This is a very pretty deck. However I would expect to see at least one Planes Walker (like Jace), one enchantment, and a few artifacts when Tarmgoyf is x4. Some of these card types are most likely in your own sideboard (which you haven't posted). I was also kinda surprised there were no dredge spells, like Life from the Loom.
Like the burn! This is a real Boros deck, unlike the one I posted (which is a more akin to a zoo beatdown deck). Its hard to find good burn in standard these days. That being said, I'm not sure about your picks for the sideboard. What I would expect to see is oblivion rings or other cards that exile permanents like artifacts and enchantments. Great mana curve though and I would expect this deck to do just fine in mirror match.
I love endless spell casting decks. I'm a long time player and used to play an "enduring renewal" combo deck that worked in a similar fashion. However, I like using instant card draw/ or search spells over card drawing enchantments (and creatures) because it allows you to play utility cards on your opponets turn. Your ideas are great, but i'm worried about tapping out so much.
I made a similiar deck but with more focus on the graveyard and mass reanimation (like Patriach's bidding/living death). I also used more search and draw cards as opposed to the counter and land destruction focus in this deck. However, it looks like a fun deck and I bet having all ten signets makes it pretty easy to reach a five color mana pool. I don't quite get the enchantment choices and would instead use more mass effect enchantments (or as we old player use to say "world enchantments") instead of auras, but whatever.
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