Valakut does see the other lands as it enters with Scapeshift. As for the deck, Prismatic Omens is a staple in Scapeshift combo, since it makes Valakut a mountain meaning you only need 6 lands to kill them with scapeshift instead of seven.
I am. Also, getting at least 2 Dorks by t2 in this deck is around 25%. Please provide an actual reason why he would be good in aggro instead of domri or garruk (He belongs in midrange imo).
Sorry if i sounded imad (didn't mean to). Ashiok isn't really the same win-con as it though, since it is more relevent during the midrange matchup, and it can provide CA.
You have enough ramp that Garruk should replace Xenagos, or you could just go full Domri. Xenagos is not good in aggro, as he doesn't provide a good threat with his zero, and he stays at 3 loyalty (which is relevant). Only other advice is to MB Strike over Summonings.
Ashiok isnt comparable to Drownyard, but not because of power level. They have different functions. Ashiok is answer-or-die. VS Midrange, there is a good chance at hitting a creature every time, VS control they have very few ways to deal with it, and a t3 Ashiok will ult before a t7 Aetherling can attack (or even be played sometimes). Vs aggro ashiok is not that great unless you can get it behind something. You have a better chance to hit aetherling off the plus 1 before they draw it as well. Ashiok is NOT drownyard, so don't compare them.
Blood Baron isn't as good a finisher as Aetherling. Blood Baron is a better stabilizer, but not a better finisher.
Unflinching Courage counters aggro pretty well and allows you to race.
Probably not, since he is still banned.
Not that it would matter, but misstep is banned in legacy as well.
Yeah but it isn't cast FROM your hand. Much like with abilities that say you can only activate as a sorcery, assuming you could cast sorceries at instant speed, they would not be affected.
I agree. Not sure what to use though. I probably will end up adding Hornet Queen and maybe Gorgon Flail.
You are forgetting Grip of Chaos. Other than that, I approve of this deck.
Make sure you have a loaded die for the mirror.
I tried to make this deck but it wouldn't work out. Hope you can make it succeed!!!
I still don't see populate topping. Populate cards are still not good enough. As for the deck, Render Silent isn't as good as Dissipate. You only have 7 cards that make tokens and 7 cards that populate, which is not that good of a ratio. Voice is highly overrated and rarely will make more than 1 token even against control (since its easy to play around).
@cruncher: Baron is almost NEVER unblockable except vs zombies. Putrify is still a 3 mana kill that in this meta, is essentially murder + no regenerate. I can see Baron in SB but Baron still loses hardcore to junk anyway (craterhoof could care less about life total, and you will never get the pump with thragtusk reanimation). He could see play in Aristocrats though.
I know what he meant. It's only an 8 point swing if he connects though (which is what I'm saying) and assuming that he does, Ghost Daddy in the same situation would be better. I originally posted on my phone saying that this would be playable probably in an FNM but i mishit my screen and i didn't feel like retyping the message. Alternate art should be fine: Artistic modifications are acceptable in sanctioned tournaments, provided that the modifications do not make the card art unrecognizable, contain substantial strategic advice, or contain offensive images. Artistic modificationsalso may not obstruct or change the mana cost or name of the card.^From the tournament rules PDFAs far as comparisons between Ghost Daddy and Blood Baron, they are 5 drops in the same color. Blood Baron can block, but Obzedat is harder to kill, and assures life loss regardless of attacking.
Against Naya? Trades with tusk and dies to mortars. It also gets outraced.Against Esper? It WILL get wiped or counteredAgainst URW? See above.Against Rites? Trades with tusk and gets heavily outraced.Blood Baron's Protection is less relevent to standard removal than Obzedat's exile clause (anti sorcery/wipe>Problack/white). He IS NOT an 8 point life swing most of the time (he is mostly a 4 point) and again, ghost daddy is way better (also a 4 point life swing if blocked). He may be a solid choice for aristos, but anywere else he is subpar. Overall, Blood Baron is a great blocker vs some decks if you can land him before losing, but not a great overall card. Speaking of aristos, it is the only real good tier 1 RWB deck (vampires are not) and those SB options better serve a better deck. This is something cool to run at FNM though.
The Baron is a win-more card. If he drops as a 10/10 flier, you are most likely going to win the game regardless of whether or not he hits. And to be honest, White I would rather just drop white for Nocturnus, since he will be better than Blood Baron 9/10 times.
Why run Phage here? You need Torpor Orb (and sundial but you have that) to make her playable in EDH (otherwise you lose when she enters).
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