
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

ok, then it goes into the list. :)

Posted 17 May 2014 at 06:22 in reply to #465423 on wandering one drops


meh. that's fine. I don't think that we have to limit ourselves to 1 deck per guild. :) if multiple people want to design a deck for a particular guild... more power to them.

personally I am really thinking about doing an Azorius deck, even though Azorius is the newest addition to the list. (and I was thinking about it before this one was posted.)

Posted 17 May 2014 at 05:49 in reply to #465423 on wandering one drops


sure. post it here and I will put it with the rest, if you want :)

Posted 17 May 2014 at 05:16 in reply to #465423 on wandering one drops


ok, here is the link:

please inform me if I have missed any of the decks to go on there.

Posted 17 May 2014 at 04:12 in reply to #465293 on Good (k)night!


Sounds good. I will make the link list deck and put it up here.

Posted 17 May 2014 at 03:33 in reply to #465293 on Good (k)night!


Tours deck looks like so much fun to play with. Nice prison deck. :). Adviser, too funny.

Posted 17 May 2014 at 02:04 as a comment on A Piece Of Advice.....


I can do it if you want. Though my decks trend to get way less attention than most peoples, so perhaps not if we want them to actually get looked at more? I could be completely wrong.

Posted 17 May 2014 at 01:44 in reply to #465293 on Good (k)night!


No without something new, players get bored. That I'd what I meant. Sorry. :). I agree with you wholeheartedly, by the way.

Posted 16 May 2014 at 17:45 in reply to #465269 on Creature Challenge: # 1Merfolk


Ok, so here is my thinking. We should either put all the links to the 1 mana decks in the description of this one or post a new deck for that purpose. That way people don't have to dig through the comments here to find them. What do you guys think?

Posted 16 May 2014 at 17:30 as a comment on Good (k)night!


Point taken. Then what would you want them to do? Sure, maybe not a core keyword ability for the "gimmick", but just have creatures with solid abilities that can work together. But without something new players get bored.

Posted 16 May 2014 at 17:20 in reply to #465269 on Creature Challenge: # 1Merfolk


well, I think that as a tribal deck, birds are pretty weak compared to others like say... soldiers or vampires, or heck even knights really have more solid options than birds do. but, I may be wrong.

although I do agree that they should focus less on creature type for now, as that has been overdone the past few sets. something fresh and interesting mechanic wise that isn't limited to creature type would be nice. I guess we will see what they come up with in the next block.

Posted 16 May 2014 at 16:38 in reply to #465269 on Creature Challenge: # 1Merfolk


yeah I get that merfolk are strong in legacy, but the concept that as a card it isn't as good as Familiar, and yet it is way more valuable just baffles me.

and they should do more with birds. that would be kind of cool I think.

Posted 16 May 2014 at 16:12 in reply to #465269 on Creature Challenge: # 1Merfolk


this is a great looking deck. well done. I think it has an excellent chance at doing very well in your tribal tourney. :)

on a side note, I have always been confused by something. take Cursecatcher and Judge's familiar.
essentially they are the same card, right? cursecatcher is U to put out, and Familiar is W/U to put out. same mana cost, but can be paid with white or blue. they have the same ability, except that Familiar can also fly. so why is Cursecatcher a $11-$15 dollar card and Familiar only $0.90-$1.50? it seems that (unless creature type is a big deal) the Familiar is a better card, isn't it? Anybody else make sense of why this is?

Posted 16 May 2014 at 15:59 as a comment on Creature Challenge: # 1Merfolk


yeah... an off-beat deck, based on an off-beat card. :) I was in kind of a crappy mood, and I needed a pick me up when I saw mirror mirror and it made me laugh really hard, cheering me up, so I wanted to make a deck out of it just because of it's absurdity.

Posted 16 May 2014 at 15:51 in reply to #465254 on self destructive behaviour


Well yeah, green stuff. But without green... I don't know. Might be a bit harder. And if you do get it consistently, how will you fit in the powerful cards that take advantage of all 3 colors? I am very intrigued to see how this works out. :)

Posted 16 May 2014 at 02:20 in reply to #464903 on Dimir Drops the 1's


There glass is %100 too large for the amount of water inside it.

Posted 16 May 2014 at 02:16 in reply to #464211 on Starter Budget: Elf


No. THIS is the ultimate troll deck:


Posted 16 May 2014 at 02:04 in reply to #465073 on Civic Saber of Chromanticore


Not sure we would want to do alara tricolor decks. Might be a bit to hard to get proper mana fixing with only 1 mana in each color. But I think that if anyone wants to try,I don't see why they couldn't. :)

Posted 16 May 2014 at 01:59 in reply to #464903 on Dimir Drops the 1's


Condemn for path wouldn't be too bad of a switch.

Posted 16 May 2014 at 01:50 in reply to #464967 on Odric's Crusade


I disagree with your disagreement! You have some good control here and great anti mill with the enchantments. :)

Posted 15 May 2014 at 17:24 in reply to #464903 on Dimir Drops the 1's


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