I know this may come as a shocker... and I'm sure it will. Not everyone is out to place top 8 or win in the next wonderful Wizards of the Coast Tournament. There's a term people go by known as "table-top magic". I'm sure you've played it. You gather around a table with friends and play for fun and social interaction. Now... for yourself, a troll (based on your negative comment), you may not enjoy "table-top" magic, you may not have many friends or none at all, you want to be a "spike" and destroy everyone as soon as possible and make some poor bastard who enjoys playing a game want to stop playing.This is a viable infinite combo that can win on turn 4. Now, if you are so almighty and know so much about legacy... I invite you to edit this deck and make it "Legacy Worthy" oh great MTG master... if not, leave your negative comments to yourself.
I like this deck idea a lot. So much so, that I plan to build a version of my own. I rarely play red. When I do, I usually opt for burn, but the problem has always been running out of burn spells and not being able to replace them. Curiosity and Guttersnipe can actually own in multi-player which adds to the amazing combo for me and makes it even more absurd. Now, I'm starting to wish I had not sold my Steam Vents and Scalding Tarns and my one Volcanic Island... oh well, I can make it work with just mountains and islands.
Are you just trying to make an aggro black deck? I made one a couple years ago that works surprisingly well. I ran 4 dark rituals, 4 vampire lacerator's, 4 unholy strength's, and a bunch of fast aggro cards. I remember the last game in the in-house tourney I played a few months ago. I played a turn one dark ritual into a vampire lacerator and two unholy strength's. Basically a turn-one Craw Wurm. After that I played hymn to tourach and the opponent was screwed. That was a fun ass game.Instead of Dash Hopes, run 4 Hymn to Tourach, your Ischron Scepter is kinda useless really in this deck. It combo's well with Dash Hopes, but if i'm about nail ya with a power card early enough on, I'll take 5 and bring the heat to you.Some cool cards to also consider for this deck are: Gatekeeper of Malakir, Royal Assassin (there's a reason it's been reprinted so many times), Hypnotic Specter (turn 1 with a dark ritual, provides card advantage over your opponent early as hell), black knight (simple and very effective)
With Consuming Vapors, Geth's Verdict, and Gatekeeper of Malakir representing a good portion of my deck and Sign in Blood for card drawing; I've never had a problem sacrificing Abyssal Persecutor. Desecration Demon is one my new favorite black cards and that's hard for me to say because I've been playing this game since 3rd edition/ ice age and very few cards excite me, but with that being said, I still find him becoming tapped to much of a problem in the deck and the amount of removal i have already is quite substantial considering Consuming Vapor's gets two creatures.Thanks for the suggestion... it was a card I considered swapping the Persecutor out for, but a few play tests... it just didn't hold up as well.
I used to run 4 Surgical Extraction's over the Extirpate's, but found that 2 life in the beginning of the game with the other two life from thoughtseize to be somewhat too hurtful when I plan to cast Sign in Blood and Thoughtseize later in the game. Maybe a 2/2 split between SE and Extirpate could be okay. I will give that a shot. Phyrexian Arena is good, but I find Sign in Blood to be a safer course since it doesn't continue to drain me unless I specify to do so.Bitterblossom is a great card as well, but the continued punishment of life with my other cards hurting me, Abyssal Persecutor becomes more a burden than I need it to be. Also, it's not exactly that I have the money, I just bought these cards when then were substantially cheaper.
Is this a budget build? If not, I would highly recommend Thoughtseize over Duress and rockin some Liliana's Caress or Megrim's over trying to tapping cabal coffers and feeding Exsanguinate. I play a lot of black, and I've got some solid mono black control decks, some are even tournament quality. If you want more advice let me know, feel free to take a look at my most recent deck Sacrificial Extraction and my older mono black control decks for ideas.
The fact that you made a decent Battle of Wits deck out of Standard cards... it boggles my mind.
Yeah, once it becomes an artifact splinter targets the artifact and then the name of the card. Works with Animate Land and Eradicate too.
This deck probably makes people want to punch you in the face... It looks like a lot of fun. I may just build it myself.
The first and the worst problem with the deck is the lands. The lands you have chosen come into play tapped and must have a land in play to bounce them. Essentially you cannot play any of your lands in this deck.Chromatic Lantern would help more then a Joiner Adept; simply because it is colorless to cast and you don't have to worry about having that green land to play it.Slivers are more dangerous the lower their mana cost. Concentrate on Slivers that only cost 1-4 mana max! Once you've got all the slivers that cost 1-4 mana, figure out witch ones help other Slivers the greatest.Unless you play a lot of multiplayer... 4+ mana costs are not fast enough for a Sliver overloaded beat down.
Best land removal card besides Strip Mine...
I play black 75%-90% of the time and vampires trump zombies for me. So, with that being said... I've had a lot of experience using vampires and I would never recommend anyone using vamps to run anything less than 4 Gatekeeper of Malakir. Anowon, in a pure vampire deck, is essential in my opinion. One of him should suffice, and he kinda makes your opponent panic with him on the table. He may get blasted by removal the same turn or the very next, but that's one less removal spell you need to worry about.I personally don't like the black/red vampire mix. The two mythic rare BR vamps are pretty good, but the little red ones just make my head hurt for how unneeded they are compared to how many great pure black vamps there are.
And not one Sinkhole in the deck... for shame.
Bloodline Keeper is a horrible fit for this deck. By the time you cast another Bloodline Keeper or create up to five vampires you should have the game won (unless its multiplayer). If you want a vampire to replace him with I'd suggest Vampire Nighthawk. With Lifelink and Deathtouch and costing one mana less, they're an all-around better vampire to use in a non-vampire deck.This deck looks like it's for causal and if that's the case I highly recommend getting your hands on 4 Dark Rituals and tossing out the Elixer and Ring. Crypt Ghast is great, but I'll take 2 Cabal coffers over 4 of those any day. I love Geralf's Messenger (especially with Dark Ritual on turn 1) and Phyrexian Obliterator. Desecration Demon isn't bad either, but I feel that 4 may be a bit too much.As for the Consume Spirit and Exsanguinate... with the Ghast, they are not bad cards, but I don't think you need four of each. That just seems like overkill.My last hint/tip/question... why is Oversold Cemetery in this deck? I doesn't really fit at all. If you really want some graveyard help i'd put 1 in max and a demonic tutor to help get it when you need it.Sorry, I've rambled quite a bit here, I just play black A LOT...
I think Bloodthrone Vampire would be a more aggro way to punch for the win after you have a horde out. Also Bloodseeker might be a great addition with Blood Artist to help dwindle down your opponent faster.But I'm kinda with Orphic01's first statement... it's hard to critique a budget deck, but the two cards I mentioned are commons, so it should fit just fine via budget. I'm just not 100% sure what I would swap them for.Guul Draz Vamp is great for the 10 life or less thing because of intimidate. I'd say Ruthless Cullblade could be replaced with Bloodthrone Vampire and maybe replace 1 of each Instant you have with a Bloodseeker.
Drana is cool and all, but I prefer the Anowan and Blade of the Bloodchief combo if I'm rocking casual vamps. Is this a deck you plan on using for multiplayer or casual 1 vs 1?
I agree with Menardi...
Blue... is a douche. Plain and simple. This is a fantastic deck and I love me some Bribery too... but it's understandable if ya don't use it; even if it's just a fun ass card.
I made a few changes... works a little quicker now that the mana has been fixed a smidge.
Thanks! I'm glad you like it!
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