
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

that's fine. :) I shall take a look at it.

Posted 14 May 2014 at 08:47 in reply to #464397 on Dimir 1 mana deck


aladeus, what is the CMC, color, and effect of dream ponder?

because my guess is that you are thinking of Ponder, which WAS in Lorwyn, and would go well in here. I just need to find a place for it with the mill. :(

Posted 14 May 2014 at 06:53 in reply to #464397 on Dimir 1 mana deck


well, since I have black in here I could add in BFG, and that MIGHT be an ok addition, but I don't know... it seems just a tad too cheap mana wise.

although I did seriously consider gleemax.

Posted 14 May 2014 at 06:53 in reply to #464431 on Dimir 1 mana deck


Yeah, I probably did... At least for good discard a and mill. LOL. :)

Posted 14 May 2014 at 04:44 in reply to #464400 on Dimir 1 mana deck


Dream ponder? Do you mean dream twist and ponder?

Posted 14 May 2014 at 04:43 in reply to #464397 on Dimir 1 mana deck


Yeah, can. It isn't ready yet. I just got off work, so I can finish it up soon. I have plenty of cards, and now I need to trim down. And yes I will post a link. :).

LINK !!!!!

Caution it is very much not for.

Posted 14 May 2014 at 02:03 in reply to #464176 on gruul 1 drop


Yes, but how do you use that to mill? It isn't supportive of the focus of the deck. Sure you could structure a deck around just about any set of allies, but the non-creatures become super important to focus on, and that is where the differences really are.

Posted 13 May 2014 at 20:50 in reply to #463901 on Budget Duel: Rivaling Allies


My thinking (based on my own experience with allies) I'd that they would support the main focus enough, thus slowing down the flow of the deck. Plus adding more colors always shows things down because of mana needs.

Posted 13 May 2014 at 20:43 in reply to #463901 on Budget Duel: Rivaling Allies


I started one already. But if anyone wants to do it then speak up.

Posted 13 May 2014 at 20:37 in reply to #464176 on gruul 1 drop


AND WHY NOT?!?!?!?!?!

Posted 13 May 2014 at 15:45 in reply to #464176 on gruul 1 drop


it was about how sometimes... cards we think are bad, can be really good in someone else's deck. :)
dang... have I really made that many comments? holy crap.

Posted 13 May 2014 at 15:41 in reply to #464170 on bombshell


that is true. there are some points where a "crappy" card to one person can be very useful to another. :)

Posted 13 May 2014 at 15:39 in reply to #463081 on Budget Decks: Dance of Unreal


If I remember correctly, no one has done a Dimir mill 1 mana deck yet, right?

Posted 13 May 2014 at 15:26 as a comment on gruul 1 drop


Meh... Maybe. But I prefer not to take advantage of people too much. But if they REALLY want the crappy cards that I have then there isn't much that I can do about that.

Posted 13 May 2014 at 15:07 in reply to #463081 on Budget Decks: Dance of Unreal


Sadly they do. :(

Posted 13 May 2014 at 14:51 in reply to #463081 on Budget Decks: Dance of Unreal


Sadly there are not too many good zombie sac engines. :(. Plenty for vampires, but zombies are woefully lacking.

Posted 13 May 2014 at 14:31 in reply to #464085 on bruised not beat


I guess that is true. I opened up a lilliana of the dark reasons during a pre-release event, and traded it for a sheoldred, a few cards that I don't remember, and a mox opal. That Liliana was $30 at the time, and now it is way less, and mox opal is worth more. So I guess I have made a few good choices. :)

Posted 13 May 2014 at 14:29 in reply to #463081 on Budget Decks: Dance of Unreal


Oh... I didn't know you wanted modern legal... :(. My bad. I shall try again.

Posted 13 May 2014 at 09:08 in reply to #464085 on bruised not beat


Ok, found a better sacrifice engine. Altar of dementia. :). I will keep looking though, and see if I can find anything else.

Posted 13 May 2014 at 08:51 as a comment on bruised not beat


ok, rooftop storm is an amazing card. amazingly deceptive at how poorly it actually works. :( I had it in my zombie deck for a while, but I could never seem to get it out fast enough to really be of any use. it is too expensive at 6 mana to be really powerful. if it reduced cost by 1-3 and was only 3-4 mana it would be a much better card I think.

in short, I would say to drop it because of its CMC. just too high to be useful in this deck.

Posted 13 May 2014 at 07:21 in reply to #464026 on bruised not beat


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