Goblin war strike is quite good
Ok I'll give you your reasoning for not including RotH but chancellor of the forge is just stupid good. Right now you have 4 goblin kings. And while their power boost is great the montiain walk is fairly useless. Now consider CotF. if in opening hand you get a free raging goblin and late game, and eventually there almost def will be a late game, he double the amount of goblins you have on the field , Come turn 7 or 8 you have probably played almost all the cards in your hand and thus will not be playing multiple cards a turn any way so you 7 mana is just sitting thereBasically I'm saying yes he might be a giant but he creaking doubles your goblins. Now imagine you got a krenko out last turn. That's a one turn swing of 4x your goblins.I'd think about replacing maybe only one king with a chancellorP.s. because of your argument above I'm thinking of replacing one or two of my RotH with SftGlAlso what about restless one? Voracious dragon?I know the dragon is not a goblin but he is basically a double goblin war strike and can very easily be the game winner for you. Might consider one at least
http://www.mtgvault.com/card/bonfire-of-the-damned/AVR/http://www.mtgvault.com/card/devils-play/ISD/http://www.mtgvault.com/card/explosive-impact/RTR/http://www.mtgvault.com/card/massive-raid/GTC/http://www.mtgvault.com/card/searing-spear/M13/are a good startand more token makers like below mentionedboth call of the conclave anf advent of the wurm are good
face palm they are still creatures lol
not sure what burn is standard legal as i mostly play casual with friends. i know there is mugging off the top of my head but im sure there are more
Monsters? There are no monsters. Only creatures.
And goblin war strike. Maybe even rise of the hobgoblin or chancellor of the forge
im assuming standard legal???you could use some burni think at this point you really need to ask urself how am i going to kill the other guy?
righteous charge
also missed that instead of befoul you can use a wreaking ball and it removes the non black restriction. i also like terminate for creature destruction.
no problem! glad to help!1. mana leech.... technically yes it is a way to get a mana out for a while but there are too many ways for them to negate him ( think of a burn deck. it could quite easily kill him with one mana and then they all of a sudden have 2 mana out where as if you had just destroyed it they would be left with only one mana) basically it isnt bad per say but its spot in your deck would be better used by either an actual land destruction card or a creature that is keeping you alive/ doing damage2. a few reasons. A you are using spells anyway and have the ability to possibly bring some of them back with recoup so you might as well and B they are more insurance against the possible one mana creatures that your opponent will inevitably get out throughout the game. 3. wall of souls could work i actually like wall of razors (i had it in my deck actually for awhile) as it has the potential to actually kill some of there small creatures that fall through the cracks although wall of souls just turns their small creatures against themselves so its kinda 6 of one half dozen of another.as for creatures you just went abit creature crazy lol when i first made my deck i basically just put every good black and red creature i could get my hands on into the deck. it obviously turned out horrible lol. the main thing to keep in mind is this. How can i turn a creatures downside into an upside and or negate the downside. thats why creatures like orgg and goblin goon and goblin mutant work well. they are not going to have big creatures and or you will have more creatures than them so you end up getting a big creatures for very cheap with basically no down side. i suggested dragons just because they can be very good heavy hitters late game and one or 2 will go a long way and help protect you frfo small fliers if he happens to have thoseagain if you got any questions feel free to ask.
just remember that legions initiative is a one shot pony
fling or fatal franzy can be very useful in decks like thissneak attack also very useful
the issue is that if you are playing it right. they really should not have that many creatures and if they do have land out you can normally take care of it any way, normally before you get a chance to kill/ destroy their creature. so basically burning sands adds an expensive and complicated way of possibly destroying lands IF your opponent has creatures out (not common) that you can destroy AND you already have not destroyed the land.a good idea but too many qualifiers.
i dont like sinkhole because the amount of time that both of my first mana are black is not high enough to warrant having it in there it is also 20 bucks per copy and i dont have the dough for thatfuck i for got about wreaking ball lol
im going to help you out here. this may sound a bit douchy but i have had a land destruction deck as my first deck ever and i still have it and update it regularly. ( it ca ne found here http://www.mtgvault.com/endgamer31/decks/groundbreaker/ ) any way here is a deluge of info that WILL help if you listenCARDS THAT DONT BELONG... AT ALL:all the artifactsfire screamerhorrible hordesknight of duskmana leechmire kavupatron of nezumisanguine guard (this card is OK but it is very mana expensive and there are much cheaper regenerators that you could usevicious kavupox ruinationwildfireCARDS THAT ARE OK BUT YOU SHOULD PROBABLY DROP:trench wurmdwarven minerscalding salamanderthunderscape familiarSPELLS/ENCHANTMENTS TO CONSIDER ADDINGpoison the wellrain of tearsdrain the welldingus egglightning boltterminaterecoupfireball or other X cost burn spellBIG CREATURES TO ADD THAT ARE GOOD IN THIS SITUATIONgoblin mutantgoblin goonorggsome sort of large dragon. (personally i think rorix bladewing is going to be best bang for mana, but any big dragon will do)SMALL CREATURES THAT WILL HELP KEEP YOU ALIVEdrudge skeleton or other cheap regenerator (will-o-the-wisp is really good if you can get some urborg skeleton also works pretty well)dragon hatchling (this acts as basically a fireball every turn as best bet is they wont have creatures out that have flying)i know this seems like alot but trust me. there is 16 years of playtesting land destruction decks going into this info dump lolif you have any questions feel free to ask!
might consider some cards with vanishing as well as alot of the time counter cards can also add vanishing counters
add in the second medic and lose the key rune. add in 4 boros guildgates or even better the red white shockland (something foundry)instead of martial glory go for righteous charge as it hits ALL you creatures for +2/+2should probably go for lightning helix as opposed to lightning bolt as well
how do you plan on living until turn 5 when you can actually play your kill spell? sheild shpere might help you plack alot while still being a card that costs 0 same goes for pherxian walker (spelled wrong but you get the gist) might also consider replacing lightning bolt and or shock with other cheaper storm spells maybe consider storm entity or empty the warrens or grapeshot?
why the transguild promenade ?? and why the evolving wilds?? i never like the cards that were similar to evolving wilds
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