
1,774 Decks, 2,524 Comments, 280 Reputation

unfortunately this deck is too slow to keep up with the things it is designed to combat. what legality do you want it to be?

Posted 09 October 2013 at 17:33 as a comment on The Rock


unfortunately this deck is too slow. all of your silver bullets don't really justify their existence in the deck because they cost so much to lay down. 4 and 5 costs wont hold up to any faster deck that can discard, counter, or destroy anything.

the theme of the deck is good though. find some ways to make it faster and it will hold up

Posted 09 October 2013 at 17:23 as a comment on Bant control


unfortunately this is going too be too slow for legacy play. you don't have anything of substance to do until the middle game, and by then the opponent will have the game under control

24 lands is too much. you will be fine with 22. also, dimir aquiducts is too slow and will hold you up a whole turn that you desperately need

surgical extraction is a better choice to sideboard. there are tons of decks in legacy that don't have essential combo pieces to take out, and can loose any number of cards and be completely fine, leaving you a card behind. that being said, there is almost no better card to sideboard in here

Posted 05 October 2013 at 07:31 as a comment on Twisted Intelect (Finished)


20 lands is good in here, and no fire blasts would be optimal. in legacy, you will almost certainly run into counter stuff, which will make it much much harder to actually pull off the 20 damage, and once this deck runs out of steam from no card advantage, its game over. I would strongly consider running 4 howling mines, which is perfect for in here. the fact that it helps the opponent is irrelevant cause you will be able to burn off whatever creatures they have time to lay out anyway.

Posted 04 October 2013 at 07:18 in reply to #401268 on winning!


fireblast is a bad choice in here with so few mountains. if the opponent has any answer, you wont have time to finish them off with a depleted land base and slim possibility of drawing your way out of it

Posted 03 October 2013 at 22:06 as a comment on winning!


correct. its colorless.

Posted 03 October 2013 at 17:06 in reply to #401016 on Forest Of Might


this deck is way too slow. by the time you accomplish what you want to, the opponent will have taken control of the game. and just so you know, drove of elves doesn't get pumped for forests, which are colorless

Posted 02 October 2013 at 20:09 as a comment on Forest Of Might


intuition is your best bet. it gives you at least 1 search option if you grab 3 copies. 4 ponder will help this deck a ton too. drift of phantasms is an option to transmute for the wizard, or intuition if you need splinter twin. it will slow you down a turn, but if you run intuition and drift of phantasms, you just went from 8 cards in the deck that help you to 16, which is a big difference.

sensei's divining top might not be too bad either.

Posted 01 October 2013 at 23:47 in reply to #400776 on splinter captain


way to much of this deck is expanding on the main combo instead of protecting the combo. for example. phyrexian altar. you don't need infinite mana if you have infinite creatures. 1/20 times you will need that mana to tap out the opponents answer to your infinite creatures, but that's why you have a sideboard.

you desperately need more search and draw options in here. the combo is hard to pull off without a way to move through the deck, and this deck wont do anything without the combo.

more countering options wouldn't hurt either.

Posted 01 October 2013 at 22:09 as a comment on splinter captain


no problem

Posted 01 October 2013 at 01:43 in reply to #400440 on Zur the Enchanter


finest hour will do it, but because its green it wont work in an EDH build. but realistically you don't need it. first attack with zur should pull diplomatic immunity to protect zur. second pull should either be nevermore to block the other commander, or mana breach to screw them up from building to a workable field. after that, you are free to play out whatever win method you want

Posted 01 October 2013 at 01:07 in reply to #400440 on Zur the Enchanter


you have too much creature enhancement in here. zur ehds work best if you do it from a control standpoint. also, you need more lands. as long as you have zur out and protected, it wont matter what you draw each turn cause you will be searching out what you need. I run 42 in my zur build. check it out for more ideas

Posted 30 September 2013 at 21:19 as a comment on Zur the Enchanter


I made another build of this deck that incorporates life from the loam/retrace spells

