Have you ever tried Yeva, Nature's Herald? Flashing in Zegana/Primordial/Avenger can be brutal. Deadeye Navigator is extra special dumb with Zegana. Also, Fauna Shaman into a Draining Welk/Mystic Snake is a powerful play. If you could help me with my Zegana EDH that would be great!!!http://www.mtgvault.com/heliosofcows/decks/prime-spanker-zegana/
http://www.toywiz.com/magacagabbob.html?gclid=CNyQi-avgrYCFfFaMgod0nQARw currently 1 in stock and at $400 US
SBs in EDH are at max 10 cards and that is usually reserved for competitive EDH.
This is actually really cool. The only suggestions I can think of are Bojuka Bog and Cauldron of Souls.
i've seen unhinged boxes for ~350 dollars unopened.
Skullcrack>Flames of the Bloodhand
There was even a prerelease for unhinged. MaRo's FAQ is here: http://www.wizards.com/magic/tcg/article.aspx?x=magic/faq/unhinged
Because this is standard, and lightning bolt isn't. Also, there is no reason (as in zero reason) to run monored when the deck becomes wayyyyy better with white splashed, not to mention legion loyalist is terrible in aggro.
Commander damage only counts combat damage, so burning with Niv off of draws doesn't count to the 21.
Undying Evil is bad here. It works with none of your creatures well (including devil), and is a waste of a card slot.
Worldfire is banned and Thragtusk is bad without re-useable flicker effects.
Chromatic Lanturn?
Sadly these are the only lands that I can buy or afford (though I may be able to get the filter land). Tropical Island, however, is out of the question.
Fury should be a two of (since it takes 3+ mana to cast, and is only useful when X=2+). Also, Slayers stronghold is a good add.
-2 Aurelia +2 Hellrider : Save yourself the money and buy Hellrider. Not only is he a better investment, running a 6-drop in a 22 land deck with no ramp or draw is practically always a bad idea. -4 of wahtever, +4 Champion of the Parish : You have 20 humans (24 with champions), which is more than enough to run Champions.Also, definitely add some way to deal with Blind Obedience in SB, since it absolutely brings the hammer down on boros.
Also, commander damage is only combat damage.
Man...you beat me to it...
Not sure what to comment, though it looks good. On a separate note, you made me remember I have a copy of Terminus in my binder. :)
First, I've been testing vs. some mid-range and it's been faring fairly well. I'll take a look at yours and post a comment.Second, it would depend on what is released in Gatecrash.
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