
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

hm... just thought of this but living death night not be too bad here. If you are constantly discarding high CMC creatures for pyromancy, that leaves you with a graveyard full of big uglies. even with cauldron dance it doesn't seem to me to be as effective at using that fact. I don't know. just my opinion. :)

Posted 10 June 2014 at 10:28 as a comment on Pyromania


hmmm... dang. that would mean taking out one of the more important parts of this deck. I COULD go with just the dimir colors, but that might leave me severely lacking in defense. I could go Rakdos, but that would kill my combo. that is certainly a tough puzzle to figure out. :(

Posted 10 June 2014 at 09:43 in reply to #471261 on Landslide


Well, normally sol ring would be a welcome addition, but I don't know what I would take out.
Also, I wanted to use as few"power cards"as possible. Hence I have no tinker, sol ring, mox cards or lotus cards.
The 0 mana creatures are a fantastic idea though.
Perhaps shield sphere? What might you do to fit them in here?

Posted 10 June 2014 at 05:34 in reply to #471261 on Landslide


Gavony township is a fantastic suggestion.

Posted 10 June 2014 at 03:45 in reply to #471246 on One drop EDH, yes really!


Yeah, I keep seeing it on a lot of places ave I just can't wrap my head around it. I guess that the life for draw is a pretty good ability and so a turn 1 draw or a no mana draw is a pretty big deal.

Posted 10 June 2014 at 03:43 in reply to #471232 on Worst Fears Realized


Perhaps some phyrexian walkers? And how useful is the draw from street wraith?

Posted 10 June 2014 at 02:53 as a comment on Worst Fears Realized


Great. Then it shall be added to the list. :)

Posted 09 June 2014 at 23:01 in reply to #471181 on wandering one drops


yup, you are correct. :)

Posted 09 June 2014 at 09:15 in reply to #471064 on wandering one drops


well, swap out the bear and I can add it to the list.
Props on finding a 1 mana commander, and a 2 colored one at that. :)

Posted 09 June 2014 at 07:51 in reply to #471064 on wandering one drops


interesting. although you seem to have a bear problem, if you are going 1 mana. :)
This does look pretty neat though. :)

Posted 09 June 2014 at 07:49 as a comment on One drop EDH, yes really!


Hmmm... I can certainly see the buff being useful, and perhaps MAYBE it could help with mana ramping... How useful do you think it could be with ramp?

Posted 09 June 2014 at 06:18 in reply to #471027 on playing both sides


Only problem with that is that it doesn't cover non-token creatures.

Posted 08 June 2014 at 21:27 in reply to #470951 on Odric's Crusade


That sucks... :(

Posted 08 June 2014 at 06:50 in reply to #470817 on Would You Like To Play A Game?


hm... looks like you sac any number of lands, which go to the graveyard, then you search for that many lands and put them onto the battlefield tapped. nowhere does it say that it deals any damage, or any extra damage. so as far as I can tell you still can't deal more than 15 damage. since the lands all enter the battlefield separately, and as such they all trigger Valakut's check separately... they all CANNOT deal damage. only half of them.
Nothing happens in magic simultaneously. they can't all trigger at once.

However, I can see that you are just arguing with me for the sake of arguing, and I see no point in trying to have a civil discussion any longer. which sucks. because I really like this deck. later.

Posted 08 June 2014 at 06:15 in reply to #470789 on Jundshift


yes, 10x3 is 30. however you would know that you can only deal half of that damage with this deck, if you had actually read Valakut. which is what I was saying.
if you honestly don't understand the point that I was trying to get across... you should probably actually read my posts before just insulting me without cause.
just getting mad about it and swearing isn't going to prove your point... just make you look foolish.
and nowhere at all did I ever say that I disagreed with you after you had said that I was wrong about the lands.

Posted 08 June 2014 at 05:39 in reply to #470789 on Jundshift


changelings... but they only kind of count. :(

Posted 08 June 2014 at 05:36 in reply to #470738 on Meh Many Starfishies


ok. that may be true. you said your internet cuts out pretty frequently. regardless... I must decline. :(

Posted 08 June 2014 at 05:27 in reply to #470828 on Would You Like To Play A Game?


crappy internet and using a borrowed laptop. yeah I know they sound like excuses... but sadly they are the truth. although I am planning on getting my laptop fixed in the next few weeks or so. finally have money for it. :)

Posted 08 June 2014 at 05:21 in reply to #470828 on Would You Like To Play A Game?


yeah... I know. :( however, as I said on the other deck... feel free to post the link on any of my decks. :)

Posted 08 June 2014 at 05:15 in reply to #470828 on Would You Like To Play A Game?


sure, and feel free to post this link on any of my decks as well. :)

Posted 08 June 2014 at 05:11 in reply to #470671 on Landslide


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