unfortunately this deck's mana curve needs a little work. you only have 4 2drop knights, which is no good. all those 3 drops will clog your hand, and are too easy to justify a murder spell on. plus you have overlooked some of the best knights. knight of the meadowgrain is an absolute must. the life gain you can get off of him is enough to win games. leonine skyhunter wouldn't be too bad either. you don't need 8 wrath spells. I know you are going for the indestructible sweep, but it will only work once and its not that useful if you already have board control. you are better off with 4 wrath spells and some bonesplitters and oblivion rings. you need some 1drops and removal options
you need more lands. EDh is harder to be consistent with land because of the spread of so many cards. I usually run 37-40
that is an excellent addition and im mad at myself for not including it in the first place. cheers
this is how I would build the deck you are trying to makehttp://www.mtgvault.com/dknight27/decks/roon-edh/
oh ya. a counter could easily destroy the amulet, and mess up the fatty win condition early game. but luckily, this deck is designed to have multiple win conditions, and multiple ways to pull off each of those conditions. the fattys from the amulet are only the fastest way to win. If the amulet gets messed up, or you cant search for it, you can stall with moat and bitterblossom for either the weenie win, or have a hell of a wall for an opponent to get over. long enough anyway to get another amulet or just wait to get a fatty you can actually drop on your own. bitterblossom can very easily win on its own, especially when its backed up by moat. and with SOOOOOO much search in this deck, it will be easy to stall out for what you need, regardless of what the opponent does
it would help this deck a lot to add blue draw 1 drops like ponder and brainstorm. pretty much all combo decks benefit from them. also, careful study is by far the best way to get your fatties in the grave from the hand. I would run 2 buried alive over 2 of the fatties. you only need 1 of them to complete your win condition, so 10 is a bit much. 8 with 2 buried alive, 4 entomb, 4 careful study, and 8 or so 1 drop draw cards should be able to do it
the big problem with this deck is that the mana curve is way way off. you have nothing to do basically until the middle of the game, and by then the opponent will have complete control of the game. you need smaller creatures that can handle what the opponent is doing until you can start the bounce engine. lots of 2 and 3 drops with good silver bullet effects
what legality do you want this one to be?
there you go
mage slayer is too slow and doesn't help you enough to get a spot. your mana curve requires that turn 3 you drop a creature or a control spell, of which you have almost none. this deck was made for some burn spells to help you control the board so you can swing unimpeded. you absolutely have to run 4 boartusk liege, as he is the boss of this deck
you want this to be standard right?
rubblebelt maaka isn't worth the spot. he doesn't help you enough to warrant the spot in a deck that will lose steam without each card being carefully chosen. especially with vexing devil also being a drain on your handyou only have 8 burn spells. I would consider running 10
sensei's divining top would help this deck tremendously
what legality do you want this deck to be?
manaforge cinder doesn't ramp mana. you only get a red or a black, and you have to pay 1 colorless. so all it does is change the color of mana you have.
the lifegain mechanic wont hold up in modern. you wont be able to gain enough life to make that big a difference, and you would rather have control of the board than have more life anyway. that being said, you have a good start. boros reckoner is amazing. figure of destiny is pretty good too. I would consider boros swiftblade, mirran crusader, hearthfire hobgoblin, savannah lions, and isamaru. fast creatures with nice abilities that can do some serious fast damage. 4 lightning bolts and 4 lightning helixs are an absolute must. you want this deck to basically drop 2 creatures turn 1 and 2, and then burn off the opponents answer creature turn 3 and keep attacking for a quick win. I would also consider running 4 bonesplitters. its cheap and easy and can devastate in a fast creature deck. turn 1 bonesplitter, turn 2 boros swiftblade, turn 3 equip and swing for 6 with 2 mana open for removal. not too shabby.I would also sideboard 4 oblivion rings, as its pretty much the best answer white has for anything
what legality do you want this to be?
switch out lava spike for incinerate. 3 direct damage is good, but your deck is about creature swarm and fast attack and to make that happen it would be better for you to be able to blast off a blocker. and if they don't have any, hit them directly for only 1 more mana.
from what I see, this deck needs a little work. your land base needs to be about 21 to ensure that you have the 3 or 4 you need turn 4 or 5 to pump out your win conditions and let them swing. you currently have 6 ramp spells, but they wont be very reliable over time and are dead draws after the early game. 6 dead draws is actually a pretty bad situation. on top of that, infernal plunge makes you sac a creature, so its use early game is further limited, making it a possible dead draw early game as well. you are better off running 21 lands and 4 dark rituals to pound out the win condition early. you are mainboarding no removal, which is not a good thing considering the colors you are running. lightning bolt and terminate would help you tremendously. I agree with siding 4 dreadbores to deal with planeswalkers. this deck relies on mid ranged to small creatures to swarm quickly, and to make sure that happens, you need removal to deal with opponents creatures. I would run 4 lightning bolts and 4 terminates mainboard. din of the fireherd is a bad choice for a late game win condition. even with the ramp spells, its just a brick sitting in your hand until you draw what you need. even with 21 lands and a ramp spell or two, I doubt you will be able to play it until turn 10-15, by which time the opponent should be able to deal with it. your creature choices need a little work as well. avatar of discord is an absolute drain on this deck. even if you get it out early with a ramp spell, even turn 1, you have to nuke your hand to do it, so if opponent has any answer, you will lose. emberstrike duo is a weak choice. its benefit isn't anywhere near its weakness. best case, its a 2/2 with first strike for 2 mana. same thing for managorge cinder. not really any benefit besides the split cost. I would check out the 1 drop 2/2 options to speed this deck up tremendously.
ill give her a look tomorrow
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