
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

Angel of jubilation says hi.

Posted 12 May 2014 at 20:34 in reply to #463081 on Budget Decks: Dance of Unreal


I agree, sitting I have to say that I think that an ally build can be completely over powered if done the "right"way.

Still would love to see more tribals though.

Posted 12 May 2014 at 17:28 in reply to #463692 on gruul 1 drop


Well yeah I guess. I just didn't want the list to the over the comment section of your deck. :). But if you are fine with it that way... Then that works I guess.

Posted 12 May 2014 at 16:24 in reply to #463692 on gruul 1 drop


yeah, Preserver does that, and there is an angel that does as well, but sadly nothing prevents you from making yourself sacrifice. Since it isn't to activate an ability or to cast a card it doesn't fall under Angel of Jubilation's prevention either. which sucks... :(
r unless, like was said above, you play something like trickbind, stifle, etc...

Posted 12 May 2014 at 16:02 in reply to #463081 on Budget Decks: Dance of Unreal


Very nice. :) this looks really fun to play with.

The only thing that I might suggest actually is perhaps some land search in the form of caravan vigil (or something else 1 mana, maybe traveler's amulet or something. Not a land though,) which seems strange to say for a deck has nothing higher than 1 mana, but that way you can use Scute mob and Dragonmaster Outast sooner.

I think that these 1 mana decks should all be listed under a single deck so they can all be seen in one place. does that make sense? anybody want to make a "list" deck for this set?

Posted 12 May 2014 at 16:00 as a comment on gruul 1 drop


yeah... I had thought that Athreos' ability brings my creature back to the battlefield, but it doesn't. It brings it back to my hand... which sadly is much less useful unless I wanted to do something like... a funky storm deck based on blood pet. which admittedly would be amusing... but probably not very practical, seeing as how I still would have no sure way of making sure my opponent couldn't pay life to keep my creature in the graveyard.

But I digress, yes I had a better idea and I am running with it.

Posted 12 May 2014 at 15:47 in reply to #463606 on eternal harvest


Ok, I think that I have a better concept now. :)

Posted 12 May 2014 at 07:06 as a comment on eternal harvest


crap... this sucks... I just realized that this concept is flawed as well... sorry for wasting your time. :(

Scrapping this deck now.

Posted 12 May 2014 at 05:47 in reply to #463606 on eternal harvest


The goal is to have a sacrifice deck, probably powered by Viscera Seer, that keeps bringing back my creatures for free with Athreos's ability. The catch is that I need something that will make it so that opponents, or players in general, cannot pay life. (and thus can't counter the ability.)
That thought led me to Angel of Jubilation, but there is a major drawback to using her... I can't sacrifice anymore... :(

and therein lies my problem. I need half of Angel of Jubilation's ability, and don't know where to find it other than well... Angel of Jubilation.

Posted 12 May 2014 at 04:56 in reply to #463606 on eternal harvest


yeah, ok. I will... :(
This one I have mentioned a few times. The concept is sound, but I only have half of what it needs.

The other one I gave up on because it was a flawed concept, so I killed it.
Thanks. :)

Posted 12 May 2014 at 04:38 in reply to #462845 on Pentarch Nemesis


so true... and I have been striking out lately with my new deck designs... :( I have a few concepts that I just CANNOT make work... :(

Posted 12 May 2014 at 04:27 in reply to #462845 on Pentarch Nemesis


no, mana drain has been mentioned multiple times actually. :) such an absurd card...

Posted 12 May 2014 at 03:35 in reply to #463471 on Jace, The Wallet Sculptor


indeed it is too bad. but you can still search with enlightened tutor, which can also get you your enchantments as well. :)

Posted 12 May 2014 at 02:39 in reply to #462845 on Pentarch Nemesis


Meh... it was just not powerful enough.

Posted 11 May 2014 at 19:55 in reply to #463324 on Orzhov 1 mana deck


nice. I like the bloodletter. fits very well with that in mind. :)

Posted 11 May 2014 at 18:56 in reply to #463456 on Budget Decks: Modern Extract


*feels stupid about multiposting* stupid phone... sorry about that. :)

Posted 11 May 2014 at 16:59 in reply to #463081 on Budget Decks: Dance of Unreal


sadly stoneforge cannot search for those artifacts. it can only search for equipment artifacts. :(

Posted 11 May 2014 at 16:53 in reply to #462845 on Pentarch Nemesis


ok, that makes sense. However I do have to say that as cool as Spellskite and Kira are... they wouldn't help against your illusions being targeted. once they are the target of a spell... Poof... sadly it doesn't matter if you change the target of the spell or not.

Now trickbind on the other hand... that might actually work, since it doesn't target the creature it wouldn't trigger the ability, and since it counters triggered abilities... hmm... yeah, I think that would work at keeping the illusions from being sacrificed. Not bad. Not bad at all. :)

Posted 11 May 2014 at 16:51 in reply to #463331 on The Unreal


Yeah, can look at it. :)

Posted 11 May 2014 at 16:28 in reply to #463232 on there can be only 1 (CMC that is.)


Lol... ok, I saw that, but I wasn't exactly sure that is what you meant... I wasn't sure if you wanted me to actually look through it because of a specific card or, what? so yeah... :) I usually spend a good chunk of time on the card search here on MTGVault when building decks but I still miss quite a few good cards. So I find it very useful to have more than a single pair of eyes looking, if that makes sense. :)

Posted 11 May 2014 at 16:24 in reply to #463324 on Orzhov 1 mana deck


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