Hypnotic Specter over Vampire Nighthawk all day; everyday.Guul Draz Specter is good too if you plan to keep their hand empty.
Jace's Erasure for added fun? Mulldrifter could be fun as well, along with a late game free Gush. Just some ideas for you.
Edited and Updated? The main deck is four cards short and the sideboard is monstrous... What exactly are you aiming for here?
Naviex, I wouldn't say it's useless... especially if you have a way of generating tokens and they don't. Not every tribal deck produces large amounts of tokens. Some, just use the same subtype cards.Also, if they happen to be running behind in land (and I'm sure that's happened to everyone at some point) the other person keep dropping creatures and gets the best benefit of Coat of Arms.
Doubling Season or Parallel Lives... just a suggestion.
I meant to say that Sundial of the Infinite would be so mean TO this deck. My bad...
Leonardo would be proud...
You mostly want stuff that costs 3 or less total for Bloodbraid Elf to play for free... Sprouting Thrinax was a staple of Jund, as was Blightning, Terminate, and Maelstrom Pulse. Bituminous Blast was the other cascade card used a lot which would help you play Bloodbraid Elf for free and continue to cascade sometimes.Back when Jund was the main deck played i made this deck: http://mtgvault.com/drumhead21/decks/jund-jund-jund/Check it out for help. I'm not sure what Jund combos are really kicking ass in Modern right now, since I now play mostly casual and for fun.
Sundial of the Infinite would be so mean in this deck...
It's also a lot nicer to your wallet as well. Thanks for the kind words!
Jund really revolves around Bloodbraid Elf and the Cascade ability. What exactly do you need help with?
With ensnaring bridge in your deck, I'm not too sure why figure of destiny helps out so much. Maybe replace him with Vexing Devil?
Halimar Depths? It doesn't let you draw cards, but it'll help set up your next three turns.
Why so many Forest's?I mean, you could put another 6 or so Elves in this deck and you'd be just fine.
Etched Champion would be a great addition, as would Tempered Steel and Scourglass.
Delay is great... especially when it's an instant or something that will have zero effect once their turn starts and that last suspend counter is removed.
No problem, add some Ancient Den's for fun indestructible lands and add Cranial Plating to really punch them in the face.
Couldn't agree more That1Guy...
NinjaStyle612, I already stated I was perhaps a bit over zealous to WhiteAndBlue and I am in no way looking to keep an argument going on this deck's thread. I'm glad you help out people with magic. I do the very same. I help people all the time at the local shop when I'm there.Now, why you did not state the deck was bad, you never implied you thought it was even remotely decent. By stating it's only legal in Legacy you unknowingly implied that the cards I've chosen are not good enough for the format and the good luck at the end of the comment seemed more like a "dumb ass" then a genuine good luck.Either way it's water under the bridge and it is what it is. I apologize for going a bit too far with it and for what it's worth I am well aware that a turn 4 win deck in legacy is rather shitty, but for most local tournaments it is more than adequate. It's not until you get into the big leagues usually that you have to worry about having your ass handed to you on turn 1 or 2.Out of curiosity... was it really necessary to give all the comments a negative vote? I get the ones directly or indirectly affiliated with you... but the Braingeyser one.... really?
I'm guessing this is for casual? You should really try to narrow the deck down to 60 cards and focus on your Allied Strategy.
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