sane people have boring days.
This deck has zero control spells and no card drawing. That means you are at the mercy of luck and your opponent. What this deck could use is some library search cards, that would allow you to run less copies of your favorite cards while at the same time having more consistency. Consequently, you would have room to run two to four cards that could act as "reset" cards or permanent removal. My advice; run four copies of a library fetching card, like "vampiric tutor" or "beseech the queen" and add two copies of a mass whip card like "ratchet bomb". As is, this deck is wayyy to weak to enchantments and artifacts. Don't get me wrong, I can tell this is a "build up with my friends deck" but you should shouldn't make it too easy for your friends to shut you down. For instance, what would you do if somebody played worship? you don't even have any creature removal. There are numerous scenarios where you opponent could drop one card and you would have no options. Hope I don't sound too harsh, I think your deck's concept is fun.. .but you need to work on your execution. Goodluck,
Paprika, God of Chili!
Best deck!!!! I'm running three shrine, running two jace (out two of the wilds), and running two ratchet bomb over the two rifts.
I'd drop twiddle for something that turns their creatures into 0/1 lamb tokens and two of your signal of sleeps for that artifact that gives your creatures deathtouch. I'm really tired and can't think straight...lol, I like your deck. Goodluck
Cool concept! I'm thinking the deck should either embrace Shrine to Nyx and use more mono blue permanents (like trident mage or knighveil specter) or use more counter magic and enchantments (like dispel and dominate) to disrupt your opponent's plan before you take your big turn. My advice; drop the nivix cards for something more direct to the purpose of the deck. You want to have master of waves create at least five tokens. When I copy this deck, I'm going to use the specters and mages. I'm also going to up two Shrines. Great deck, thanks for the inspiration. Good luck
Love the deck. The sideboard seems a little scattered. I love the plummets and mystcutters but would up the creature removal for more horde decks. I'm a big fan of ratchet bomb. I like the sylan over the gyre sage:) good luck.
Very original! However, I'm not seeing how you hope to keep up with mono blue or black. Don't get the wrong idea, I believe you when you said it was competitive but it just seems heavy with four drops. Mono blue has tide binder and rapid to mess up your mana curve while mono black will pick apart your hand and then force you to drop your creatures in pairs, or risk loosing them. My advice, drop the clans and an evolution and run mizzium mortars in the main deck. That or magma jet for the scry. I think there is a winning deck concept here, and i like your mana curve; though in test hands it was fairly often I couldn't drop the mystic bc the only green source was a scry. I'll put this together and test it and maybe then have some better advice. You're really thinking outside the Box. Good-luck.
Is this a FNM deck? I like it a lot, but I'd drop the chained to the rocks for last breath. You can use it on your own cat tokens in a pinch.. The deck is solid, so congrats.. But it would get out raced by most devotion decks. What is your meta game? Looks like your out to beat U/W control. Regardless, thanks for the post. It's a beautiful deck. Good luck:)
The problem is you have no answers to creatures, enchantments, artifacts, or spells. The deck is solely trying to combo out and it most likely won't do so until turn four or five. I'd recommend ratchet bomb for permanents and some type of counter-spell for hand disruption. I loved playing this deck back in standard and I think your card choices are awesome. Goodluck.
Ad nauseam ? The black spell that allows you to draw top card of your library if you pay the mana cost in life...could be good here. Goodluck
Timmy power gamer all grown up.
Looks pretty good. My advice, Skullcrack in the sideboard. However, if you're playing in an environment where there are no Azorius decks then disregard said advice. Feel free to check out my Boros decks. The helix one is kinda a knock off of something I saw on youtube, but the other is my current build. Cheers and goodluck
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