Ah yeah! You are correct. I will add in another defender or some land (I cant afford mutavault).
I'd love to add those cards but i'm not sure what to take out since I need twenty wurms to call it a wurm tribal.
Also I think you are mistaking Augur for something else, since you cast Augur at sorcery speed anyway.
Saprolings wont activate Sek'Kuar since he says "nontoken creature"
Still bad with 60 but yeah 75 is too much most of the time.
Ok, I never thought about overload, that seems very good.
Why are you running the Electromancers when your highest drop that cares is 3? I'd rather be running Augur of Bolas with those 22 spells. Other than that, great job! I too have a Grixis deck that needs work: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=393912
That's peasant that includes uncommons.
which requires 2 grenades (very low probability).
Su-Chi is a 4/4 so why does it die automatically?
Was wanting to make something new so here is my new Seance deck. Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=392497
In a non-graveyard strategy, the troll isn't worth it. You will better off with the creatures on the field than in your grave.
that was quick
which three are you missing?
Put on your troll face people
And why is Breeding Pool in there?
Try to use Demonic Collusion over Diabolic Tutor. Yes its one more mana, But it works well with your commander and is reusable. If you want to add it, Victimize is a nice target if you have the mana.
Hokori relies heavily on his mana artifacts to do his dirty work. You should probably add more. Also, Trade Caravan is very good in Hokori EDH.
Maybe Washout for boardwipe.
Not so sure about appetite for brains, but Temporal Extortion seems really good. As for additions, Verdant Catacombs and Marsh Flats also seem good.
101-120 of 559 items