a few goblin war strike go a very long way in a krenko deckhttp://www.mtgvault.com/endgamer31/decks/goblin-tokens/
doubling season
wtf is an exalted creature doing in a battalion deck???
just a life gain/burn deck with alot of similar cards (lightning helix balefire leige etc
no problem if you have any specific questions let me know
since it seems like you are not keeping to standard you might consider thishttp://www.mtgvault.com/card/ajanis-pridemate/DDH/also could use more small creatures. mana curve is a bit high.also http://www.mtgvault.com/card/zealous-persecution/ARB/ instead of profit and losscheck out minehttp://www.mtgvault.com/endgamer31/decks/extort-deck/
seems like the thelonite hermit would be more important than alot of the draw cards/ living wish/ sign in bloodsprout could be useful as well as life and limbcheck ithttp://www.mtgvault.com/endgamer31/decks/endgamers-thallid-deck/
there are no battalion creatures and no unleash creatures... so i would hardly call it rakdos or boros
looks like you are not going for standard so possibly a doubling season??? and def Vorel and or master biomancer(bramble wood paragon is basically a ceratok for only 2 mana)check out this for some ideashttp://www.mtgvault.com/endgamer31/decks/evolved-grafting/ the old simic stuff and new simic stuff have some very good synergies
the stormkirk captain already gives all my vampires first strike and to add a bloodline keeper would mean taking out cards that contribute directly to the combo and add in something that, while good, does not contribute to the actual comboaslso tried adding in some more equipment. problem is that some of the equipment is much more costly to put out
also i realise it is sort of a shits and giggle deck but ive been mulling over a deck with a very similar theme and been trying to figure out the best way to do it
http://www.mtgvault.com/card/rise-of-the-hobgoblins/EVE/is basically a cheaper goblin offensivegoblin warstrike and goblin grenade can also be pretty usefull
meh i like mine better http://www.mtgvault.com/endgamer31/decks/goblin-tokens/
is this standard?
you make a good point but I would just be worried about goblin deck or other weenie decks that can get alot out very quickly and might be able to over run you.
the man curve is a bit high... maybe a few really cheap multi color creatures intead of tajic?such as http://www.mtgvault.com/card/cerodon-yearling/HOP/http://www.mtgvault.com/card/figure-of-destiny/PD2/a card such as this http://www.mtgvault.com/card/increasing-vengeance/DKA/ could help do just a little more damage/ gain a little more lifealso watch out lest you have too many aerulias since you can only have one out at time (maybe only 2-3 of her)alsohttp://www.mtgvault.com/card/ajani-vengeant/DDH/
maybe replace2 of the tajics?
In stead of the truefire paladin something with battalion. Also not sure what it should replace but you might want to try and work in a few righteous charge (+2/+2 to all your creatures)Plus rep for having the angelic skirmisher. A very good card that few battalion decks take into account
Needs a soulcatcher
http://www.mtgvault.com/card/rorix-bladewing/ONS/ what about this instead of your volcanic dragon since its a mono red deck is is basically the same cost for a 6/5 flying haste vs the 4/4 flying hastehttp://www.mtgvault.com/card/flameblast-dragon/M12/ this guy is pretty good too since you basically get a blaze every time you attack with himhttp://www.mtgvault.com/card/kargan-dragonlord/ROE/this one isnt exactly a dragon but if you are having issues getting out creatures in the beginning of the game might be helpful to have a 2 drop ( as well as a mana sink if you have extra manaas far as ramping mana possibly http://www.mtgvault.com/card/mana-flare/5ED/ or http://www.mtgvault.com/card/extraplanar-lens/MRD/hope this helps
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