Beautiful deck idea! I think that this deck would really enjoy sol ring [if it's illegal status does not bother you]. You get a +1 from me!I think that this deck would easily become ridiculous if some creatures that benefit from returning lands to your hand were added. Some hard hitting creatures would be really nice too. Maybe a hefty artifact creature or two. Obsidian Golem, Clockwork Beast, or any of the Arabian Knight Cards.If you want a really reliable blocker, 0 mana artifact creatures like Orthinopter work well with the 0 mana deck search.
Whoa ... you put Master Splinter in here? [Skullsnatcher]This deck looks awesome to play.
Grr .... Vault glitched on us.
Yeah, Northern would have said something if TheSwarmer was being rude.
Hmm.... what do you have in mind?
Thank you.
This is standard, but let's get this straight ... you are looking for the equivalent of Ash Zealot.
Oh ... that must be what I was thinking about.
Kazzong, you deserve a hot page deck. Go for it!
I apologize for my friends - they are highly engrained in the traditions of Western logical reasoning and thought, and meant no disrespect. They are uncomfortable with nonlinear methods of writing.
BTW, it's a song. The meter is fine ... but only when it's sung, because several syllables are stretched out. It's kinda hard to write without a musical staff.I.E., it's not in meter 'cause it's not a poem.And you didn't offend me at all with any of your comments. I like your speaking style because it reminds me of Sherman Alexie and magical realism authors. It's a good approach to subliminally implant messages in a reader (in a good way). Not to get too technical, but the constant variation prevents the mind from wandering, resulting in a high retention rate. It is also a good exercise for writing more freely.Oh, and all humans need attention. We are social beings. The ones we label (and I hate labeling people beyond what is statistically necessary) as "attention-getters" merely go about gathering responses in an unconventional way.
For example, a good Boros, Simic, or just plain black deck can keep you going for years. Just add new cards, take out old ones, and trade with friends. Your deck becomes an old friend, steeped in experiences you've had together and matches you have played. That's the true spirit of Magic.
Jeez ... milll. I don't appreciate how Wizards tried to cram it down our throat with the God card. I totally understand where you are coming from Puschkin. Creatures and instant battles are so much more interesting than the slow grind of mill. In fact, mill is really one-faced. It's hard to exploit it in any other way than milling your opponent into the ground. Even in those decks, mill is never as varied as creatures or burn or MC. It can get really old after a while. Take heart - this deck is good! It's just a little boring to old hands at the game.
You're right, I was thinking about SOL RING. That old banned card.
Nice trick with bestow.
I second that motion! Whomever ee decide on shall see it done ... volunteers?
Puschkin, you make a really good point. I feel that many cards are too focused on the block and/or type. A great example of this is in the way powerful cards are played - few players notice the fact that frontline Medic's blocking ability is so cool.The high point of Magic, in my opinion, was the Timespiral block. The cards weren't just powerful, but encouraged players to come up with crazy combos. The level of innovation was huge! Magic competitions and casual play turned into awesome duels, since you had to constantly look out for crazy combos.The way that Wizards makes cards now somewhat stifles innovative players, and it puts so much emphasis on the cards and deck. What happened to clever strategies and the dedication to the elimination of rich kid syndrome? I want to be able to have fun in an environment where I don't have to run 12 kinds of removal or run with a predefined deck. Snow White and the 7 dwarves? Why not!I feel that one way to get "around" types and subtypes is focusing on the abilities. Also, cards with drawbacks need to come back. There has to be a disadvantage to every strategy, so that you don't have to run a anti Eldrazi deck against Eldrazi!
Maybe sideboard Acolyte's Reward for Swords to Plowshares against burn or exalt decks.
Darn it. I posted from the past.I knew that Delorian needed a tune up!
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