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ok, so how would you fit them in here? I am contemplating taking out Dichotomancy, because it is very mana heavy, but I was hoping to replace it with more extraction. perhaps there are other counter cards that do both, besides counterbore? (and not quash, too limited.)

Posted 22 June 2014 at 18:01 in reply to #475155 on B&E's wizarding menace deck


good call on the lands. :) dropped the price under $20.

oh, and if you want some nastiness with the entrance/mask combo, or anything with the mask really, run venomous breath. much better than deathtouch. it makes the target creature like a Loyal sentry, and destroys all creatures blocked by it or blocking it. doesn't even need to deal damage, just be blocked.

Posted 22 June 2014 at 17:59 in reply to #475142 on B&E's wizarding menace deck


hmmm... well I think I might have an idea. vandalblast plus mycosynth lattice looks to be a gnarly combo. :)

Posted 22 June 2014 at 08:13 as a comment on Liquimetacoating destruction!


Indeed it is, but but surprising with how good the card is

Posted 21 June 2014 at 22:55 in reply to #474932 on Theros standard budget burn


Thinking that dichotomancy isn't worth it, even with the suspend for 3 mana? It is kind of a weak point here. Any good suggestions to replace it?

And counterbore is probably too expensive as a pure counter card, but I like it for the extraction that it gives. Act suggestions on that?

Also this is kind of supposed to be a budget deck, so that is a bit of a concern. (perhaps I might do a non budget version as well. Making it a little more effective.)

Thanks for the feedback. :)

Posted 21 June 2014 at 22:52 in reply to #474989 on B&E's wizarding menace deck


Canopy cover is an excellent card. In fact I used to have 2 in here. However I found that the cancels, umbras, regenerate ahead auras, and vines of vastwood, which gives hexproof, were pretty solid at keeping my creatures alive. :). Also with this deck I tended to not beef up just one creature. I prefer to enchant everything I have out (other than maybe the sporecap spiders) and spread around the threats instead of having a single standout creature add the biggest loud on the block that MUST be removed. Everything is equally as dangerous. :).

As is I know that I could improve this deck a TON. But I don't know what I would really take out to add in canopy cover. Most people would probably tell me to drop most of the blue enchantments since the don't DIRECTLY pump my creatures and thus don't give then the maximum lethality, but I find that this type of a setup makes for a more interesting deck. At least in my opinion. :)

Posted 21 June 2014 at 16:15 in reply to #474897 on Aura you scared yet?


Good card, but I am not sure where I could fit him in at about $2a pop. That would be up there with boros charm for most expensive card in the deck.

Posted 21 June 2014 at 16:00 in reply to #474932 on Theros standard budget burn


Rancor is good. I wish that I had more of them. Only have two and they are in another deck. :)
But I bet that I can probably find a few. :)

Posted 21 June 2014 at 06:33 in reply to #474897 on Aura you scared yet?


yup. it sucks. stupid phone. but hey, what can I do, right? Swype isn't perfect. :)

Posted 21 June 2014 at 04:05 in reply to #474826 on Until Northy's return...


yup. it sucks. stupid phone. but hey, what can I do, right? Swype isn't perfect. :)

Posted 21 June 2014 at 04:04 in reply to #474826 on Until Northy's return...


Deck, sorry, not Derek. Stupid autocorrect. :)

Posted 21 June 2014 at 03:33 in reply to #474826 on Until Northy's return...


You could throw elite arcanist in here, and use it to infinitely cast bioshift. Boy, that would be nasty here. :)

Posted 21 June 2014 at 02:28 as a comment on Endless Hours


Well, I have a Derek posted to near the top of this thread that is might interest you. If not that is totally fine, but I thought I would let you know it was there. :)

Posted 21 June 2014 at 02:18 in reply to #474826 on Until Northy's return...


So, my question still stands though: Are we counting the cost of the basic lands in that $20 or not?

Posted 21 June 2014 at 01:37 in reply to #474466 on Until Northy's return...


Well, good places to start are creatures with persist or undying. And of course viscera seer or perhaps some other vampires as sac outlets. I have a deck you can look at for some ideas of you want.

Posted 21 June 2014 at 01:35 in reply to #474841 on Until Northy's return...


Out of curiosity are you looking for standard or not standard?

Posted 21 June 2014 at 01:22 in reply to #474826 on Until Northy's return...


but that is good I think. it forces you to be more... creative. :)

Posted 20 June 2014 at 16:07 in reply to #474679 on Theros standard budget burn


hence I don't have 4 boros charms. $12 for just those doesn't leave much room for other cards.

Posted 20 June 2014 at 15:56 in reply to #474679 on Theros standard budget burn


Thanks. cinder elemental has always seemed like an ender valued card to me. it has a lot of damage potential I think.
trying to be a little faster in standard burn really limits my choices on budget cards. it was pretty difficult to figure out what I wanted to put in here vs what fit in the budget category.

Posted 20 June 2014 at 15:43 in reply to #474679 on Theros standard budget burn


ok, here is my attempt at a budget burn. just barely over $20. that is a pretty hard cap to hit and still have usable cards. at least in standard.


oh, are we counting the price of basic lands as well? or no? that is kind of a big deal if we are.

Posted 20 June 2014 at 06:59 in reply to #474466 on Until Northy's return...


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