Crypt Ghast could really help you get Grave Betrayal cast a lot quicker...
You're reason's are definitely valid... fair enough.
Pauper means only commons... Hymn to Tourach, Pestilence, and Corrupt cannot be used.
Hymn to Tourach, Funeral Charm, Despise, Raven's Crime... just some suggestions.
Try the cards Gush, Deprive, Forsaken City, Thwart, Daze, Rewind... just some idea's for you.
Also, Dash Hopes, Withering Boon, Dawn Charm, Illumination, Lapse of Certainty, Avoid Fate, Molten Influence, Controvert, Corrupted Resolve, Delay, Denied!, Disrupt, Draining Whelk, Extinguish, Familiar's Ruse, False Summoning, Fervent Denial, Spellshift, Traumatic Visions, Vex... etc. I could keep going.
Ironic... you call this Judgment Day and have no worries about Final Judgment? LoLTry out Scourglass for this deck. Toss in some Gold Myr's and a Tempered Steel or two.
I'd swap out Seal of Removal with Boomerang's
Moonveil Dragon is a good dragon in my opinion and with your General... Kilnmouth Dragon is a beast! Crucible of Fire is another good card for this deck along with Dragonspeaker Shaman too. Just some food for thought.Aether Vial and Braid of Fire would probably help this deck a lot too.
Alright... this deck needs a lot of "help". I recommend cutting out the Cabal Ritual and replacing it with another Dark Ritual. Hideous End is the same cost as Murder and Murder does not discriminate - so cut the Hideous End and add another Murder. I see no reason for Pentavus to be in the deck... do you have a reason for him that I am overlooking?Four Bloodline Keeper's seems a bit much, but if you'd rather have four of him over the other vampire lords (Vampire Nocturnus, Captivating Vampire, Adaptive Automation, etc) than that's fine, but I agree with disturbed death on the Vampire Nocturnus only because he gives the non-flying vampires Flight and Unholy Strength.Piranha Marsh and Vault of Whispers really don't serve much of a purpose that a simple Swamp couldn't handle.Gatekeeper of Malakir is amazing, I'd personally run 4 of him, but 3 is good too. The Basilica Screecher could be swapped for Kalastria Highborn's or Bloodghast's.Sorin's Thirst is decent, but not needed really. Add another Dark ritual and round it out to 4 total. Undying Evil is a good card too, but with Immortal Servitude in your deck... it's not really needed. Bonehoard isn't bad, but it's not as good as Lashwrithe for this deck. Try that out instead.Also, try Blade of the Bloodchief over Mask of Avacyn.These are just my suggestions and advice. If you like them, I will be happy to keep helping you out.
I think a Sol Ring would help this deck quite a bit. Otherwise it's a decent deck.
Consuming Vapors is amazing. I'd replace Order of the Ebon hand with either Black Knight or Knight of Infamy. Also, why use Vampiric Link when you can toss a Basilisk Collar in there instead? I'd also recommend Gatekeeper of Malakir over Faceless Butcher.
Remand... it's amazing. How do you not have that here?
I'd only have to proxy 4 cards for that Vintage MBC deck; Black Lotus and 3 Nether Void's. I will eventually have that deck in my possession and I will never take it apart... for it is my dream deck. I got the Mox Jet two summers ago and I got the last of the Sinkholes in December, and I have a judge foil promo of Sinkhole just for bragging rights. Ha! I also have the judge foil promo of demonic tutor that I'd probably use too just because I could.
Thanks MfWIC...
I did now, but when you post casual, the majority of people ignore it entirely... because a lot of people who play casual will use like four Sol Rings or for Demonic Tutor's and no one takes it even remotely serious. And since the majority of magic games are casual... it's kind of a moot point really... meh.
chaoslord00 got it right, it's just for easy infinite mana. In fact... a Braingeyser would be really quick way to mill your opponent too if you had infinite mana.
Perhaps I may have been a bit over zealous in my reply to Ninja, but to be fair... that's always the first few comments towards a deck. Something along the lines of "this could beat it". It's never "hey that's a really cool combo idea, i should try that." And while it's true there are cards that can destroy this deck and ruin it for its lack of speed... it works. And who says in a tournament that I'd ever end up playing against those certain match-ups? Oye...
Cascade is just as bad Storm in my opinion. They are both just so ridiculous... If we ever end up playing some magic together and you pull this deck out. I will try to refrain from tossing it's contents across the room.
Casual fun, table-top, and general fun was the main point behind this deck. Players walking around with Eldrazi in their sideboard are rare from what I've ever seen, but then again, that's just in my neck of the woods. It could be different for you. The main reason I tagged this Legacy was because that's all it's legal in. It's for the pretentious ass hats who need to categorize everything and feel better about themselves.
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