
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

The funny thing is that the first time I saw it my reaction was "that is such an awful card. who on earth would use such a piece of junk." turns out that I would :) and I will keep looking for more zombie oriented sac cards as well. :)

Posted 13 May 2014 at 07:11 in reply to #463979 on bruised not beat


personally, my favorite sac engine is viscera seer. even though it isn't a zombie, it might do well here. :)

Posted 13 May 2014 at 06:57 in reply to #463979 on bruised not beat


anybody have any good suggestions for a good draw engine? something that will help me get out my combo faster?

Posted 13 May 2014 at 06:39 as a comment on eternal harvest


yeah, I can take a look at it. :)

Posted 13 May 2014 at 06:38 in reply to #464025 on eternal harvest


well, just like anything else, the market for cards goes up based on what people are willing to pay for them. It makes very little sense to me why ANYONE would pay that much but hey, if I can make some money from it why not ?

Posted 13 May 2014 at 06:10 in reply to #463998 on allies of hatred


yeah... I know. but it is like collecting baseball cards, people like them, and some are hard to come by, and some of them people like to use a lot, and both raise the "value" a ton. it is what keeps Wizards of the Coast in business really.

Posted 13 May 2014 at 05:55 in reply to #463998 on allies of hatred


yup. :) which is what I like about it. If you haven't noticed from my decks. I like finding cards that I can break. :) and this one fits the bill rather nicely.

Posted 13 May 2014 at 05:53 in reply to #463983 on eternal harvest


dang... I have to say that the suckiest thing like that, has to be a friend of mine who FOUND an alpha black lotus, and gave it to a friend of his because he didn't play. The guy told him that it and the other cards that he had found weren't valuable at all.
later he started to play, and found out how much it was worth... needles to say they weren't friends for much longer.

Posted 13 May 2014 at 05:51 in reply to #463998 on allies of hatred


because people are stupid.

Posted 13 May 2014 at 05:46 in reply to #463983 on eternal harvest


yup... :( I know. sadly, I didn't have $15 dollars, and I didn't know how valuable Mindsculptor was. nor did pretty much anybody that I was playing with back then.

Posted 13 May 2014 at 05:44 in reply to #463998 on allies of hatred


ooh. good suggestions. I will look at them. (can't remember what they all do.)

Posted 13 May 2014 at 05:40 in reply to #463964 on eternal harvest


yup. I have always thought that elite arcanist was super good, and I was just able to confirm that. :0 and yeah, livewire lash is an AMAZING card. I wish that I had one. :)

Posted 13 May 2014 at 05:37 in reply to #463983 on eternal harvest


well, my friends banned me from playing with it.
But for regular play... I don't think so, which makes it even more amazing. :)

Posted 13 May 2014 at 05:35 in reply to #463964 on eternal harvest


yeah... I know right? that deck was absurd too. I have a deck posted on here that is what I remember it being.

it was so good, it could mill 3 people at once, without any problems. it was a nightmare to play against.

and if it didn't mill you, it ran you over with its HUGE creatures. :)

Posted 13 May 2014 at 05:33 in reply to #463081 on Budget Decks: Dance of Unreal


Strength of the Tajuru maybe?

Posted 13 May 2014 at 05:24 in reply to #463964 on eternal harvest


hm... I do have a ton of mana. and not really anything to spend it on. Helix Pinnacle!!!! nah, too bland. but my only problem is what would I take out to add in some awesome blue and green uber mana heavy cards?

Posted 13 May 2014 at 05:21 in reply to #463964 on eternal harvest


However... my BIGGEST mistake: I made a white and blue ally mill deck and sold it to a friend for $15. He added in 4 archive traps and a Mind sculptor. I had the chance to buy it for $15 again... because he didn't want to play anymore... and I didn't buy it.

Posted 13 May 2014 at 05:19 in reply to #463081 on Budget Decks: Dance of Unreal


what are you abrupt decaying? everything I control is indestructible, and can't be targeted by opponents. :) like I said... Bant is retardedly powerful... although it is way too slow for me to actually put all of that out with any kind of normal game scenario.

Posted 13 May 2014 at 05:14 in reply to #463081 on Budget Decks: Dance of Unreal


true. surgical is incredibly powerful. but still, even the 3 dollars pushes where Northern usually keeps his decks. he likes to stay within $10 total, usually. Except on Fridays.

Posted 13 May 2014 at 05:12 in reply to #463932 on Budget Decks: Modern Extract


and Armageddon wouldn't affect me, sweet!!!

and yes, by all means, please join our quest to build a time machine. :)

Posted 13 May 2014 at 05:08 in reply to #463081 on Budget Decks: Dance of Unreal


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