How is "Fanatic of Mogis" not in this deck??? It would freaking kill. Also, where is the Shrine to Nyk? You could be generating huge amounts of mana. My advice, add those cards and maybe even a "bonfire of the damned". I play a very similar deck but I also run "demigod of revenge". Regardless, this deck looks pretty solid. Goodluck!!
The deck is ok for modern but I think you could change it up for a decent standard deck. Just drop the lightning helix for warleader Helix and replace Elspath with Elspath Sun's Champion. The lands would have to change a bit too. But i'm guessing you already knew that. As for advice on modern, I'd think about some instant speed large creature removal. I'm a big path to exile fan. Anyway, I love Boros and I think your deck is a cool. Goodluck!
Did you know you could get a game loss for asking somebody to help you shuffle your deck? I hate FNM. This deck would have KILLLED if i could have got it in one single stack. When I tried to take down the ceiling panel to help make room... the owner of the place was all like "Hey, Kid... WTF are you doing". I was like "just playing a game of magic, dumbass". Long story short, the place ends up burning down.
what, did you already sell you other kidney?
that's delicious... i mean, good to know....
I don't have enough of the forest... could I use pepperoni slices instead?
What a unique deck! The success of this deck depends on the meta game. Your creatures would be at the mercy of most mono black decks because your going with cyclonic rift The one that lets you target your own creatures. I like your creature choices but there is something missing. It needs a real kill card. Maybe biomass mutation? Whatever you choose, I'd like to say good for you on thinking outside of the box. Goodluck!
The deck is fairly weak against spot and mass removal, so I'd run three copies of mizzium skin in the sideboard. Its a great card for heroic activation too. I think Thassa and Ajani are kinda out of place and would drop them for more target spells or more card drawing. Regardless, its a cool post. Goodluck!
I've seen a few of these deck now. Most run Young Pyromancer for obvious reasons. I'm really happy with this archetype's results against the monocolor decks.. but it has problems with esper and other lifegaind decks. The wild guess might be a good call be call but... simply put there are no cards in format to help this deck avoid stalling. In the end this deck is great, but has a weakness....
I liked the deck because I think it's a fun and unique deck for standard. Further, I think the sideboard options are pretty cool. Great post!
This looks better! You got my like:) the mana acceleration will push the deck a turn forward by turn five, so get ready to make some big plays;)
Without a sideboard, it's hard to rate this deck. I'm a big simic fan but without creature or enchantment control... Your playing a game of chance in the tourney environment. In my opinion, drop the savage summoning a and go with mana acceleration. Then you could run the Shrine to Nkithos (or whatever) for more mana. This deck needs more mana in order to draw cards. I like the 24lands but two shrines could help. Goodluck!
thanks for the likes, it's a great deck but kinda conventional
I'd use some fetch cards for consistency. How about insidious dreams? Maybe demonic tutor?
I'd run six lotus petals... that way you can jump ahead one turn one more often.
Fun deck! I'm impressed with ad nauseam being used in such a cool manner. Goodluck!
I'd add three mizzium skins and drop the enchantments. Goodluck
Legacy is a tough environment. Your deck needs four cards that will disrupt your opponent or destroy whatever critical cards they have in play. Therefore, I'd go with discard because it can both disrupt a counter mage's potential to counter or get threats while still in the hand of your opponent. The best, in my opinion, is "cabal therapy". It's could be used to maximum effect in this style of deck. I would also run four dark rituals. You have a lot of three casting cost cards. Goodluck
Thanks! Combined with Lin Sivvi, Crib swap can be a buyback kill card.
Wow! I love it. I hadn't seen "treasure hunt" and I'm a big fan. Great concept and I'm impressed how consistent the deck can be. I'm totally rethinking my deck. However, it is pretty vulnerable to counterspells and permission style decks. I'd like to see your ideas for a sideboard. Perhaps counter magic like hesitation? I'm guessing pithing needle is quite a problem in game two, so some type of artifact destruction. It's really hard to sideboard decks like this. Thanks for the like on my deck and my extra thanks for schooling me on this style of seismic;)
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