
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

It is a program that allows people to play over the internet. And it has every card ever made in it. :). Or so I am told.

Posted 18 May 2014 at 05:09 in reply to #465670 on wandering one drops


Ah, that makes sense. :)

Posted 18 May 2014 at 05:03 in reply to #465535 on Simic One Drops


There thing that I like about the armor is that once it is in play, it does not cost any more to use the ability after the first turn. It has a multiple use advantage that t those don't have.

Posted 18 May 2014 at 05:02 in reply to #465657 on 1,2,3,4... oh 1 I guess.


dang. looks like merfolk is off to a good start then. :)

Posted 18 May 2014 at 03:49 in reply to #465670 on wandering one drops


I LOVE SPIKESHOT ELDER!!!!!!!!!! so awesome when it gets buffed. :) which brings me to ethereal armor, I think that those 2 fit VERY well together.

Posted 18 May 2014 at 02:50 as a comment on 1,2,3,4... oh 1 I guess.


that would do pretty good as well. :)

Posted 18 May 2014 at 02:49 in reply to #465544 on wandering one drops


I really don't know. I haven't played competitively in at least a year, so I really don't know the newer cards very well.
The Vault is pretty much my only link to the MTG world.

With that in mind... I think that something more solid or evasive than gridlock would be good. aqueous form wouldn't hurt I think. imagine an unblockable Daxos that also scrys every time it attacks. :)

Posted 18 May 2014 at 02:48 in reply to #465627 on Esper: Can't Touch This!


hmm....as much as I like the concept....thalid might be kind of a weaker card here? it seems kind of slow, seeing as how you have to wait at least 3 turns to use it. but in all, I think that it looks just fine. if you like it this way it should be pretty good. :)

Posted 18 May 2014 at 02:43 in reply to #465598 on Selesnya 1 CMC Deck


indeed. white humans could do very well. :)

Posted 18 May 2014 at 02:28 in reply to #465544 on wandering one drops


oh, I understand that taking their creatures is the fun part, and this looks to that really well. but my problem is that you also have to be able to protect the creatures that allow you to do so. you can only put out a single spear and a single godsend at any time, and those are your only pump cards. I guess you can have several spectres, but only one daxos anyways... Like I said, I am pretty unfamiliar with the Theros block and standard in general, so I am not up to speed on what the current meta is and how people are defending.

Posted 18 May 2014 at 02:27 in reply to #465627 on Esper: Can't Touch This!


looks pretty good. :) essence warden is good, and soul warden is good. but I think that soul's attendant is better. it allows you to choose, since gaining life can actually be detrimental sometimes, as some cards get triggered when your opponent gains life.

Meh, either way this deck looks pretty good. :)

Posted 18 May 2014 at 02:22 in reply to #465598 on Selesnya 1 CMC Deck


that would be really nice... but I don't have extra money like that. :)

Posted 18 May 2014 at 02:02 in reply to #465625 on wandering one drops


lol... oh how true that is. :)

Posted 18 May 2014 at 01:56 in reply to #465625 on wandering one drops


sadly I cannot say that I have spent much time in standard lately and so I am afraid that I can't really give you much advice on where you could improve this deck. it already looks to be very consistent, although perhaps a bit more draw might help? and you have a few things to pump, but most of your creatures are still relatively small, seeing as how you cannot have any more than a single of each out at a time.

Posted 18 May 2014 at 01:55 as a comment on Esper: Can't Touch This!


Someone asked that already. My personal criteria is that if it can be played for only 1 mana and has an actual effect, then it can count, but mot X cost spells have to have at least 1 as X to be useful. Example: Green sun zenith can target 0 mana cards by paying only 1 mana and nothing for X, and therefor can count. but cards like gridlock, fireball or banefire need at least 2 mana to have any effect. and I think based on that criteria, they wouldn't count. but as I said above... exceptions can be made.

Posted 18 May 2014 at 00:51 in reply to #465593 on wandering one drops


yes. they have a cmc of 1 mana. Phyrexian mana just makes them better because they can be cast for free. :)

Posted 18 May 2014 at 00:27 in reply to #465580 on wandering one drops


well... it depends. if you have something like Green sun and dryad arbor, then I think it is fine, but something like gridlock then no, I think that it shouldn't count. but exceptions can be made.

Posted 18 May 2014 at 00:24 in reply to #465580 on wandering one drops


This looks pretty good so far. :) I might suggest finding a way to fit in amulet of vigor, to counteract root maze for yourself, and not get hosed by having your lands come in tapped. other than that it looks pretty good. perhaps find a replacement for isamaru?
perhaps something like Benalish Missionary for protection, or centaur's herald to fit with the token theme?

Posted 18 May 2014 at 00:23 as a comment on Selesnya 1 CMC Deck


yeah, that is interesting... Perhaps that is what makes sealed deck formats so much fun? you have to make do with pretty much whatever you have. :)

and for this list, no you don't have to have any particular theme. it can be whatever you want other than the most mana heavy card can only be 1 mana.

Posted 18 May 2014 at 00:20 in reply to #465593 on wandering one drops


well, I can take a look at it.

Posted 18 May 2014 at 00:06 in reply to #465471 on wandering one drops


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