
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

I didn't say that... sometimes I miss things... :(
I am sorry if I came across as rude... :(
What role does vial fill here? to be able to play an extra creature for free right? and get big expensive creatures out for cheap?

all in all this deck looks really good. :)

Posted 11 May 2014 at 09:20 in reply to #463331 on The Unreal


yes, but in order for me to get it I have to break my rule, and play something for more than 1 mana, which was kinda the point. now as for if I wasn't limiting myself to 1 mana... then heck yes I would put it in here. :)

Posted 11 May 2014 at 09:15 in reply to #463303 on Orzhov 1 mana deck


O.o? I am confused...

Posted 11 May 2014 at 09:11 in reply to #463324 on Orzhov 1 mana deck


sure, I can look at it. :)

Posted 11 May 2014 at 09:05 in reply to #463317 on gruul intentions


That is ok, the best way to get better is to play against people who ARE better than you. :) or at least observe their games. :) that is what I have found. :)

Posted 11 May 2014 at 08:53 in reply to #463317 on gruul intentions


so... I know that Vial is a fishy friend (ala Merrow Reejerey), but it really doesn't have any way to break it in here, since there is no way to untap it and pump out more than a single creature per turn with it. am I missing something?

Posted 11 May 2014 at 08:48 in reply to #463331 on The Unreal


That is pretty cool. I don't think that I would be able to participate though... I hope that you find enough people.

Posted 11 May 2014 at 08:41 in reply to #463317 on gruul intentions


lol... no offense taken. :) I shall look at your suggestions on that deck then. :)

Posted 11 May 2014 at 08:38 in reply to #463309 on The illusion of power


yes, I know that typhoid rats and pharika's chosen are great, but I am really going for the hand control with this deck. :)

grave crawler... I honestly don't see it being all that useful in this deck, since I don't have any other zombies. and yes it is dirt cheap and can be played from the graveyard. (I know... I am crazy... DON'T JUDGE ME!!!!) Jk... :)
for real though... I just don't see it helping what my overall goal is: to punish people for aggressive play, which allows for a more advantageous (and hopefully empty) battlefield.

now I will say that I think that I have a weak point with my creatures aside from gnat miser:
Gideon 's lawkeeper. I know that tap is good, but... I think that there are better cards out there. perhaps I can swap it out for the typhoid rats or the Chosen. :) Deathtouch is always a plus. any other suggestions?

oh and I am pretty sure that daggerdrome is a 2 drop. but I will double check. :)
edit: yeah, daggerdrome is 2 mana. I think that vault skirge is better. it is identical except that you can pay 1 Phyrexian black mana and 1 other instead of a normal black and 1 other. :) being able to put it out on turn 1 is a pretty nice deal for 2 life.

Posted 11 May 2014 at 08:37 in reply to #463324 on Orzhov 1 mana deck


Meh... that's ok. :)

Posted 11 May 2014 at 08:21 in reply to #463081 on Budget Decks: Dance of Unreal


I know that the vial is a good card, but how well does it work here?

Posted 11 May 2014 at 08:17 as a comment on The Unreal


Thanks. Any suggestions to improve it?

Posted 11 May 2014 at 07:41 in reply to #463309 on The illusion of power


Indeed. :). Until then I guess I can print out a proxy version of both and do it that way, although that isn't all that great of a way to test it.

Posted 11 May 2014 at 07:39 in reply to #463232 on there can be only 1 (CMC that is.)


I thought about that, but I want sure if I liked the fact that it allows me to play a card for more than 1 mana, even s an alternate casting cost. If I wanted to out that in here I would run nip gwyllion. (I think that is what it is called.)

Posted 11 May 2014 at 07:37 in reply to #463303 on Orzhov 1 mana deck


ok, that is true... if my opponent has shroud or hexproof, I cannot target them for athreos ability. but that can be worked around with glaring spotlight, if need be. and not many people run cards that give themselves shroud or hexproof. just isn't really practical unless you are facing a burn deck in my opinion. Either way the card that you are thinking of wouldn't help me at all, since it works against me being able to target my opponent with Athreos. so I am confused...

Posted 11 May 2014 at 06:53 in reply to #462659 on A more glorious dawn


The thing is, if you haven't heard of a rule, or haven't played very long, or are just getting back into the game after a long time away from it, then there is no reason to feel bad about not knowing certain things.

although I have to admit, it does feel pretty sucky to find out something that seems to be common sense to everyone else. and I have had that happen to me. so I kinda get where you are coming from. but regardless, no one that I know of here looks down at people for not knowing things. :)

I myself was informed earlier today of a rule change that happened about 4 years ago, and I had NO IDEA THAT IT HAD HAPPENED. and yeah, I kinda felt stupid about that. I should keep myself better informed.

Posted 11 May 2014 at 04:57 in reply to #463081 on Budget Decks: Dance of Unreal


indeed it is... :( I don't have nearly enough people to actually play with, so... yeah. kinda lonely...

Posted 11 May 2014 at 04:56 in reply to #463232 on there can be only 1 (CMC that is.)


hmm... I will certainly take a look at them :)

Posted 11 May 2014 at 04:44 in reply to #451905 on raining goblins


I do not... :( and I am using a borrowed laptop or my phone, so it wouldn't work so well.

Posted 11 May 2014 at 04:43 in reply to #463232 on there can be only 1 (CMC that is.)


so? If you don't know the answer, then there is nothing wrong with asking. I actually think that most people here (with a few exceptions that shall remain unnamed) have no problems answering questions. even when they are really basic questions. in fact there is a guy on here NorthernWarlord, who does the Budget decks that are always on the Hot page, that LOVES answering questions that people have. ESPECIALLY the basic questions. most people here like helping people learn more about the game. it is fun. :)

Posted 11 May 2014 at 04:21 in reply to #463081 on Budget Decks: Dance of Unreal


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