here is a good game turn 1- land and steppe lynx turn 2- fetch land, other land tarmogoyf, attack with steppe (16) turn 3- fetch land, other land, lightning bolt and lightning helix, attack with steppe and tarm (4) turn 4- boom
dragonstorm is my all time favorite deck
i played around with that idea. a dark ritual makes this deck go off turn 1 under the right conditions, but having 4 in the deck decreases my chances of drawing into what i need as i cycle through.
fluctuator turn 2 means basically a turn 3 win
flash into protean hulk, let it die. pull out karmic guide and carrion feeder. karmic guide pulls back the hulk. feeder sacs the hulk. get kiki-jiki and benevolent bodyguard. kiki copies the guide, in response carrion eats kiki. guide brings back kiki then repeat. this combo gives you infinite creatures with haste. attack and boom
stall and slam
enchanted evening plus primeval light means game over
buried alive turn 3 and gravepact turn 4 and badabing
honestly this is one of my fave decks
Contagion Engine would be good in here
the perfect hand- gemstone caverns, flash, protean hulk, pact of negation, underground sea, boom
ziptaty do da ziptaty day
doomsday, its just silly
this game is basically unbeatable turn 1- land thoughtseize turn 2- land hymn to tourach turn 3- hypnotic specter
any other good old cards? any power 9? or duel lands?
silly arts in standard
here is a good game turn 1- land and spark elemental (17) turn 2- land, lightning bolt and chain lightning (11) turn 3- land, ball lightning (5) turn 4- any burn spell and then fireblast- boom
here is a tasty game turn 1- land and kor duelist turn 2- land and stoneforge mystic (search for argentum armor) turn 3- land, use stoneforge mystics abil to put argentum armor into play, and then play kitesail apprentice turn 4- play kor outfitter dominate
cerebral eruption is one of the best cards for this type of deck ever made
good point, in it goes
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