Posted 23 September 2013 at 17:48 in reply to #397054 on BG control


now I know. how quaint. let me break down exactly whats happening here for you, so that you too can now know.

first of all, this isn't a tournament quality deck. im well aware that its too slow and vulnerable to stand up in legacy, the raper of all combos and innovative but costly play. this one is for table top magic that people play for fun. the vast majority of your comments are directed at this deck if it were to be played in a legacy format at tournaments.

your comment about it having no card costing 2- doesn't need them. plenty of turn 1 drops anyway, sensei's divining top takes care of the 2 drop problem anyway.

pacifism- why on earth would I want to have pacifism. am I going to play it turn 2? on their 1 drop or 2 drop? that is just going to slam me with ever so much damage that there will never be any way to deal with it? no. pacifism is useless in a deck that runs no creatures and 6 board sweeping spells. on top of that, once you get the shrines going, infinite rage takes over that job anyway. on top of all this, pacifism isn't even the best choice. journey to nowhere is ridiculously better.

ramp- this is a reactionary deck. its meant to be slower on purpose, so that it can react to whatever the opponent does. for example, if they run a fast creature deck, drop wrath on turn 4 or 5 and they lose. if they run a combo piece or control element, drop vindicate. reactionary decks are designed to take whatever the opponent can do early game, and then recover and take control in the middle game. if they manage to get me down on life, big deal. ill drop cleansing fire and build back up. get the picture? ramp is a waste of card space and would end up costing me the game because of lack of card advantage. on top of this, im running 22 lands, 4 tops, and 4 chromatic lanterns. I wont have a problem producing mana.

burning earth rapes my deck- 1 card, in the thousands of cards that can be plaid, rapes my deck. this is the most useless objection possible in this game. burning earth rapes every multi-colored deck of any quality. no one runs it outside of a side deck in legacy, and since this isn't legacy, and has no side deck, big deal. if I run into it a time or too, big deal. I lose a game. there has never been a deck built that isn't raped by some card waiting out there. I could go through every deck you have posted and show you at least 3 cards that would singularly rape them. mtg isn't a game that you win by trying to prepare for every possible situation. its about balance. I would much rather be prepared for 4,999 cards and be unprepared for 1 than be moderately prepared for 5000.
lets pretend, for fun, that I am actually facing 4 copies of burning earth. I have 4 vindicates to take care of that, with 4 ponder, 4 tops, 4 concentrates, and 2 sweeping winds to search it out. unless my opponent is running butt loads of search, which is impossible in a mono-red deck, im in much better position.

so, to sum up- all of your suggestions have been a waste of time, and I more than appreciate your incredibly condescending way of letting me know that not only are you a better magic player than me, but by extension, much smarter and deserving of reverence and acknowledgment.

now you know. less noob analysis and you should be ok.

Posted 11 September 2013 at 23:48 in reply to #396301 on Shrine Control


mind twist is too slow unfortunately. by the time you play it with 4 or 5 mana, your other discard spells will render the big drop useless.

Posted 09 September 2013 at 20:46 as a comment on Black Hate


braid of fire is there to either pump Olivia or gemstone array. the whole deck revolves around Olivia being able to either destroy or take control of the opponents creatures. braid of fire is the absolute best condition for the deck as it gives so much potential to ping everything the opponent has.

Posted 31 August 2013 at 05:18 in reply to #393222 on Olivia EDH


I don't use planeswalkers. they hurt the game

Posted 16 August 2013 at 02:33 in reply to #389518 on Ezuri EDH


kind of a cunt arnt you

Posted 04 August 2013 at 08:09 in reply to #385969 on rofellos EDH


gone in 60 seconds

Posted 16 July 2011 at 06:24 as a comment on standard RDW


24 lands is WAY too much

Posted 22 June 2011 at 09:29 as a comment on Jund


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