I'm not even sure what to say about this. It's a fantastic build to be sure, I just don't know what to say
That's beyond tricky. You'd get a judge call if you did this across the table from all but the most experienced or rule savvy players
Path wouldn't accomplish anything except remove your creature and get you a land. You won't get the ability to proc his turns ability before he's exiled
This is definitely one of the more interesting decks inspired by my challenge. I like it. I'm a fan of worldspine, mainly because I use it in my wurm hyper ramp deck as an excellent deterrent. Nothing quite like hard casting an 11 drop on turn five or six, or just straight putting it into play without casting, making it uncounterable at that.
Also, while I haven't seen the top three in action, I got to see Disrupt Decorum and just how crazy it can get. I was using vampires and cast it, then the wizard deck copied it three more times after that. You could easily make a deck around it and mass chaos would ensue. It's even more fun when you give your opponents creatures for free and make them attack everyone BUT you
No commander 2017 is in the database. They put it in yesterday
I am, but I don't use it that often. Same username as on here if I remember correctly
Welcome back, for however long you're here
The same is true for Ulrich honestly, but I'm not going for the constant flipping strategy. This deck wants to flip out and turn my opponent on their head as fast as it can and with as much damage as possible. That's also why I have things like Geier Reach Bandit in here to facilitate flipping as soon as I cast my creatures later on. That plus a few flipped Recruiters will make late game turns cheap and then I'm less worried about my own spell casting causing my dudes to go back to being human. Plus hilariously enough, even though Immerwolf keeps them from changing, I can actually get multiple triggers with my transformed Bandits. If Bandit turns out to be a must have creature, I'll look into getting more.
That aside, I wanted to make it a bit more varied in what it can do. The overall mana cost is low, and a flipped Recruiter just makes it lower still. I thought about CoCo, but I don't have any and its still so expensive just to get a set, plus it's a one off vs Path which keeps on giving. I like Bolt, but it won't kill everything. Hunt will, especially with how much power boosting this deck has. Move to combat with a Xenagos in play and then casting Hunt before blockers are declared is just fun.
This deck is constructed. It's things I actually have on hand vs build and buy
Actually they're reworking phasing so that it won't off your tokens
This is just mean. I like it
Ah ok. Fabricate is a good choice
Much better looking I think. You'll have less problems with drawing too little land and too expensive creatures now.
This is my kind of dirty :)
I'm very impressed by this. If you decide to proxy and test this, please let me know how it does. I would like to know
I only recently stumbled on the GSZ/Dryad Arbor combo, and I actually pulled it off turn one in a commander match. My opponent was very confused when I cast GSZ for zero
That's a nice build. I've been looking at taking the concept and updating it myself, and I'm currently working on a more current build. I mean, I build that deck right before JOU, so a lot has come out since then. Overall though, I love the inclusion of white. Gives it more of a viable feel I think. +1!
Pretty sure that's what the cards in sideboard are supposed to do.
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